HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 90-67 . !. j eo a i~ I)U; 0;0 ~,... iNii ORDINANCE NO.. 90- 67 CASE NO. 1-17AR-90: UofF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY, A-1, AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO R-3, MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND C-3, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF MAGUIRE ROAD AND ADJACENT TO FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE AS PETITIONED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the Ci ty of Ocoee, Florida has on the date of adoption of this Ordinance, annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida certain real property now located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, as hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the owner or owners of said real property (lithe Peti tioner") have peti tioned the City Commission of the Ci ty of Ocoee, Florida (lithe Ocoee City Commission") to rezone and establish initial zoning classifications for said real property of ___R-~_, Multi-Family Resi_deI!tial District and C-3 General Commercial District (lithe Initial Zonings"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.2 of Chapter II of Appendix II A II of the Code of Ordinances of the Ci ty of Ocoee, Florida (" the Ocoee Ci ty Code "), the Planning Director has reviewed said petition and determined that the Initial Zonings requested by the Petitioner are consistent with the 1979 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 719, adopted April 15, 1980 (lithe Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, said petition and zoning request was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (lithe Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed said petition and the requested Initial Zonings for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Initial Zonings requested by the Petitioner are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and are in the best interest of the City and have recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that said real property be zoned R-3 , Multi-Family Residential District and C-3 General Commercial District, as requested by the Peti tioner, and that the Ocoee City Commission find that the Initial Zonings requested by the Petitioner are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has held a de novo public hearing with official notice thereof with respect to proposed zonings of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that the Initial Zonings requested by the Petitioner are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee Ci ty Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041(3) (a), Florida Statutes. Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. . Section 2. That the zoning classification, as defined in Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, of the following described parcel of land located wi thin the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from "Orange County A-1, Agricultural District "to" R-3, Multi-Family Residential District ": SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Section 3.. That the zoning classification, as defined in Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, of the following described parcel of land located wi thin the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from "Orange County A-1, Agricul tural Distri~_," to "_~-3, General Commercial District": SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Section 4. That the City Commission of the Ci ty of Ocoee, Florida, hereby finds the new zonings of the lands described in this Ordinance are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. Section 5. The Ci ty Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the zoning amendments enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.1 of Chapter III of Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. Section 7!, Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. effective Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ I ~ day of N 0 v&w\~f:ri2. become . , 1990. APPROVED: OCOEE, FLORIDA (SEAL) Page 3 . . FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, APPROVED AS TO ~M AND LEGAL I T!lISJ ~~ DAY OF ~, 1990 Pow L 8412-l c.r: -1-( oLB ADVERTISED NOIJI:"" P1H'l & , 1990 READ FIRST TIME 1Ic:.r-,~6-n. ll, 1990 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED Nl1v~&.61'2 ~I , 1990 APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSIO~ AT A MEETING HELD ON N ~ v ~ t; ~ ~ I , 1990 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. V P ,\ \\' CITY OF OCOEE PROPOSED INITIAL ZONING, CASE NO. 1-17 AR-90,;U. OF F. "":?:} ~ ~~. .:'~ti' ~~:\3=r_~;"',", ~1J\"I\nl,~ j' ,'.J~ollY ;.' ttI i~ - I ~11 '-', ',' '1.'.r'rr'n=r.:rl\1\~J.---.._- ~ '~"1- ., ,T C"--:~~,n . m I I=t'_ " 3 nIT:: " .' -} ""~::;r! 1J IU E lIil ~~l~Ji~ . - ."...~.., I ~ ' - -\llHITIUI~l flf-illm' - - m.m.... - \ ~ - -: I; " " I I: ' ;., , ..J; --( , ~J j' ' . '.,.-; ': t u. 0 F '. 1 : .--r~-'- --'T~t I , " . I ~b O' ___n"" ~tt'~t;~~~~ ~+ _ ___~_ w h - --.---- -- ~ ,/ i ______, '" ' -t ~ ~n'_J ' ,":j l. _ ,=~=:~~;:;:~=~,:::-:_, .. ,..'= ,~" '~J~~, EXISTING ZONING A-1 PROPOSED ZONING R-3 AND C-3 . "It 11 ll. -\.;,/ 3182'19 EXHIBIT wAw LEGAL DESCRIPTION R-3 TRACT CASE NO. 1-17 AR-90::U. OF F. 1\ TR1\C'f OF LAND L Y I NG IN 'l'IIE I!:M:T ONI!:' IIALF OF TilE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF' 'I'll!!: SOIJ'L'IIWES'I' QUARTEr< pF SECTION 29, TO\-lNSII I P 2"2 SOUTH, HANGE: 28 gAS'I' DI~SCRI BED AS FOLLOVl:3; COMMENCE AT 'I'll!!: SOUTHEAST COI<NER 1)[0' TilE SOUTllvlEST QUAr<'1'E:I~ OF SAID ~1)j:CTION 29 F'Qf{ TilE POIN'l' 01" BEGINNTNCi THENCE, ALONG 'l'III~ SOU'L'H LINI'i; OIi' SAID ~:OIJ'I'lmAST QUM('I'!,;r{ OF TilE SOU'l'II"'ll~S'l' QUAf<'l'Ef<, l{uN NORTH Il ') 0 ~9 '53" vm:3T, 660.62 FEE'r '1'0 THE: SOUTmm!;'J' COI<Nlm OF TilE SAl DEMiT ONE-HALF OF 'l'III~ :~OlJTHEAS'I' fjIJAH'I'r!:I{ fW 'J'H,!!: sou'rllwr~~;T QU1\H'l')%~i TIIENCE, ALONG TilE: WI'::;'I' Ll NE ()Ii' ~~Aln 1;:1\:";'(' ONE" HALF, r{UN NOH'('II 00021'00" WE~:'l', .100.01 li'EE'l'i 'rHENCE: rWN SOUTH 89059' ~3" EA~~T 349. 7G FEE'!' '1'0 A P(lrN'l' LYING ON THE PROPOSED SOlJTHWES'l')~RLY LItH'I'E:D ACCES:~ IUGHT-OF'-WAY LINE OF TilE [o'LOHIDA TUHNPll<li:i '1'llIi:NCE, ALONG ~;A] D SOU'1'HVlES'I'ERLY LIMITED ACCI~S::~ IUGII'I'-OF'-WAY LINE [<UN THE FOLLOWI NG COURS ES : THENCE ::;OU'I'II 0400 l' 0 II" WI~S1', 1'), 'j 2 FEETi 'I'HI~NCI~ :~OLJ'l'1I 32014'06" EA.';'l'i IflO.(J() FEE'!'i 'rIlENCr. SOU,!'1'15403"I']fill EAST, 319.01 I"EE'I' '['0 A porN'l' LYING ON THE I!:AST LINE OF TilE AF'OH 11;:3 AT)) SOU'I'mm:-;'(' QUAWI'Er<; 'rH ENe/!:, DEP AWl'! NG S AI D SOU'l'1I \-Jli:.')'l'I!:R L Y I.] H] 'J' ED ACCES ;~; RIG II '1' - 0 Ii' - WAY L I N E , RUN, 1\ LON r; .' : 1\ I D R A :31' L I N E , .'~ 0 IJ '1' II 00017'18" EAST, 110.H1 FEE'!, TO TIlE P01N'l' or~ BEGINNING, THE ABOVE TRACT OF LAND LIES IN Of<ANGE COUNTY, FLOf<IDA AND CONTAINS 4.021 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. (1) REPHODUC'I'IONS OF 'l'IIlS SKE'1'CI! AIm NO'I' VAI.ID UNLES~~ SEALED WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL. (2) LANDS SHOWN HEREON WER!!: NO'l' MIS'l'RAC'l'/W FOR RIGH'l'S'-UF-WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP OR O'l'IIEH INSTRUt11~N'1'S 01" RECORD, BY THIS FIRM. (3) AEAIHNGS SHOWN IIERE:ON ARE flAS1~D UPON A BOWYER-SINGLETON AND ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 51-140, PREPARED FOR 'I'HE: OHLANDO--ORANGE COUN'fY EXPRIT.~1f:WAY Au'rlWIU'rY AND PfWVI DED TO 'rHIS I"I1<N. (4) THE "LEGAL DESCRIP'I'ION" mmfi:ON HAS mmN PREPARED BY TilE SURVI~,{OR A'r 'rifE CL lENT'S REQUES'I'. (5) THE: DELINgA'I'ION Oli' LANDS !llloWN IU!:HIWN AIUi: AS PER 'I'II~: CLI~NT'S INSTRUCTIONS. WE HEREBY CER')' II~Y THA'I' 'I'H IS LEG1\L D)i::-3CR I P'!'l nN I:~ '!'RUE AN 0 CORrmC'l' '1'0 THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AS PREPARED IN OCTOBER 1990. WE 1l'UR'1'HER CER'rrF'Y TIIAT 'I'IIIS LEGAL DESCr<IPTION MEETS TilE MINIMUM TECIINICAL S'l'ANDARDS SET FOWI'H IN [(IJLI~ 211HI-fi (F.A.C.) ADOPTED BY 'I'IIE FLOIU DA 130ARD OF'd{J~UR '.0. fW, PURSUAN' ')'0 F'LORl DA STATU1'ES 472,027, - v~, . DA. . WH I 'rE, P. L . S . FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4044 SHEET 1 OF 2 MJTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY PEe I~:~::~SSIONAL ENGIN~:~::; CONSULTANTS'sur:::: S"il. /560 Eol" Park C.nlr. 200 Cui Robi".on 51,../ Orl""d", F/ori"" :11110/ 407/421-11062 Section OATE' OCTOBER 23. 1990 Township PREP. BY: W,M. South; Range ORAWN BY: A.T,W, East .K)B NO: OE-137 ~A.U"'J:)"'.L J:) CASE NO. 1-17 AR-90~U. OF F. LEGAL DESCRIPTION C-3 TRACT ^ TRACT OF LAND LYING IN 'I'IIE; I~AS'l' ONE-IlALF' OF "I-IE sou'rllEAST QUARTER OF 'I'IIE SOU'I'IIWE:~'L' QUAI<1'ER OF SEC1'I..ON 29, 'rOWNSIIIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 20 EM3'r DE:SCR I BED AS (i'OLLOWS: COMMENCE A'r 'l'IlE SOU'I'IlIi:AS'[' CORNlm 01" Tim SOUTIlWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29 FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE; I'll ENCE, ALONG 'l'IIE SOU1'II L I NI~ OF' S A If) SOU'I'11WES'I' QUAH'L'ER, RUN NOH'I'II U~O 59' ~d" WEST, GfiD. G2 "'I;;E'[' '1'0 '['III;; ~OU'I'IIWC:S'I' COHNER 01" TilE EAS'L' ONE-IIALL;' OF' TilE ::~OU1'IIEAST QUARTER 0[" TIII~ EiOUTIlWEs'r QUAH'I'I~R OF' SAI D SEC'l'ION 29; 'J'IIENCE, ALONG '['lIE WEST LINIi: 01" SAID EAS'[' ONE-IlALF, rWN NORTIl 00021'00" WL~~:'I', 400.01 F'EI~'J' '1'0 'rlll~ POIN'l' OF' BEG I NN I NG i TIIENC8 ALONG S A I D WEs'r LINE, CON']'I NUE, NORTIi o 0 0 2 l' I 0 0" W Ii: S 'I' , n 9 0 . ~J1 I" E 1<: 'I' A [> 0 I N l' 0 NAN 0 N - 'I' A N G E N'I' CURVE CONCAVII: SOUTHWESTERLY, SAID POIN'l' LYING ON 'I'IiE [> ROPO!": I<:[) f: OU'l'1I WII:S'I'EH L Y L I M I '1'1;;0 ACCESS R I 011'1'- 01"- WA Y L I N E OF Tim FLOR I DA 'I'UHNP I KE i THENCE, ALONG SAI D PI"(OPOSED SOUTHWI~STERLY LIMITED ACCI~SS 'RIGIlT-OF-WAY LINE, RUN 'I'IIE FOLLOWI NG COURS ES: 'l'lllWCE HUN SOUTIlEAS'I'lmL Y, ALONG SAI D CURVE, IlAVING A RADIUS LENG'I'1l OF 4433.60 FEE'!', A CI!~N'I'RAL ANGLE OF' 010]5'27", AN AI<C LIWG'I'Il OF 123.11 FEE'l', A CIIOHD LENG'l'1l 01" 123.10 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOU'I'Il ]]G01'I)L" EAS'l' 'I'O Tim POIN'I' 0[0' TANGENCY; 'I'IIENCE RUN SOU'I'II 3201'1'06" EAST, ,99.32 I"EE'I';TIIENCE RUN ::OUTII 31014' II (i II I;;A~T, 49 J . 01. PI!:I!:'!'; 'J'IIENCI~ HUN SOUTII 0400 l' 0 fl" WES'I', 211) . 0 (j r"r~I!:'I' i 'rIIfWCE, DEl? AR'l'I NG SA I 0 PROPOS ED SOU'l'IIWI!:S'I'EH L Y L I HI 'l'rm R I GII'l'-OF-WA Y LINE, RUN NOR'!'II fl90 59 I 53" WI~:J'I', 3'19.76 FEE'I' '1'0 'rilE POINT OF OEGINNING; 'l'IIE ABOVE DESCR I HI!:O 'WAc'r OF' LAND LIES I N ORANGE COUNTY, FLOR IDA AND CONTAI NS 4.969 ACRI!:S, HOlm OH, LESS. NOTES: ( 1 ) REPHODUC'l'I ONS, OF 'I'lll S 8KE'l'CII AHE NOT VAL 10 UNLESS SEALED WI'I'II TilE SURVEYOn'3 I~MDOSSIW SI~AL. (2) LANDS SIIOWN IIERIWN WEI~I!: NO'l' AnSTnACTED FOR RIGH'rS-Oli'-WAY, EASEMEN'I'S, OWNEHSIIIP Ol~ O'I'III!:R INS1'I<UMEN'l'S OF [<ECO[W, BY THIS FIHM. (J) BEAH I NGS SHOWN IIEIHi:ON AIm BASED UPON A DOWYER-S I NGLETON AND ASSOCIA'l'ES LEGAL DESCRIP'l'ION OF PARCEL 51-140, PREPARED I"OR '!'IIE OHLANDO-ORANGE COUN'I'Y I!:XPRI~SSWAY AUTllORI'rY AND PROVIDED 1'0 THIS Ii'IRM. ( 4) TIlE "LEGAL Dl!:SCR I P'I'J ON" IIEImON liAS DEI!:N' PREPARED BY THE SURVEYOI~ A'l' 'l'HE CL I 1~N'1" S REQUIi:ST. (5) 'rilE DEL1NI!:A'rION o Ii' LANDS SIIOWN ImnEON AI~E AS PER THE CLIENT'S INSTRUCTIONS. WE HEREBY CEHTrFY 'fIlN!' 'rIll S LI!:GAL DESCRI PTION IS 'fRUE AND CORHECT '1'0 THE DEST OF OUR KNOWLI!:DGE AND DEL I EF AS PREPARED I N AUGUST 1~90. WE Ii'URTHER CER'l'IFY '1'111\'1' 'rillS LEGAL, DESClUP'l'ION NEE'rs THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL S'l'ANOAlW:1 SET l"OR'l'lI IN Rur.E 21HII-G (F'.A.C.) ADOP'1'8D BY 'l'IIE n,OlU DA UOAIW Oli' lS, PlJH~UAN '1'" FLOR I DA STATUTES 472.027. n - ~ --------- DAVI A. WHITE, P.L.S. FLORIDA RECISTHA'I'ION NO. 4044 . SHEET I or 2 P EC I :::~::~SSIONAL NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. pial/lie' s su,.,. )'a,s S"i', 1560 Eola Par. C,nl" 200 FOIl RoltinUII Slr", Or/all do , FltJri~a .11.01 407/411..062 Section 2.9 Township OATE: AVIJClst 28,1990 PREP. BY: N.M, 22 South; Range ORAWN BY: R, r. w. 28 East wOB NO: O~ - /34