HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1944 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMO~ AKERMAN ATTOR.RLANDO, FLA. C. G. SAND. MARSHAL LUCILE McDANIEL CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN '.:J.I'A:MER CHAIRMA.N J. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN J. E. WHITAKER JOHN T. MINOR Qtitllnf ~(n~~ Oral1ge County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST NOTICE OF HEARING ON EQUALIZATION OF TAX ROLL ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all taxpayers and citizens of the City of Ocoee, Florida that on the 21st day of August, 1944, at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in the City Hall of the City of Ocoee, the City Council will meet for the purpose of review- ing, correcting and equalizing the assessment roll of pro- perties in the City of Ocoee for the year 1943-1944. Any and all persons or taxpayers may file with the Oity Clerk before such meeting their written petitions to the Council setting forth any objections they may have to the assessment roll, and to the corrections they may desire made. Each such petition shall state the description of the properties involved, and state the objection the petitioner thereto has to the assessment roll as to such property.' .. l. The new assessment roll shall be available for inspection at the City Hall during reasonable hours each day (e~cept sunday) for the pu:r:pose of a.ny citizen or taxpayer examining the same and preparing objections thereto. DATED this 12th day of August, 1944. OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OOOEE, FLORIDA . .i~... - =---... --".-. ~ ........" ~ -- _....-...- ~E.A.MURRAY MAYOR '. EMO~ AKERMAN ATTOR,.RLANDO, FLA, ~ C. G. SANDE. ,- MARSHAL i LUCILE McDANIEL CLERK AND TREAS. ... ...... i ~ COUNCILMEN :.. + - .~ '. _.J.P'ARMER CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C..RYAN J. E. WHITAKER JOHN T, MINOR Qtitu nf ~!n~t "" Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING ~ROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST " .I. .. t Minut,es of a regular meeting of otty Council held August.21st 1944. Ueeting called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:20 P. ~. Councilmen Farmer, Minor, Slone and ~~itaker present. Council~an Fields absent. 1~yor, Clerk and Water Works Man present. 1 . . , Minutes of regular meeting of August 7th and recessed'meeting of August 11th were read and approved. Mr. Magt.lire was present. 'to ask permission to tear down the hotel and permission was granted him to tear the hotel down. ~~. Gray and l~. Lea were present to discuss the Plan of Composition for the City with those present. Mr. MaguireTwas asked to file his objections of asseSsi'l1ent on the hotel building ana lot with the Clerk. Any other objections still may. be filed. .. };~. Minor made a motion to approv.e the payment of $30.00 from the Water Fund for the Water Works Man sala~ to Au~~st 15th and $12~99 to Central Truck~.Dles for H. T. H. and dharges and to pay the ~~--From the Water Fund--C. G. Sanders, Water Works Man salary,in place of'M. C. Bryan,from July 19th to July 26th, $15.00; Fla. Power Corp.-pump bill to August 7th $20.65;--From'the General Fund--Water 'Norks Man salary to AUgust 15th $20.00; O. G. Sanders, Water Works Man salary, in place of M. O. Bryan, from July 19th'to July 2Cth $10.00; Fla. Power Corp.-street and City Hall lights to August 7th $14.00; Fla. Telephone Corp. $4.31; B. C. Kitchens, gas and oil $1.27; and N. H. Maynard, gas $1.10. Motion was seconded by 10:'. Whitaker, voted and carri'ed. , ., ~ Vx. Bryan made a report on the collection of delinquent water bills. . ., ." There being no further business Wrr. Whitak~r made a motion to ad- , journ. Motion was seconded by l~. kinor, voted and caxried.: Oouncil adjourned at 11:10 P. k. -.:, ) Attest: .~ . ~ ~(! AJ . :; ~ / / I;z .{k!/l;. d-t_. Clerk. c=::~ . /J d J1 (!/ r r:J ~', (j~ ... Chairman. ...., '-7 I' ,.~ . ~