HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-20-1943 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR COUNCILMEN ..J. FA:MER CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN J. E. WHITAKER JOHN T. MINOR e . EMOW' AKERMAN ATTO ORLANDO, FLA. C. G, SAND. MARSHA , LUCILE McDANIEL \: CLERK AND TREAS. \, aLitlI uf (@tuet BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST MI, (},((R ~/~~ (or a~lrm) that I w1ll support. . do solemnly swear protect and defend the CODstitution and Government of the Inlted states and of the state of Florida against all enemies, domestio or fore1gn. and that I .111 bear true fa1th, loyalty and allegianoe to the same, and th~t I am entitled to hold off1ce under the Constitution, that I will faithfully perform all the dutles of the office Of~~~L~ of the Oity of Oeoee, on whioh I am bout to enter, So h51p me God." 12~J31r;~~ /. r Approved by me th1s / f ~ day of ~~ 19~e. ~f}I,e~J Mayor. ~ "/ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMO~ AKERMAN ATTOR~RLANDO. FLA, C. G. SAN~';.Ii. MARSHA.. LUCILE McDANIEL CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN . C. J, FARMER CHAIRMAN A.J. M. ARGO ~". C. BRYAN J. E. WHITAKER JOHN T. MINOR Qtit1J llf (@tllee BEAUTIFUL LAKES Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST II I, 777, O.~ affirm) that I wftl support, , do solemnly swear (or protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of,the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to tge same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution, that I will ,faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ~~~)7~~/~f the City of Ocoee, on which I am about to enter, So help me God.1I e elm- , t, (JY;rflM- Approved by me this ~ J~ay Of~ 1~43. c::tv1-I. tb~,~ Mayor. e ;,' E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMO"S, AKERMAN ATTO.ORLANDO. FL.A. C.G.SAN~~ MARSHA.., LUCILE McDANIEL CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN . C. J. FARMER CHAIRMAN .1. M. ARGO .~. C. BRYAN J. E. WHITAKER JOHN T. MINOR Qtit}J uf (@rOtt BEAUTIFUL LAKES Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of City Council held Decemher 20th 1943. Meeting called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:00 P. M. Councilmen Farmer, Fields, Minot,Slone and Whitaker present. Mayor and Clerk present. Mr. Bengel was present to discuss the cleaning of the water tank with the Council. Minutes of regular meeting of December 6th and Special Meeting of December 16th were read and approved. Mr. Minor made a motion to pay the following bills: liater Works Man salary toDecember 15th $40.00; A. C. L. RR. for H. T. H. and charges~12 8' Insurance on City Hall and Post Office $16.40;R. A. Kerr $6.75; · /~ Florida Telephone Corp. $5.37; Florida Public Service Co. power and 1i$hts to December 3rd $51.65; Motion seconded by Mr. Slone, voted and carried. - ~~o~l~~:r~~~f~t~~~i~~ ;~~e;h~o:a~~~s:o~~~ ~~w~~:.Pi~~ti~nf~~c~~~ed by Mr. Minor, voted and carried. Mr. Fields made a motion to amend Section 6 of Ordinance No.~to read 9A. M. or 8 P. M. Motion seconded by Mr. Whitaker, . voted and carried. APplications from l~. C. W. Stevens and Mr. M. C. Bryan for job of Water Works Man were read. Each applicant offered to take the job at $100. per month. Mr. Fields made a motion to make Mr. Bryan Water Works Man. Motion seconded by Mr. Whitaker, voted and carried. There being no further business Mr. Whitaker made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Fields, voted and carried. Council adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Attest: ~77)~~ - Clerk. t iait~ " E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMOi S. AKERMAN ATT Y. ORLANDO. "LA. GRADY ~ALL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN ~ J. Z. ECKLES ... JOHN T. MINOR <!LitlI u f (@rUte Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST .. "1, ;0/1 ~~~..' (or tJ.!'!'lm) t:A t !,,~ O~..Ji ,ort. r r . do DoloQLU7 (moar l)t'otoaO ana. Gofcoo tt ,0 Conot1tntlon noo ~ovorr'_1Ont. of t~..o LJ.:.to..1 t.t4too and or tl:\O Otato or ?lor1&1 L\{;Q~.1nt 0.11 ono:.:lorJ, c.onootlo or forolG1, one! ttJnt I 0111 boo.r trno ft:\ Hih, '::'o:~lt:r n:~ allo'1:'Gt.lco to tLo nc.:o.o, nnt:! tt'.ll t : L'\: 1 out. 1 t 100 to t .old or~! co c.'1C1or tt;o COb1Jtltut:'on; tllGt I will ;n~ t. .......'~1'1 .."lQt:':o~ all t~,,() ('lutlca of tl.o ort~oo f"~ . ~LI_ _ _.. f ot t:..IO Citj o~ 00000, on v: ..lo cu n!.J.o'.lt to ootor, no 2'001.,> LlO Coo.. e 1f:Yl\L,~~ Approvot1 tr'J r ~ this ,. rZ/ ~ dt17 ot4-(~4~ 104...i.- 41J1l~4~~..~ yore e