HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1944 13 I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCIL~AN of the City of Dcoee, Florida subject to the will I of the voters at the regular City election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1944. I I I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCILMAN of the City of Ocoee, Florida s~bject to the will of the voters at the regular City election to be held Tuesday, Eovember 7, 1944. S ig~led r; l./tr~/~ C/ Vf1ii~ I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCILMAE of the City of Ocoee, Florida subject to the will .1 of the voters at the regular City election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1944. U / It' Signed :ff' '-7 -......j ~-ve.---L-\ _ (/ /0 C r '\ 1~ ,U I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCIL1~N of the City of Ocoee, Florida subject to the will of the voters at the regular City election to be held TueRday, November 7, 1944. Signed I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCILkAN of the City of Ocoee, Florida subject to the will I of the voters at the regular City election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1944. Signed I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCIL1~N of the Oity of Ocoee, Florida subject to the will of the voters at the regular Oity election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1944. Signed I 1 I 15 fuINUTES OF THE REGULAR ME~TIclG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; HELD hONDAY~ OCTOBER 16. 1944 Prese.nt: CouncilmenFields, l1inor, Slone and. Whitaker, and lw.yor GalhoU1:.. Absent: Councilman Farmer. A quorlli~ present. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman hinor et 8:30 P. M., and the minutes of the last regular meeting of October 2, 1944 were read and a'9roved. }a. lioore, from the Florida Power COrlJOra t ion, W8.S )r esent to di scuss their account with the Council. 1.11'. ~'rni taker made Ii motion to approve t~e ?ayment of the fol10\d ng billS: (a) From the Waterworks Fund.: ,Va.terworks l:;.&.n I S salary to October 15, 1944------- $00.00 Fla. Power Corp., pwnp bi 11. to October 5, 1944---- 23.65 (b) From the General Fund: Waterworks Uan's salary to October 15, 1944------- Fla.. Power Corp., street and City Hall lights to October 5 1944----------- . ' Mayors Court fees, including ~1.00 Witness fee---- 20.00 14.00 13.00 The motion to pay the aforesaid bills from the funds above mentioned was seconded by Mr. Fields, and carried by a vote of the Council. Mr. Fields made a motion to raise the minimum rote for water to $1.50 ?er month for 4000 gallons and to make allover the minimum a.mount 15~ per thousand. The motion was seconded by Mr. \7hi taker, \Toted upon and carried. Mr. Slone made a motion to get someone to clean out the water tank. The motion. was seconded by },:r. Field.s, voted ulJon and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted upon and c3.rried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:15 P. b. ATTEST: 41JJ/t:~, dJt. Mayol' ~ 77/e& ~ :: 'A1...A . -- City Clerk.