HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1942 ~MURRAY .;:' I -- - -~AYOR ' COUNCILMEN R.C. BIGELOW'. CHAIRMAN. J. M. ARGO ~ . M,C.BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES " JOHN T. MINOR Le 6. ~. r EM~ S. AKERMAN ATT-..ORLANDO. FLA. " GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. <!LitlJ n f (0tntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST 81, Luoille E. MoDaniel I r .. It r .de .o1""~ .... I C- aft'iN) that I WUl 1I12P}la", proteot aid 4eteDI tbe OouUt\\UaD NIl o.v....,,,, the UdW4 S.... .. of .. haw fit n.Sda ...!Nt aU eDlld.., 4laMtlo . ,..t.p, ani that I d11 bedt tiNe, taltlh, 1oJa1t7 aDI anelSeDM .. .. .-. ... tIba, I - enUtW ... he14 err.... -nJ i. b a_tStlllt... tibat I Wm Idtbtla11.7 pet... aU .. CIuU.ea fill tM 11Ift.. fill vlerk T ~ b CltrJ' 011 OHM. OIl which I _ .-.a' to .'-. . belt - ..... 11"11' ~ -,7n'lC): ~ Ap~ '" _ tbIII 20 th r r fl' A.. or Ootober 116 2 "-fI I oq- _ .~,C'~7 ---- . . ---" r E.A. MURRAY MAYOR EM~ S. AKERMAN ATT~.. ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO e M.C.BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR <!LitlI II f (@!lltt Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST ~~ ,~ ~~ ~" ~ ~ This is to certify that I am announoing for the oandicy of ~ Counoilman of the Uity of Oooee, Orange Uounty, Jl~lorida ~ subjeot 'to the Will of the eleotors in regular City election ~ to be held liovember 3rd 1942. This is to certi.fy that I am announoing .for the candicy or Councilman o.f the City o.f Ocoee, Orange County, Florida sugject to t he will o.f the electoB in regular City election to be held November 3rd 1942. ) ;a/7~ e ~ ~ThiS is to certify that I am nuncing for the oandioy of , Councilman of the City of 0c~ee, 0range Uounty, Florida t- subjeot to the will of the eleotors in regular Oity eleotion ~ to be held N~vember 3td 1942. !}L -J l?1~ .,' , ~, ~ :&obis is to ,0) Counoilman ~ sib jeot to ~ to be held oertify tha~ 1 am announoing for the oanoioy of of the Uity of ~ooee, Orange County, ilorida the will of the eleotors in regular Uity eleotion November 3rd 1942. for the oanaioy of Com.nty. l!'lorida regular City election ~ThiS is to oertifY that I am a ounoing \.~ Oounoilman of the Oity of ("looee, orange ~ subjeot to thw will of the electiors in ~. to be held November 3rd 194;~. *' ~J 1:t{M~ (j / .