HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-1944 17 U.:lhUTl'..S OF THE RSGULAR l.Et!.TIEG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDa, HELD r.iONDAY. NOVE!lBl~R (3. 1344 Present: Councilmen F2.rmer, Fields, Minor, and Slone, and !'.layor Calhoun. I Aosent: Councilman (/hi taker. A q~orum present. The meeting was culled to order by Chairman Qud the minutes of the last regular mectin8 ,"yere reBd and cpprovecl. Farmer at 8:30 P. ~.; of October 16, 1344 The biLls were read by the Clerk. ra. Slone made D. motion to :>a~r all of the bills for street work, made necessary by the hurriCQue, out of the General Fund. The motio~ was seconded Ly ~r. Fields, voted u;on &nd carried. ~.._r. Fields made a ((lotion to ~)cw br. Eursess, for ~.Jrinting trc:df1c books and b~llots, out of the General F'und. The frlotion r:as seconded by :iT. Slone, 'Toted u)on aud carried. .oJ:. 310ne r::ade &.. f(lotion to approve the :Jayment of all bills that come fro:;: the Water Fund. The motion was secoEded by ._1'. :..1nor, voted upon and c&rried. The bills read were as follows: (a) From the .'iaterworks Fund: I Wa terworks :.:.an IS sa.lary to October :':'1, 1344------ Clerk's salary to October 31, 1944--------------- Central Truck Lines, Inc. ,H. T. H. & chcrgec----- R. A. Kerr, re~airR on water line & mat~rials---- DclVis ~Ileter Re::JL.ir Co., repe.iring meters R.l:.c1 supplies---------------- ';jl30.00 31.5CJ 12.39 13.45 ~~,] . !50 (b) From the General Fund: "Va terworks lv.an I S salary to October 31, 1944------- Clerk's sRlary to Octouer 31, 1944--------------- l,..a~rol~s 80ur t fees-------------------------------- Roy 2. Burgess, ;,rintil1t:, traffic books--- ;?75 ?rinting bp,llots--------- 4.75--- Cash for Street '7ork----- -;. H. Calhollil (for 2 ne gro es ) S. Z. F~elds (fo= Robert Johnoon) Dom;,ld Cashwell Duck Baker 1,J.i tchell !~8 eks 20.00 3.50 20 . OJJ 14.50 $ 7.65 12.30 27.60 23.80 2.10 Heroel't Calhowl 7.80 S. Z. Eields--truck and himself 27.25------ Fla. Telephone Corp.---------------------------- Carl J. Jackson, County taxes------------------- 113.50 ,1 ,....., 4:;t" ...:;-'- 1. 38 ~r. Eryan gave a report on the meters that were repaired and on the water tests. I There being no further business, Councilman that the meeting be adjourned. This motion Councilman Fields, voted upon and carried. adjourned at 10:00 P. ~. ~lllor made a motion was seconded by Thereu)on, the Council ATTEST: l1iffJ'~~ 4 ~'m9~~ City Clerk.