HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Approval to Piggyback Tire Capping contract for FY 2008-2009 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 2,2008 Item # 5 Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~? "I~ / --- Subject: Approval to Piggy Back Tire Recapping Contract for FY 2008/09. Background Summary: The Fleet Division budget for Fiscal Year 08/09 includes the replacement of heavy truck tires. The City has researched pricing and found Boulevard Tire Center provides the lowest pricing available through the School Board of Broward County, Florida contract number 28-061X. This contract is valid through September 30, 2009. The majority of the heavy truck tires replaced during the year are for the Sanitation Division's fleet. Issue: Authorization is needed to piggyback on School Board of Broward County, Florida contract number 28- 061 X, to provide replacement heavy truck tires for the City fleet. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission approve piggybacking onto the School Board of Broward County, Florida contract number 28-061X, to provide replacement heavy truck tires for the City fleet as funded in the user Departments/Divisions through the Vehicle Parts & Repair 4605 account lines. Attachments: City Requisition PW002757. Financial Impact: The cost of the tire replacements is adequately funded in the user Departments/Divisions through the Vehicle Parts & Repair 4605 account lines. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~~1 ~ff ~.. N/A N/A N/A 11/lS/0S 11:01:4S rq160-ls REQUISITION DETAIL FOR PW002757 Initiator: Debbie Love Created: 10/0S/0S Last Action: Debbie Love On: 11/1S/0S Fiscal Yr:2009 Status: Waiting Possession Of: PUBLIC WORKS Req. Total: 50,000.00 Message: 1 LINE DESCRIPTION BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER FOR 2 3 4 5 DATE/ FROM TIRES, RECAPS, MOUNTING AND LABOR FOR SANITATION TRUCKS NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.00 VALID THRU 09/30/2009 NOTES QTY 1.00 EA UNIT PRICE 50,000.0000 Page DLOVE 1 EXTENDED VENDOR/GL# 50,000.00 3S49:BOULEVARD TIRE CENTER GL: 402-534-10-4605 50,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09/0S pbrosonski 10/0S/0S dlove DATE this needs a contract with commission approval PIGGY BACK SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BID HISTORY #2S-061X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/OS/OS 10/OS/OS 10/09/0S 10/09/0S 11/1S/0S 4:01 pm Created By: Debbie Love 4:09 pm Released For Approval: Debbie Love 2:13 pm Approved By: Stephen Krug 2:3S pm Returned To Debbie Love By Pam Brosonski 10:59 am Released For Approval: Debbie Love ~;I,. a ,'- '. ,r:- .' . t . ,tf .f.. . " , '. ....., . . . .' " . "'" . . ~ .SchooIBoard of, Broward County, Florida . SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS DEPARTMENT '. . . 772.0 West Oalsia~ Park ~ouievard, Suite 323 . . . ~unriSe. Rorida 33351~7.04 .- '. 754-321..QS05 bUEDA"[i fJijsdueat2.'OO.p:m.EaslSri,Tl/1le~Er): ". TTBNO.: . June 13;~ 007. . .::: .. .. ,.' 28;-051'X ~.' ............... ....:.. ...e- ~: vt/il 'INVITATION T.O 8:ID (IrS)"" R8.EASE DATE: P.U.~NG AGENT: GE:orge Toman 7.54-32.1-0514. . May 4,. 2007 . aids musj be sutxni~ to the Supply Mariagement and I;cgls6eS T tint and ~ed on or ~fo~~-'oo p;rp. ET on.fue date: due. BidS may not be withdrawn-for 90'.days afterllue date. . .. ax~ bids arel1~ a!lowed and wilfnot ~'considered. .., BID mi.E: ".. o. '.' TIRE RECAPPING , . . .. : .SECTION.i. Bidder Acknowledgement. .. .. ....... IN ACCORDANCEWITH GEf.JERAL CONomON 1, rHlS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED IN rr.s..ENrIRElY INCLUDING lliE SlGNAlURE-oF AN,AUTHORltED REPRESENTAT/VEWHEREINDlCATED S8..0W. ..' . . . : .. Bidder's Name ~d ~tale .DoinglluslneSs As~, where sppncable: "REMrr lO" ADDRESS FOR; PAY.MOO: If paymenl(s)' lsIare to' be 'Ear~ . W '.Co~ vard',' ':Inci. dba.' matled 10 address Other than as stat~ on left. please c:ornpJete seclian , . . beldw. Check this bod address Is.the sama as slated onlhe.leJt:. . .P.o. Address: CIty: Mi:amt Stale: . FL. TeIejJhone Number. . : 30;5--&.35-8116 . ToDFree Number: . Zip, Code: . City"~ 1ip~ .' 32720 '. . Inleinet Web'SiIe: . , . .bou. eva d . '. 1~1amel~~ . .s . . Federal TalC IdenliflCillion. N'wnber: . 59-~183177 - . r e t/iflt this . is made witho pnor undemBllding, Bg~nt 0(.:.. . ".. connsdion with BnY corporation,. fitm or pe/Sf!n subm1tting a bid {or the same" . . ,mst~ 1lIJPPIiss. serviCes or equipment imd is in all respects fair Bml. wilhout . . ml/uslon odmud. " B~ lotCDmpIe!e and~lIIrpldilional acceptance at Ibis bid, . StgnalJlre or Authonzed R. . a/11JP1)ef1dices and contents 0{ any' Addenda mlsased'herelo; , Bgtee 10 'be bound 10 tiJf ~ larms and cOnditions '(XNIfained in this fTB.ana ./aOrie to coinp/y will fB&tJf. in clisqualilicaUon of lid or bid.item. Bidder BdaJow!edges Ihat eI infoimalion contained herein is part of /he public domain as defined by the . 'Slale of ROOds Sunshine 8tId PuNIC Recoid ~.and aD responses, data'8tId . Owner /. pres'ident: infonnarion conlained in. this bid BIB true end accurate. I.certify thai I am _ BUttio~tosign,thisrrn.fotlhebidder '. " '.. Tdll '. . . I tee that this b' cannot withdrawn Within SO.da 'tom dale due. . . . . . SECTION 2, Submittal Raquiremimts. . '. . . . " .' ... . . . SUBMITTAl:. REQUJREMENTS:.Jn order 10 assure that your bid' is in compnanca wilhbid requirenienls~ please Yerify that the submillals indic:a~ I?Y the 181 below have been submitted. ", . . I ': ... .': .. . o Bid.Bcnd" . 0 OesO;pUveUteralure" . '" O"Ucense.s .' . . .0 'MateijplSafet'yDalaSheels Specl~ CorldUiari _ SpeCial Condition _ . . SpeciaH~{)ndiUon .....: Special Condition _' . 0 Manulacb,Jrers Au1h9rizaoon 0 . ~eferences .0 Qidcier QUestionnaire' .' 0 Gllher . S,pecial COndition _ . Special Condi~o~ ..:.. .' Special Condilion",- . ..... Special.!?<lRdition _ . . Note: If your firm wishes to.not submit a bid in response to the'ITS, please complete and return, via mail or fax, the Statement of No .Bid attached as.lhe last a e of this rra.' . . .' . . . '" '. . . . ; . : Form 32ioo . Revised 1/1412005 . . . 8roward County Publlc Schools Is An Equ~ 9pportuQilylEqual ~ Employer. p. a;je.1 . . . rr ~ '"ft r C G 0 ~ ~ r.:. V (... \. "2 ( " .t C ... t c ( J 1; ..' ... - { ~ . ' ~ THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROW ARD COUNTY~ FLORIDA 771f) WEST OAKLAND PAR~ BOULEVARD, SV1T1t32J -SUNRISl, FL0R1DA.~!l1~704 .TEL 754-311.0505 -- --- - I -.. ___ -- - ..... viii . I surPLY MANACEMtNT" toclmcs ROBERT 111. W AJlEM8URG, CPI'O, DIRECTOR t'II.,1r J'"" C/la/r SCHOOL BOARD Dnveu.v I\.OA1.t.ACiHM ROSIN bAATUlMAN IolAmEZH ll. DlNNEIoI JJ!NNmrn UONMD l:iOITL11!D PHYU.1lii r.1I01'1! S'I1!PHAHIS AAMA 1tIW'T.l::SO RUBat Do PAltIi:S.Id,D, IiLEANOIl SOlJlll. BONJMoflN J. WlLI.lAMS JAMES F. NOTTl\lt l/Utt'/m ~rJt"'I/I$I'4f11J" www.brwwatcllchooll.am Ausust 1, 2007 El!.rl W. CoJvard,.1~ dba Boulevard TlzeCenter AtI:n.: Earl W. Colvard. President 3850 NW 30 Avenue MJam1, PL 33\42 Subject: Bid. Nwnber: ~ption: Contract Term: Letter or Agreement IUld ReC[\lellt for Certificate of lruJuronl'C 28-061 X .Tinl Racappin5 .Octobet 1. 2007 through September 30, 2009 Dea,. Vendor: The School BOArd ofBroward CO\Inty, Florida has aa:epted your bid far IIRmes): 11ubject to compli~ee wIth $ubJllct bid spec:ilico6onJ, terms and condltiOl'\S, aU penllWftt laws of the SbJh! of Florida, and In.c;truc:tiOllS as detmNned by the Attvm~ for the SchoOl BaDrd. The School 'Board of 8rowQ~d County, florida reserves the right to terminolte thlli contract at any time and for any re4110n upon giving Ihlrty (30) days priorwtitten notice. Your Catilicate oi wlUUil;e fmnt and Inclemntficotlon Clause whe.re appliCilble D'lWI~ be on filII in the Dfflce of Risk Mma8lmeat Deplldment within fifMen 11s) days of thiA no~fiallolL It Is Important that you notify your lnIurance agent {Dr gmeralllabUlty insurl1llC'l that the Il'lSUrance rltqulramenlll atmched io the above bid teq\lire that The Schoollload of Bmwud ColUlly, Florida.. be Inrluded .s an additionalty named Insllred UAder thci Genl!l'd Uabill17 Polley. Thill irlfnrmotinn mURt be ~nc.ony ,;tnted on the Certificate Df Insurance lubmltted byj your Insurance sgw In order fur thfl Certificate to be ~tabJe. The abOV!! bid number must ilDyeiU qp OJe artiflQIe submit1e~. No work can commence on the ltem(s) accepted on this bid until this CertUicate of Insunmce fonn ill received and approved, and . written purchase order III r:elllAsad. The campleled Certlficat1liof Insurance must be mailed to: RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, The Sdloo) Board . DC Browmd County, FIor1~a, 777D W. Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33351. Any tJUestlDns about your Insurance CIlrtiftaJte should be directed 10 Mr. Aston Henry at (754) 32]-:i205. Sincerely, ~r'l/,e, ~~~. Georg. Tol'TUU1, Buyer GT lji Att:Jcnment . TtDnsfimrdng Edllcotlon: OtIS Sfllrlcnt al If Time Bmward :CnlUll)' Pllblle Schooll /tAn 1!I{ual Oppnr/JuaifJNUJllal tlcct'.>> Emplo.vcr TOTAL P. 131