HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-1944 19 (or affirm) , do solemnly swear II I, I will support, protect and defend the I Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida ageinst all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith; loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the constitu- tionj that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the ~~ ~~~J of the City of Ocoee, am about to enter, So gelp me God. II office of on which I 1 tJ j/~ Approved by me this ~~~day of /1~AJU 19 '-I- ~ . ~;.~~,-A, " !! I, , do solemnly swear (or I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and gov8rl~ent of the United states and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreig.r;., cnd that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the constitu- tionj that I a::~lY perform all the duties of the office .of of the Oity of Ocoee, . ~'~J on which I am about to enter, So help me God. \I Approved by me this 2v>' of ~tR~1,.., -' 19 L/- f 4/JfI rf; {J~~,-- R I / '. 211 I II I, , do solemnly swear (or I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the state of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and t~at I am entitled to hold office under the constitu- tion; that I J'?l fa1thf~llY perform all the dl ties of the office of ~~~-c../ of the City of Ocoee, on which I am about to enter, So help me God.1I I Approved by me tfuis -r..~eI~ -.LA... .;z ~.~day 19 1A4i: . Of~ M,J, erJd~ -&1 ... I I I I 2fl .0 ~dHUTES GF THE RSI]ULAR l.1E~TII.;.} OF THE CITY COU~CIL 0F TH~ CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HiLD MONDAY. NOVEUBER ~O. 1944 P:resent: Councilmen Farmer, Fields, Minor,' Slone ang. 1.Vhi taker, . . and ~ayor Calhoun. Absent: l~one . A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Ohairman Farmer at 8:30 P. L., and the minutes of ':;.~e laRt regular meeting of Hover:1ber '6, 1944 \'-'ere read and approved. Mr. Minor made a motion to approve the payment of the followinG bills: (a) From the ~&terwork3 Fund: Wa terworks 14an' 8 salary to November 15, 134Ll--------- Central Truck Lines, Inc., H. T. H. and cherges------ Fla. Power Corp., Pump bill to November 8, H344------ Cash-Water express $2.23; Freight on meters ~1.81---- $30.00 12.99 32.05 4.04 (b) From the General Fund: Wa terworks l-il.an I s salary to Hovember 15, 1944--------- Fla. Power Corp. ,'street and. City Hall light8 to November 8, 1944--------- Fla. Telephone Corp.--------------------------------- Clerk and Inspectors that held City Election--------- 20.00 14.00 4.31 12.00 The motidh to pay the aforesaid bills from the funds above mentioned vms seconded by hIT, F4e;bai3, and CLrr ied by a vote of the Council. _ Vlhi taker, I..r. HeBer WhS pr es en t to discuss the me.. t ter of e v..a tch r 8)air school \"i th the Oouncil. 1v.lr. ','/hi taker made c. motion tha t Lr. Hager be allowed to o,erate the school without a City License. The motion was seconded by la. Fields, voted upon ond cbrried. !.lr. 310ne brought '..1) the matter of kr. Bracewell's water "0111. It '"as decided tc let his bill remain as it WD8. The Tally sheet,prs)ared by the Inspectors, was read by the Clerk. ~r. Fields made a motion to accept the election count. The motion waR seconded by Mr. Slone, voted u)on and c&rried. The results of the election held ~ovember 7, 1344 were as follows: For Jouncilmen for terrr of' two years-C. J. Farmer 45 votes, John T. Linor 45 votes, J. S. ',ir.'hitaker 48 "iJotes, 1:1rs. S. R. 8cott 1 vote, Mrs. Belle }~err 1 'lote, o..~ld ~rs. W. H. ~~rst 1 vote. ~~nber' of votes cast 52. ~wllber thrown out 2. The new Council.men C. J. Farmer, John T. l~inor and J. E.. '::hi to ~er wer e sworn in by l.1ayor C<:llhoun. l1r ..'1111 taker made c. motion that all officers and co:niYii ttee8 stand as they are. The motion weB seconded 9Y 1...r. Fields, voted 1J~-'on and carried~ kr. ":hi taker mride a motion that Lucile l:~cDaniel remain 8.8 Clerl<. The motion VIas seconded by Mr. Minor, voted u:)on sna carried. Lr. BrYGl1 asked the Council to :0:88 if' they ~ould tet 80E180~l8 els8 for ~aterworks k~n by Dece~ter 1st. There being no further bush:ess, Councilman "fhit,:,ker made H ,notion that the rneetii:6 be 8djourned. T1;.is motion wvs 8econded by Councilu13i., Fields, votect U)O~ and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 9:50 P. ~. ATrrEST: ~,&~~, 112:. y 0 r ~~A*.:47n~~ City Clerk.