HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02-1942 r E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMORY S. AKERMAN ATT1IIIt.ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAI!l. /' COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHA.IRMAN J. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN ilia J. Z. ECKLES .... JOHN T. MINOR QLitll n f (@rntt Orange County OCOEE, FLORI DA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST ~inutes of a regular meeting of City Council held November 2nd 1942. Meeting was called to order bW Vice-Chairman Eckles at 7:45 P. M. Councilmen present: Eckles, MinoD, Argo and Bryan. Councilman Bigelow was absent; ~ity Attorney absent; Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present. Minutes of last regularr meeting held Ootober 19th were read and approved. Mr. Bryan made motion to pay all current bills as follows: Marshal salary to October 31st$20.00,Clerk salary to' October 31st $25.00, E. B. Brown $5.41 ior gas and oil to October 31st, Florida Telephone Corp. $4.28, L. C. Conrad $7.25 for bab:bery, W. H. Wurst $1.25 for printing ballots for election, and $4.00 for fees of Mayor's Court on Samuel Shoemaker Case. Motion was seconded by Mr. Argo, voted and carried. e Mr. Murray reported that he had taken out a warrant for H. L. Ford and turned it over to Mr. Pounds. The evidence on hand is not sufficient. The Marshal was instructed to see about the blocking of the street and sidewalk at the Ocoee Packing House and Heidrich's. Mr. Argo made,m0tion to have cards properly filled out and return to bank with resolution of last minutes whereby the Council authorized the new Clerk the rieht to sign checks and other business'of t~~t nature per- taining to the city. Motion seconded by Mr. Bryan, voted and carried. Mr. Wurst volunteered to take the blank for Application for Certificate of War Necessity.and fill out with the help of the Marshal. Mr. Argo made motion to set the pay for inspectors for the election at $2.50. Motion seconded by Bryan, voted and carried. Mr. Argo made motion to open the polls at 8:00 A. M. and close at 7:30 P. M. Seconded by ~~~~~~~d carried. Mr. Argo made motion to aarS1:; "VI or the Marion Park Apa:b:bments by taking the average f?r he three"months previous to July' and August and set that for July and August. Motion seconded by Mr. Bryann voted and carried. rr.r. Argo offered the use of a ty.pewriter for the City but it was in need of repairs. Mr. Eckles was to see about work on typewriten in Orlando. Mr. Murray offered the use of a desk and chair for the City Hall which is to be brought from the Boys' Club. It was decided to let the truck out, with the Marshal driving, for lmuling sand to be put around the sign board. There being no further business Mr. Argo made motion for a special . adjourned meeting Monday night November 9th. Seconded by Mr. Bryan, voted and carried. Council stood adjourned at 8:50 P. M. Attest: ' e. ~1?7~~ Clerk. Vice-Chairman J. Z. Eckles I ~ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMORY S. AKERMAN ATT~.ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA8. COUNCILMEN R.C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO . M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR (ltitll u f <0 (Ute Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST nir, {)..&. 'u/~~4.../' , do solenmly swear (/ (or affirm) t~t I will support, protece and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, / and that r will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the C~hstitution; that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of _~J~~ of the City of Ocoee, on which I am about to enter, So help me God. nl - if ~- ~<W'~ Approved by me this ~~ day Of~~194 ~ G. c.. ~~~ Mayor. e ..... , E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMORY S. AKERMAN ATT1IIIJ.ORLANDO. ~LA. GRADY L. HALL MARSe W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO .e M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR <!tit1! n f <0rnet Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST "I, ~.) "7/'u~AVl/ ~ (or arr1r.o) that I w11l oUPJort, 1 I' do OOlO'tlOly owoar protoct and dofond tho Const1tution and GovoI't:U!'.()nt of tlw tnltod Statoo t:U1d of tho State of Floridn Qgnlnnt all ooomloD, doncatlo or forolcn. and that I will boar truo faith, loyalty end allonlanco to tho SGI:lO, t.md that I 4r1 entItled to 11010. offico undor tho C~st1tut1onJ thut I will JA}-thful.1Y porfo1'l:l all tho dutIoG of tho orric.Q ot ~1~L7'1./ of tho City of 00000, on "W.cb I en nbout to entor, So help co Qod." e I~ 111~ Approvod by no this 9 ~ &\y O~~/l04 2/ l.C. CL~-; ~ . Jor '. !.. - ) i~ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EM~ S. AKERMAN ATT~.ORLANDO. FLA, . GRADY L.ALL MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R.C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO . M.C.BRYAN J, Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll n f (0rntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST "I, , do solonmly swoar I will support, protec0 slld defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemias, domestic or forei~l, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegianoe to the'same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the C&hstitution; that I will faithfully perform all the duties of tho office of ~.,.('.A~ of the City of Ocoeo, on which I am about to enter, So help me God.tlc e Jj J ~(a<---~ Approved by me this 9~ day of~194 21 t.(,~~ Mayor. ~. I I j