HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION December 2, 2008, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Ocoee Bulldogs Cheerleaders and Football Players- presentation of Cheerleaders and Football Teams and recognition to all for the great year they had. Ocoee High School Booster Aquatic Club - Lisa Holzworth - asked the City to contribute matching grant funds of $2500 to their sports in order to purchase pool blankets and repair pool heaters. The Commission asked them to request grant money via the MVP awards and extended the grant application deadline for them. Presentation of "The Joey Award" for 2008 to Mark Johnson - Autism and Related Disabilities Gym Program - moved to future agenda Presentation by Firefighters Local 3623 Regarding Funds Raised at Golf Tournament for B.A.S.E. Camp Children's Cancer Foundation. Staff Presentation regarding the City of Ocoee's Information Booth Highlighting the Health Clinic at the National League of Cities. - Human Resources Director Carnicella and Crowne Consultant Ray Tomlinson talked about the success of the booth at the National League of Cities and how many other cities were inquiring as to how we started our own health clinic. Staff Presentation of Water Conservation Ordinance Programs, Seeking Direction of Commission. (Utilities Director Smith) The City of Ocoee's groundwater supply, like all of Central Florida's communities, is fmite and the City must take steps to control it through conserving its usage. To accomplish this goal, Staff will present to City Commission the underlying premises for a new Water Conservation Ordinance that should ensure a successful water conservation program. Such premises shall include adoption of WaterStarTM program for new residential properties, establish water budgets based on an allowable annual irrigation depth-coverage, providing for a reward/incentive program for customers adhering to the water budget program, revising the watering violation procedures and limiting hours of irrigation. Utilities Director Smith gave a PowerPoint Presentation and discussed an upcoming conservation ordinance and three options for the future. Mayor Vandergrift thanked him for the information and said that they look forward to discussing it further at the management retreat. City Commission Regular December 2,2008 I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said he thinks houses built after 2013, when the City has to seek alternative water supplies, should be subject to the higher rates and it should not be passed back to current residents. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) announced the Ocoee Parks and Recreation Department is having Santa's Winter Wonderland on Saturday, December 13, 2008, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Jim Beech Recreation Center where kids can buy gifts for one dollar. 2) Immediately following will be the Holiday Teen Dance on December 13,2008 at 8:00 p.m. Entrance is free but participants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item. 3) Holiday Light Contest, nominations must be received by December 5, judging will be on December 8 and 9, 2008, 4) reminded residents about the City of Ocoee Holiday Food Drive, drop off boxes for non perishable items are at City Hall and other city buildings. Commissioner Anderson- reminded everyone that the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade will be held at 1 :00 p.m. on Saturday. The Winter Garden Parade begins at 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Keller 1) said the Ocoee High School Band Choirs, in conjunction with the Children's Miracle Network, will be performing at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 or an unwrapped children's gift. Donations will be made to the Arnold Palmer Hospital for kids who are in the hospital during the holiday season. 2) announced a public hearing of Orange County Public Schools tomorrow at Citrus Elementary at 6:30 p.m. to show the new plans for the proposed elementary school on Hackney Prairie Road. Mayor Vandergrift -said prior to the next Commission Meeting on December 16, 2008, there will be a caroling company here from the Entertainment Central Agency on Conroy Windermere Road, performing from 6:30 p.m. until the meeting opens. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of November 18, 2008. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Reappointment of Trustee for the Police Officers' /Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Trustees for the Pension Boards serve two-year terms. Two of the trustees are appointed by the City Commission, two are elected from the employee body, and the fifth trustee is chosen by those four trustees and presented to the City Commission for certification of the appointment as a ministerial act. Trustees of the Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund respectfully request this Commission to certify the reappointment of Nora Gledich to serve another term ending September 30, 2010. Trustee Gledich has indicated she is willing to serve another term if appointed. At this time no other applications were received for serving on this board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page 2 of 11 I City Commission Regular December 2,2008 3. Removal of Member from Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for Non-Attendance. (parks and Recreation Director Hayes) Mr. Joseph (Jay) Hembree was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board October 2006. The board currently consists of ten (10) members and require that six (6) be present to make a quorum. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is working on several issues that require member participation and commitment. Mr. Hembree has been absent seven (7) out of seven (7) meetings. At its meeting on November 17,2008, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted to remove Member Hembree for non attendance. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Change Order No. 3 for Phase 2 of the Lakeshore Drive Improvements Project to Provide for Adjustment of Final Quantities and to authorize the Funds Required to Implement the Change Order. (City Engineer Wheeler) As is normal City practice, the construction contract for improving Lakeshore Drive and adjacent Bill Breeze Park is of the unit-price form. This means that a change order is expected at the end of the project to reconcile the bid quantities with the installed quantities. This Agenda Item presents the closeout change order for the project. There were increases in curbing, sidewalk, trees, shrubbery, and sod above the bid quantities, and several items were added to the project to accommodate new requirements, such as St. Augustine sod, a drip irrigation system for the new trees, and temporary Founders' Day vendor electrical connections. Foundations and footers are also being provided for lighted bollards lining the new shoreline sidewalk and the three new picnic shelters. To fund the change order, staff recommends that the City Commission approve the additional allocation of $29,758.73 from the Park Impact Fee Fund. Mayor Vandergrift announced that this item has been revised to show that no additional allocations will be needed from the Park Impact Fee Fund; the $29,758.73 was previously budgeted. Approved on Consent as amended. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval to Piggyback Tire Recapping Contract for FY 2008-2009. (Public Works Director Krug) The Fleet Division budget for Fiscal Year 08/09 includes the replacement of heavy truck tires. The City has researched pricing and found Boulevard Tire Center provides the lowest pricing available through the School Board of Broward County, Florida contract number 28-061X. This contract is valid through September 30, 2009. The majority of the heavy truck tires replaced during the year are for the Sanitation Division's fleet. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Award of Bid #B09-01 (Re-Bid) Interior Renovation of New Police Headquarters. (purchasing Agent Tolbert) The Public Works Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. The low bidder, Southern Building Services', original bid of $449,366 was over budget. During contract negotiations, staff was able to lower the contract price by $60,933 by obtaining a lower quote for the Security and CCTV portion and negotiating down the General Conditions portion by 19%. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Southern Building Services, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder for the amount of $388,433. This amount and other project costs including moving, evidence lockers, generator refurbishment and relocation, telecommunication costs, landscaping, etc. would be funded from the funds remaining from the existing loan used to purchase the building ($258,634), impact fees ($150,000), salary savings from vacant positions in the Police Department ($49,000), and contingency ($6,500). Total project cost: $464,134. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Consent Agenda Vote: Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to adopt Consent Aaenda Items #1 - #6, as recommended bv staff, includina the stated amendment to Item #4. Motion carried 5-0. Page 3 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2, 2008 I F. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES - PUBLIC HEARING 7. Ordinance Regulating Bowfishing. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Sunday, November23, 2008) (Deputy Police Chief Goclon) The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of children and other persons making use of lakes within the city and has determined that the unregulated practice of bowfishing at those lakes poses a threat to the continuing safety of those children and other persons in close proximity of the bowfishing activity. An ordinance is proposed to regulate distances, locations, and types of equipment related to bowfishing. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Police Chief Brown advised that staff recommends this ordinance be adopted. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. Tom Gettings asked what the intention of the new ordinance was. Commissioner Anderson said we needed to set standards using Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game guides as far as safety, fishing around children and piers, tension string on the bow, using the proper type of fishing bow, hours of operation, care of fish afterwards, property right issues. Mr. Gettings said he is in agreement with all of those things. Mayor Pro Tem Hood closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-020. reaulating Bow Fishing in the City of Ocoee. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais. The ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE III CHAPTER 48 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE RELATING TO BOWFISHING PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8. Tree City Initiative a. Adoption of Ordinance Regarding Trees on Public Lands. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Sunday, November 23,2008) (Parks and Recreation Director Hayes) The importance of trees to the community has been expressed by the City Commission for some time, along with its desire to obtain the Tree City USA designation from the National Arbor Day Foundation. In recognition of this sentiment City Staff has developed an ordinance for consideration that is intended to protect trees on public property and meet the requirements for Tree City USA recognition. The intent and purpose of this ordinance is to regulate and establish policy for the control of planting, removal, maintenance and protection of trees and shrubs in or upon all public lands to eliminate and guard against dangerous conditions which may result in injury to persons using the streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks, or other public lands; to promote and enhance the beauty and general welfare of the City; to prohibit the undesirable and unsafe planting, removal, treatment and maintenance of trees and shrubs located on public lands; and to guard all trees and shrubs both public and private within the City against the spread of disease, insects or pests. The ordinance applies to trees and shrubs planted or growing in or upon public lands, and also to trees and shrubs growing or to be planted in or upon any private premises which shall threaten the life, health, safety or welfare of the public using public lands. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Page 4 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2,2008 Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said one of the requirements to receive the Tree City USA designation is to adopt this ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said he wanted to make sure the ordinance includes trimming of the trees so they do not block road signs. Mr. Hayes advised that is included in the ordinance. Commissioner Anderson asked about removal or trimming of dangerous trees on private property and felt it should be included in this ordinance. City Manager Frank said the Code of Ordinances already provides for enforcement and removal of dangerous trees. Commissioner Johnson and Mayor Vandergrift recalled past situations when the Code of Ordinances were used to remove dangerous trees confirming that there was a provision in the Code for that. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded bY Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-021. reaarding trees on public land. Motion carried 5-0. The ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 163 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE RELATING TO TREES ON PUBLIC LANDS PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Approval of Application for Tree City USA Designation for 2008 (Not a Public Hearing). The City staff is requesting that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission authorize the submission of an application to the National Arbor Day Foundation for consideration of the City of Ocoee being designated as a "Tree City USA" community. Over the past several years the City has been actively involved in maintaining, restoring and expanding its urban forest in an effort to promote the City as a desirable place to live and conduct business. The National Arbor Day Foundation's "Tree City USA" program recognizes a community's commitment toward better care of its community forest and contributing to a safer and healthier urban forest. Tree City USA recognition also helps present the kind of image that most citizens want to have for the place they live and work. In order for a community to qualify for "Tree City USA" designation it must meet four requirements as established by the National Arbor Day Foundation that include: 1) have an annual Arbor Day observance and proclamation; 2) spend at least $2.00 per capita on tree-related activities and programs; 3) have a tree ordinance; 4) designate a board or departments to be responsible for the care and management of the community's trees. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the Application for Tree City USA Designation for 2008. per staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0. Page 5 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2, 2008 9. Red Light Cameras a. Red Light Enforcement Camera Ordinance. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Sunday, November23 , 2008) (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of the citizens that travel the roadways within the city limits. The disregard of traffic control signals within intersections poses a threat to all citizens which travel our roadways. Of the 86 traffic crashes for the month of October, 28 were at intersections. This ordinance is proposed to assist with traffic light safety to provide a uniform means to implement a Traffic Control Signal Monitoring System/Device. This system is in use throughout the State of Florida, as well as neighboring communities such as City of Apopka, City of Orlando and Unincorporated Orange County. The purpose of this Ordinance is to authorize the use of an unmanned cameras/monitoring system to promote compliance with red light signal directives as prescribed by this Ordinance, and to adopt a civil enforcement system for red light signal violations. This Ordinance shall be supplemental and in addition to any other applicable law and shall not supersede, infringe, curtail or infringe upon state laws related to red light signal violations or conflict with such laws. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Police Chief Brown advised that staff recommends this ordinance be adopted. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. Henry Stowe, member of a grass roots Driver's Rights Organization, gave a PowerPoint presentation against installation of red light cameras. He advised that there is no data to prove that these cameras reduce injuries or deaths due to red light accidents and there are many studies that show increases in injuries or deaths where they have been installed. He said municipalities are doing it for the revenue, and it removes the discretion and live witness of a police officer. He also asked the City to consider extending the yellow lights. There was a lengthy discussion with Chief Brown and the Commission regarding the advantages of having red light cameras, the timing of yellow lights, and the installation of blue lights that indicates from all directions that the red light is on. Chief Brown said most cities have shown a significant decrease in red light violations after cameras were installed. He said Apopka went from 200 tickets in the first month to 14 this month. R.P. Monacky said you are supposed to allow one second for each 10mph that your vehicle is traveling, but some people can't calculate that correctly. He thinks there should be signs showing how much time you have. There was discussion regarding what happens if someone else is driving the car. Chief Brown said the owner is responsible for the ticket, but Sgt. Dreasher added that if the vehicle owner and the driver sign an affidavit stating who was driving the vehicle at the time of the infraction, the ticket can be transferred at that time. Chief Brown also added that ticketing for "right on red" is an option we can choose to add at specific intersections. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to include direction in this ordinance that the money made should be spent on safety issues. Mayor Vandergrift stated the money can be used for that even if it is put in the general fund. Commissioner Keller said he believes the money should go in the general fund as well. City Attorney Rosenthal added that another resolution will be coming back with regard to the installation of the red light cameras, and if the Commission wants to specify anything about where the funding should go it can be considered at that time. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Page 6 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2, 2008 Commissioner Keller. seconded bY Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-022 approvina red Iiaht enforcement cameras. per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. The ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-022 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE III TO CHAPTER 168 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE RELATING TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF RED LIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL INFRACTIONS; PROVIDING INTENT AND DEFINITIONS; REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH RED LIGHT SIGNALS; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO IMPLEMENT THE USE OF UNMANNED CAMERAS/MONITORING DEVICES TO PROMOTE COMPLIANCE WITH RED LIGHT SIGNALS; PROVIDING FOR THE REVIEW OF RECORDED IMAGES BY CITY OFFICIALS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOTICES OF INFRACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF CML PENAL TIES AND ADMINISTRA TIVE FEES; PROVIDING FOR AN APPEALS PROCESS; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Approval to Piggyback Palm Coast Red Light Enforcement Contract (Not a Public Hearing). The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of the citizens that travel the roadways within the city limits. The disregard of traffic control signals within intersections poses a threat to all citizens which travel our roadways. With a traffic light safety ordinance in place the next step is the selection of the most responsive and responsible vender with a proven track record in the state of Florida. Currently American Traffic Solutions (A TS) has the most contracts awarded in the State of Florida. After review of this and other red light enforcement contracts and systems, staff recommends piggy backing the contract currently in place in Palm Coast. The length of the agreement is three (3) years. There will be no initial cost due from the city to the contractor. The operation of the system will be paid through a $40.00 fee per citation paid to A TS. Commissioner Keller. seconded bY Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the piaaybackina of Palm Coast Riaht Liaht Enforcement Contract. per staff recommendation. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Anderson opposed. Page 7 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2, 2008 I G. PUBLIC HEARING 10. Fire Service Fee - Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collection Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments. (Advertisedfor Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on November 7, 13, 20 and 27). (Assistant City Manager Croteau) Last fiscal year, the City of Ocoee took the steps necessary to develop and implement a non-ad valorem assessment program to fund fIre services. These steps included adopting a Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments, adopting an Ordinance authorizing the imposition of the assessment, and adopting both a preliminary and fmal fee resolution. The City took all the necessary steps to implement the fee but set the rate at zero. Therefore, the fee did not appear on the 2008 tax bill. To provide the City with the most flexibility possible and preserve our right to implement the fee for next year, both Government Services Group and the City Attorney have advised that although the ordinance and fee resolutions remain in effect, the Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments should be re-adopted. The Resolution needs to be adopted and transmitted to the Tax Collector by December 3 1. The decision as to whether a fIre a fee would be imposed at a rate other then zero for fiscal year 09/1 0 is not being addressed at this time. This discussion will occur during next year's budget process. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Resolution. Assistant City Manager Croteau said that the City went through all of the necessary steps to implement the fire fee earlier in the year, but explained that because the fee was implemented at zero it did not show up on the tax roll. She said it was recommended by the City Attorney and our consultants at Government Services Group, to pass another resolution of intent to use the Uniform Method of Collection. She said we are not asking for any consideration with regard to the fee at this time, we are just trying to maintain our flexibility to implement it in 2009 during the budget process if the Commission desires. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to adopt Resolution No. 2008-017. approvina the Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution, as adopted, carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO: 2008-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, DECLARING ITS INTENT TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD FOR THE LEVY, COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS FOR FIRE RESCUE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS; PROVIDING FOR NOTICES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 8 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2, 2008 I H. REGULAR AGENDA 11. Report to the City Commission from the Charter Review Commission Regarding Suggested Changes to the City Charter. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Pursuant to Section C-60 of the City of Ocoee City Charter, a Charter Review Commission shall be appointed no less than once every ten years and shall submit a report to the City Commission. Section C-62 states, "Within two (2) months of the receipt of any such report, the City Commission shall accept or reject the recommendations contained therein, or the City Commission may send such report back to the Charter Review Commission for further study and consideration. Any proposed Charter amendments accepted by the City Commission shall be adopted by ordinance and submitted to the electors of the city for consideration no later than the next general municipal election or at a special election called by the City Commissionfor such purposes. " The Charter Review Commission held numerous meetings between April - December 2008 and has recommended the attached changes to the City Charter. Charter Review Board Chair Jean Grafton presented the report to the City Commission. There was discussion among Ms. Grafton, City Clerk Eikenberry, and City Attorney Rosenthal regarding the tight time line to get it on the March 2009. Mavor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. reauested that an opinion be obtained from the Attornev General with reaard to the validity of the City Attornev's opinion in a memo written in 1995 at the reauest of City Manaaer Shapiro reaardina the Mavors emeraencv powers. Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Rosenthal said he feels the opinion that was rendered ten years ago has nothing to do with what should be done or not be done with this provision in the Charter. That opinion does not stop the Commission from granting emergency powers. He asked that the memo is distributed to the Commission to see if they would like to change it in the Charter. Mayor Vandergrift said they need more time to look over the Charter and give their opinions. Commissioner Anderson said they can use a mail-out ballot and we may want to combine that with bond issues that will also have to go to referendum. City Clerk Eikenberry reminded the Commission that mail-out ballot elections are very expensive and may cost more than a Special Election. Commissioner Anderson said he would like tQ have staff look at what type of bonding will require referendum vote. City Manager Frank said that will be included in our workshop as well as what type of projects that we want to consider bonding. Consensus of the Commission was to brina this back at a January meetina for further discussion. 12. Consideration of Observing Veterans' Day as a Holiday. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations (attached) lists Holidays that will be observed annually in the City of Ocoee. At the November 18, 2008 Commission Meeting the Commission approved the regular holiday schedule, but requested that the issue of Veterans' Day be considered at a later date. Attached is a survey of other city's observance of holidays as submitted by HR Director Camicella. Commissioner Hood moved to add Veteran's Dav to the list of nine holidavs for a total of ten. and remove one of the current f10atina holidavs. Page 9 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2,2008 There was discussion regarding increased cost for a recognized holiday as opposed to a floating holiday if police and fire end up having it off. They also discussed that most employees would not want to lose a floating holiday in exchange for Veterans' Day. After the discussion. Commissioner Hood rescinded his motion. Consensus of the Commission was to take this to the EmDloyee Committee for recommendation. 13. Emergency Item- - Joinder and Consent to First Amendment to Easement Agreement for Meadow Ridge Community Services Director Shadrix introduced the item and explained that this agreement results in a minor change to the privacy wall at Meadow Ridge which allows them to add extensions on both ends. He said there is no impact to the city; it has been approved by the City engineering staff. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bY Commissioner Hood. moved to aDDrove the Joinder and Consent to First Amendment to Easement Aareement for Meadow Ridae. Der staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0. 14. Emergency Item - Change Order No.1 for the Pioneer Key 2 Rehab project. Al Butler, Engineering Department, introduced the item. He said there is a collection of minor tweaks to the project, the County approved yesterday to provide the additional funds for this change order. He added that they are hoping to get some extra money early next year. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to aDDrove Chanae Order No. 1 for the Pioneer Key 2 Rehabilitation Proiect. Der staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift addressed Parks and Recreation Director Hayes in the audience and asked him to look into the fountain at the high school; it is not working. 15. Emergency Item - Safer Vehicle Apprehension Program FDLE JAG application Police Chief Brown introduced the item and explained that the grant is for stop sticks for vehicles to prevent vehicle pursuits. He said they have them in approximately fourteen vehicles, this grant will pay for ten more; the goal is to have them in every vehicle. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to aDDrove the Safer Vehicle ADDrehension Proaram FDLE JAG aDDlication. Motion carried ~ I I. STAFF REPORTS - none Page 10 of 11 City Commission Regular December 2,2008 City Manager Frank confirmed with the Commission that the issue of the Veteran's Day holiday should be taken to the Employee Committee. Commission consented. I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kellei-l) announced a public hearing of Orange County Public Schools tomorrow at Citrus Elementary at 6:30 p.m. to show the new plans for the proposed elementary school on Hackney Prairie Road. 2) said the Ocoee High School Band Choirs, in conjunction with the Children's Miracle Network, will be performing at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 or an unwrapped children's gift. Donations will be made to the Arnold Palmer Hospital for kids who are in the hos-eital during the holiday season. tommissioner Johnsod- 1) said that three vehicles in his neighborhood have been placed up on blocks and the tires stolen during the night. He would like more patrol in his neighborhood. 2) said something needs to be done with the vehicular traffic in conjunction with parents picking up kids at a Ocoee Middle School. Chief Brown said it is one of the few schools with no bus service so many parents have to pick up their children and there is not enough room. They have been trying to keep them following a traffic pattern, but hates to start issuing citations. He said they will look at it again. E;;mmissioner And~- reminded everyone that the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade will be held at 1 :00 R.m. on Saturday. The Winter Garden Parade begins at 10:00 a.m. tommissioner 1iOOd- 1) asked City Manager Frank about the noise ordinance, to which he responded that it should be on the agenda in the second meeting in January. Commissioner Hood advised he would like to put language into the ordinance, if possible, with regard to no smoking in designated areas of city parks and post signs of that nature. City Attorney Rosenthal said that he will look at State Statutes with regard to this. Commissioner Hood said he has language from other cities he will forward to Mr. Frank and they may be able to discuss it on City Attorney Day. 2) said Wild Fern Road, Sand Pine, Little Rock Street, and Spring Foot all have numerous pot holes that need to be looked at. Public Works Director Krug said he will look into it. 3) said at the comer Wurst and Foxfire, the residence on the west side of foxfire is selling vehicles again and Code Enforcement needs to look at that. 3) wished everyone Happy Holidays I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Page 11 of 11