HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-1944 7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~E~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OOOEE, FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1944 Present: Councilmen Fields, Minor, Slone and ~hitaker, and Yiliyor Calhoun. I Absent: Councilman Farmer. A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Minor at 8:30 P. and the minutes of the last regula.r meeting of September 18, 1944 were read and approved. !' .1,...;,. , ,a The Clerk reo.d ~~ letter from Mr. J. P. Lea in regards to the minute book. Council~Fle1ds moved that the minutes of the meetings of the Oi ty of Ocoee,' Floride. from the date of January 4, 1943 to al'lG. in- cluding August 21, 1944, be )lcwed with ull other old minutes of the City, and wrapped in 9aper and kept for some permanent file of the City, because the City has now a new permanent minute record book. This motion was second~d by Councilman Slone, and was carried by a :)ro..-,er vote. A telegram from Hr. J. B. killer was read by the Clerk. As the water sa~nples 8ubmi tted were unsatisfactory it was decided to send other 8um,)les. l/lr . Fields made a motion to apl)rOVe the payment of the following bills: (a) From the ','faterworks Fund: I ~. C. Stephen, Agent, H. T. H. and charges------- #12.87 'Vaterworks M.a..nls salary to September 30, Hj44----- 30.00 Clerk's salary to September 39, 1344------------- 31.50 (b) From the General Fund: "!aterworks Man's sa1a.ry to September 30, 1944---- 20.00 Clerk's salary to September 30, 1844------------- 3.50 Florida Telephone Corporation---------------------- 4.31 The motion to pay the nforesaid bills from the funds above mentioned was seconded by 1111'. Whi tak~r, and carried by a vote of the Council. ~r. Fields reportad that the weeds on the street h&d been cut. Ner. Bryan e;ave a report of the number of feet of water line in town. It was decided to get paint to paint off the streets for parking and to get some signs to put at the school and on the street. kr. Fields made a motion to have l~. Burgess make up some police tickets for the City. The motion was seconded by ~r. Slone, voted upon and carried. I The registration book was revised, striking off 22 names of those who have died or otherwise are disqualified to vote in the regular City election November 7, 1a44. The following were ap)ointed to act as inspectors and clerk for the election:-lnspectors-Iilrs. W. S. Pounds, J.VJ.rs. J. T. Niggins and 11.11'S. S. R. Scott. Clerk-G. C. Spurgeon. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman 'Nhi taker, voted upon and ca.rried. Thereu~)on, the Council adjourned at 10:15 P. M. ~ ./7_ 7/-:" (1/J, ~ ~ tJ~.t City Clerk. Chli~a/ 10 ~ALW '-' Mayor /7 yr- '---:::::/ r7 '- ~ ATTiST: