HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-1944 I I I ,25 ~:lIhUTi:S JF THZ Rt:JuLAR :'4.::~~TL.G OF THE CITY C(''J~.CIL OF TIE CrTY O}i~ OC02:i, FLORIDA, E.t!.:LD ~J~DhY. DiC~~biR 4, 1944 , fr e 8 e il t : Councilxen Farmer, Fields, ~inor, :lone Lnd 7hitL~er, and ru~yor Calhoun. .hbsent: 8 quorum present. ~\OLle. The meetiub waR c&lled L.~lcl the mi~1~J.te8 0: the ~ere ret~d ~~J &.~~roved. to order by Ch&irman F&rmer ~~ 8:00 ~. -., last r~~111a,r meetillL of ~~ovember ~O, 1~1~ ..x ~ ".~/h i t E.i. k e r ~"r-, ...:J c u~~l...;. '-' & motion to a),rove the ~~ym8llt of tne followic~ billa: (a) From the '::aterworks B~und: '''st erworkc ..Ln I S Sola ry to .:ovcmber 30, l344----~-- Clerk's R~luTY to November 30, 1944--------------- Davis ~eter Repair Company, materia1o------------- ';30.00 r"" h,n ,"",~.'-- 15.00 (b) Fror.l the Genere 1 Fund: '::aterworks l;.en's sulary to NO'lsrr.ber 30,1344------ Clerk's salary to November 30, 1344--------------- 20.00 ',; r:: il _.. ._.'wI The ::i.otion to t)[].Y the =-.foresaid bills from the funds atove tYl8ntiGiJ.ed ~~e seconded by ur. Linor, and carried by a vote of the Oouncil. Mr. Slone brolle;ht u) the matter of trucks blocl:iL1_ the hi~h\'!C.:..y eround the )c.cking house8 and &.180 the sani tory condi tior. br()U~g the l,.i:cor A)c~rt:Lent house. The matter of e new r:lc.1'sht..1 W&,8 di8cussed. l..b.yor C&lho'J.n cbree~ to see if l~~r. Bs.rrley F'i ttrll8.i1 v.rould COI1sid.er the job. 11.:cile :i~cDc..niel, Clerk, told the Council she weB ready to turr~ tne ,~ler~' 8 job over to [':.1'. '::. H. ,vurst, the forrner clerk c.l1d whose ,:..lcce she was fillin~" durine; his str..y ia the ~':c.~vy. 'rbis, ucine:; &- breeab1e with the Council, is to tal{e effect JanUl:.ry 1, 1J45. There being no further business, ~ouncilm&n Fields m~de & ffiotioll th6t the meetin~ oe adjourned. This motion w~s seconded by Council- man '7hi taker, voted Ul-',.m <And cc..Tried. ThsreuOO!l, the COJ.r..cil 8(.1- journsd at 8:45 P. L. , ATTEST: 4u1~~---0 ,,,&yor ~'~~0W~/Y?/~~ . City Clerk.