HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 90-09 ORDINANCE NO. 90-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CITY BUDGET; AMENDING THE CITY BUDGET ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89-13 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1989 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 BY PROVIDING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS BETWEEN AND WITHIN DEPARTMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the state of Florida, Chapter 166 Florida Statutes, and Section 8 of Chapter VI of the Ocoee City Charter. SECTION 2. Intent and Purpose. The City of Ocoee budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1989 and ending September 30, 1990, as adopted by Resolution No. 89-13, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Supplemental appropriations totaling $ 153,000.00 as shown in detail in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. 2. Transfers of funds between departments totaling $ 35.316.74 as shown in detail in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. 3. Transfers of funds within departments totaling $ 101,978.09 as shown in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. SECTION 3. Appropriations. There are hereby expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the supplemental appropriations stipulated by and in said amended final budget. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. . APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ( SEAL) Advertised April 19 Read First Time April 17 Read Second Time and Adopted May 1 , 1990 , 1990 , 1990 FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, APPROVED AS TO FlORM AND LEGALIlY, thi s _ ~ day of ~~7 ,1990. FOLEY & LARDNER, VAN DEN BERG, B:~y.~~~KIN APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON M!r-I.( I ,1990 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. VA 'wi ~..j, I l.J I 'I. '* l '.', , i \J j ... \" '.I t-1 ... \.0 I I.' '- ',,- J .... \'J V,., I I ,~' ORDINANCB NO. 90-08 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA CREA~ING CHAPTER lOA OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED LATE NIGHT BUSINESSES, STORES OR OPERATIONS: PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, ESTABLISHING A.~ REQUIRINO CERTAIN MINIMUM SECURXTY MEASURES TO BE TAK!N AT CERTAIN BUSINESSES, STORES OR OPERATIONS OF A COMMERCIAL NA~UREl PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; RSQUIRtNG THA~ A MINIMUM NUMBER OF PERSONNEL BB ON DUTY 1 R!lQUIRU1(J VIEW THROUGH WINDOWS TO BE UNOBSTRUCTED; REQUIRING a~LES AREAS TO DB VISIBLE rROM CERTAIN STREETS; REQUIRING CERTAIN WARNING SIGNS; PR.OVXDING FOR A LIMITATION OF AV~ILABLE CASH: RBQUIRING TUI USE or A SAFEr PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM LIGHTING kEQUIREKENTS; PROVIDING FOR A PRESUMPTION I PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY1 PROVIDING FOR LtBERAL CONST~UCTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND ~ROVIOINa AN BFFECTtVE DATE, WHEREAS, the number of robberies and related criminal activity at various rotail businesses, stores and operations open batween the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. exceed the number of such incidents and occurrences at other times at commercial establishments; and WHEREAS, the nature of and operative facts involved in such rObberies demonstrates a greater likelihood that such incidents are reasonably likaly to continue to occur unless precautionary safety mea~ures are takon at such businesses, stores and operations during certain hours of operation: and WHERBAS, the occurrences of such criminal acts and conduct in the City ot Ocoee have resulted in the endangerment of life and loss of property and the endangerm~nt of life and loss of property is contrary to the hGalth, safety and welfare of the employees and customer.s of such businesses, stores ana operations . as well as t.o the general public including, but not limited to, the relatives of the victims of such criminal acts and conduct; and WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee Police Department has provided evidence that the provisjons of this Ordinance are reasonable and necessary and provide essential requirements that will minimize or eliminate the incidents and oocurrences of SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 3-15-90 4:38PM 4076461743~ 407 656 5725;# 4 . criminal ~ehavior direct~d at ~uch stores and operations at time periods when they are significantly more at risk than at other time periods; and WB!REAS, the provisions of this ordinance are based upon conditions that have been thoroughly reviewed and analyzed and the provisions of this ordinanc~ a~'e found to be rationally and reasonably related to the protection of the pUblic health, safety and welfarer to ~e in the public interest and to make reasonable distinctions between the various forms of businesses, stores and operations either affected or not affected by this Ordinance and the hours of operation of those businesses, stores or operations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTSD BY THE CI~Y COMHlSSION OF 1HZ CITY OF OCOEE, rLOR!DA, AS rOLLOWSl SBCTION ONE. ~~TITLE_AND AutHORITI. (a) This Ordinance shall ~e known and may be cited as the "Late Night Businesses, Stores or operations Ordinance". (b) The city commission of the city of ocoee has the authority to adopt this ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the constitution of the state of Florida, and Chapter 166, Florida statutes. SICTION TWO. The following Chapter l8A of the Code of Ordinances of the city of ocoea, Florida, is hereby adopted and created and reads as follows: CKAPTBR leA LATH NIGHT BU~SS~S. STORES OR OPB~TIONa SECTION 18A~1 RlFINITI9NS. The followin9 terms, ,when ... used in this Chapter, shall have the follo~inq maaninqs unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (a) HLato Niqht BU8ine.8, store or op.ration" means a commercial establishment of a retail sales nature that: (1) offers goods, PQtroleum products, household Qr sundry items or any other merchandise, commodity or item for sale, and - 2 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 3-15-90 4:38PM 4076481743-' 407 656 5725;# 5 . . (2) is staffed or managed by an employee during the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., and (3) operates or is open for business at any time during the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. The term "Late Niqht Bu.lnes8, Store or operation" shall not be construed or interpreted to mean or include grocery supermarkets; department stores; temporary lodging facilities such as hotels and motels; facilities which solely provide the public with the use of video arcade or other amusement devices; facilities which solely provide the public with the use of vending machines~. sporting events, circuses and similar temporary recreational or entertainment activitiasl motion picture or other theaters; multi-purpose petroleum dispensing facilities which primarily service tandem trailer trucks, truck tractors and similar type vehicles being used for the purpose of co~ercial transport; or any business, store or operation which is located in a shopping mall or shopping center with ten (10) or more businesses actually in operation at the shopping mall or shopping center at which shopping mall or shopping center at least one-half (1/2) of the total businesses, stor0S Qr operations located at the shopping mall or shopping center are open for business during the same hours, betwaen 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Any business, store or operation whioh solely SGlls or markets personal services shall not be deemed to be a Late Night Busines$, Store or Operation. (b) N!mploy..H means every person, including an owner, engagea in any employment ~elating to the operation or management of a Late Night Businas&, store or Operation. (c) "owner" maans the person, persons, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other group ~nterprise or legal entity having lawful possession or the premises upon which the Late Night Business, store or Operation is operated. The Owner of a Late Night Business, storQ or Operation may have only a lea$ehold intQrest in the property upon which the Late Night Business, store or Operation is located, but still be deemed the ownar of the Late Night - 3. - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 3-15-90 4:39PM 4076481743~ 407 656 5725;# 6 . Business, store or Operation notwithstanding the fact that the Owner does not have a fee simple o~~Qrship in the property. Cd) HSal.. ClerkH meanS the employee of a Late Night Business, Store or operation who accomplishes or negotiates the sale of goods, petroleum products, food, household or sundry items at the premiQes of a business, store or operation. SECTION 18A-Z BEaO~~~APPLICABLE TO LATE NIGH~ DUSI~ESSES. STORES OR OPERATIONS, ,PRES~PTION. (a) All Late Night Businesses, stores or operations shall comply with the following conditions of operation; provided, however, that only Subsection (a) (1) or this section shall apply to restauranta, cafes and other eating establishments: . (1) Whenever a Late Night Business, store or Operation is open for b~l5ineas atter 9:00 p.m., the Late Night Business, Store or operation shall employ no less than two (2) persons who, unless unable to be on duty dUQ to illness or emergency, snall be continuously on duty on the premises from 9:00 p.m. until such time a~ the Late Night Business, store or operation closes for the husiness day or 5:00 a.m., whichever event occurs first; provided, however, that it is the intent of this Chapter to require each Late Night Business, store or operation which is epen for business at any time during the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. to have no less than two (2) persons present at the Late Night Business, store or operation during said hours of operation; provided, further, however, that the owner of the store, business or operation shall make a good faith effort to till any vacancy resulting from illness or emergency. AnY IJate Night Business, store or Operation may be exempt from the requirements of this' subsection (a) (1) rolating to two (2) persons being on duty by providing for a bUllet-resistant enclosure from which sales clerks negotiate sales and which enclosure provides for a remote control mechani.sm by which the salas clerk has the - 4 - . - ., SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 3-15-90 4:4UPM 40764B1743~ 407 656 5725;# 7 . ability to lock all doors by which entry can be made into the merchandise area of the Lata Night Business, Store or operation, it there is a merchandise area, and has the ability to lock all doors into tho bullet-reslatant enclosure. The enclosed area shall be locked and secure during the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 ~.m. from outside intrusion by any non- authorized person. The bul1et-ra~istant enclosure must be capable of resisting a propellant fired or discharged from a 38 caliber weapon fired at a di~tance of twelve (12) inches. (2) Eaoh Late Night Business, store or operation shall locate any and all signs located, placed or posted in or obstructing vision througll the existing windows in the storQ and all merchandise located or placed in an area immediately abutting the existing windows in the store in SUCh a way as to provide a clear and unobstructed view from all streets abutting the Late Night Business, store or Operation through said existing windows to each cash register area and to eaoh area where retail 8al~s occur or in which cash is otherwise eKchan9Gd. In the case of self-service petroleum dispensing and sales facilities, a clear and unobstructed view shall be maintain~d from the sales attendant to the fuel dispensing equipment being utilized by a customer. It is not the intent of "this subsection to require any existing business, store or operation to reconstruct or retrofit its facility unless remodeling of a substantial nature occurs. (3) Subsequent to the effective date of this Chapter, each newly constructed or SUbstantially remOdeled Late Night B~siness, store or operation shall construot or remodel such area of it& facility to be located and configured in such a way 80 as to insure that each sales clerk making a sale and each customer making a purchase is fully visible during a sale and purchase event or transaction from all streets fronting the Late Night Business, store or operation. (4) Each Lat~ Night ausinQ&s, store or Operation shall post a conspicuous non-view obstructing sign . - 5 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 : 3-15-90 4:40PM 40764B1743~ 407 656 5725:# B . at the facility and, if the sale of petroleum products occurs by means ot dispensing pump$, at petroleum product dispensing pumps or islands which siqn or signs state that the cash register located at and the employees present and on duty at the Late Night Business, store or operation contain or have acceSS to no more than One Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($100.00) or such lesser amount as the Owner shall determine and that a safe is located in the Late Night Business, store or operation which safe is not accessiblQ to the persons present and on ~uty. (5) Each Late Night Business, store or operation, shall, during the hours ot 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., have no more than One Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($100.00) in cash readily available and readily accessible from a cash register to persons present and on duty during said hours and shall safeguard any ca~h in excess of One Hundred and No/l00 Dollars ($100.00) in a safe loaated on the premises which safe shall comply with the provisions of SUbsection (a) (6) of this Section. This SUbsection (a) (5) shall not apply to activities occurring at such times when transfers of funds for deposit are being processed or at such times when prudent auditing, accounting or investigation activities mandate the reasonable accessibility of cash; provided, however, that said exempt aotivities shall be accomplished in a secure method and location. (6) Each Late Night Business, store or operation shall maintain a drop-aafa or time release safe on its premises which safe shall be either bolted to the floor, installed into the tloor or weigh at least five hundred (500) pounds. Each safe shall have a sign conspicuously located on the safe Which clearly states that no person on the premises of the Late Night Business, store or operation has the ability to access or othet~i$e gain ontry into the safe. (7) The Owner of each Late Night Business, store or operation shall hav~ each parking lot utilized by . - 6 .- SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 3-15-90 4:41PM 4076481743-+ 407 656 5725;# 9 . . persons employed at or customers of the Late Night Business, store or operation over which the Owner maintains ownership or control to ~e lighted in such a way as to provide visibility during all hours of dar~~es5 when emloyees or customers are present and when such employees or customers are reasonably liKely to be present on the premises. Minimum requirements under this subsection (a) (7) snall be as prescribed in the Illuminating Engineering society of North America publication entitled "Lighting for Parking Facilities". (8) Any store which ofters a limited variety of food, household or sundry items or offers petroleum produots for sale and Which is opon between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. shall be prestmed to be a Late Night Business, store or operation: provided, however, that such presumption may ba overcome by the owner of the business, store or operation presenting cl~ar Qnd convincing substantial competent evidence that the premises are not a Late Night Business, store or Operation. IIQ~ION lBA-~ ,~~Ja. Any person or Owner violating any provision of this Chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in sections 1-8 of Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Oooee. Additionally, the city may enforce this Chapter by obtaining injunctive relief to restrain or prohibit violation of this Chapter. I~CTIO~ THREE. kt~L CONSTRQCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liber.ally construoted in order to effectively carry out thQ purposes of this Ordinance in the interest of the public h~alth, welfare and safety of the citizens and residents of the city of Oooee and the state of Florida. ,BeTION fQUR. aJ!J.BAIl~. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held lnval id, it is 1;he intent of the city Commission of the city ot Oeoee, Florida, that the invalidity shall not at teet other provisions or applioations of the - 7 ... . . SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7U20 3-15-90 4:42PM 4076461743-+ 407 656 5725;#10 Ordinanoe whioh can be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this and the provieions of this ordinance are declared severable. SECTION FIVE. EFr;QT]l~1 QAlI. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect one hundred t,,,enty (120) days from the date of final adoption. PASSED .AND ADOPTED this :3 ~ day of 411-It- , I 1990. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OY OCOEE, FLORIDA Clerk ( SEAL) FOR USB AND RELIANOB ONLY BY THE CITY O~ OCOBE, APPROVBD AS TO 70RK AND LEGALITY TIU:. -'3(J DAY OF A?R\':;- -, :1.9'0. Advertised _ /l)-'tR-c.fI .J.L , 1990 Read First Time Y.h~~cN ~o, 1990 Read Sacond Time and Adopted, At1t!L 3 , 1990 . FOLBY , LARDNER, VAN DIN BERG, GAY, ~URKB, WILSON' ARKIN \-~?Y? - \<f:ji:~ty .~~~ By: Approvod by the Ocoee city Commission at a Meeting held on A~~'\.. 3 , 1990 under Agenda Item No. -"'S!- \ floppy/4758ccc(2) 01 (03/15/90) - a -