HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-1942 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMOiS, AKERMAN ATTO ORLANDO. FLA. ,. GRADY ~LL MARS. . W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO , M,C.BRYAN ~ J,Z.ECKLES ... JOHN T. MINOR .' . atitll u f (@t'Utt Orange County OCOEE, FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST Minute of a regular meeting of City Counoil held notober 19th 1942. Meeting Was oa1led to order by Vice-Ohairman Eokles at 8:30 P. M. Oounoilmen present; Eckles, Minor , Argo and Bryan, Oounoilman Bigelow was absent; City Attorney absent, Ma.yor Clerk and Marshal present. Minutes of last regular meeting held Ootober 5th Was read and approved. Mr. Bryan made motion to pay all ourrent bills as follows, Florida Public servioe Co. $39.75 for lights and power to Ootober 5th, Marshal salary to Ootober 15th $20~00, Motion Was eeoonded by Mr. ~rgo, voted and oarried. Mr. Argo made motion that the Counoil take out necessary papers through the lIustioe of the Peaoe for H. L. Ford, former marshal for oolleoting $11.88 or more and not turning over to the Uity befnre his leaving. motion Was seco nded by Mr. Minor, voted and oarried. _ Mr. AgrO made motion to turn the matter of tearing down the OOnee Inn to the City Attorney to work out some kind of ad~ustment as to the tax standpoig,t. Vity Attorney is to see Mr. R. F. l~guire, who is attorney for the property owners Mr. & Mrs. I. F. Witherington, motion seo~nded by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried.1Iba: Mr. Argo made motion to set meetings at 7:30 P. M. seoonded by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Olerk Wurst asked Oouncil for relief of absenoe of 01erk duties, a s he is entering the servioes of the United States, effeotive as nf the date he leaves, ~[::r:.~ - Mr. Arg., made m~ti~n that Luoille MoDaniel be appointed as. Clerk, motion ~as sec~nded by I.'Ir. Minor, voted and oarried. Mr. ..dryan l:;-nde motion for the ~ity Attorney to draft a letter to the l"'cal board 0 f the i.Jeleoti ve l:iervioe for as muoh as 15 days deferment of Ulerk U. H. Wurst in order to break in the new v1erk appointed, moti",n was secnnded by Mr. ~rgo. voted and carried. There being no further business, Mr. Bryan made moti",o to adjorn at 10:05 P. M. Seoo nded by Mr. Argo, voted and oarrie d. A~~ Glerk. Vioe-Cbaj:~man J. Z. Eo kle s .