HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-01-1945 2~) kIUUTES OF TdE RiGULAR ciBETING OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH2 CITY OF 000EE, FLORI Db, HELD ...1,)l,D1\.Y. J Al;-UARY 1. 1845 Present: Councilmen Farmer, Fieldo, ~inor, Slone and ~bitaker, <.;n(l 1&1Yo1' CD.lhoun. I A.l)Ser1t: None. A qumrum ~1'esent. The meeting was c&11e~ to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:00 P. ~., bnd the minutes of the lust regular meeting of December 4, 1944 \;'ere :~~,d. ~.nd ap~)roved.:~:el'E 0eiuo ;'0 (ll.cOru.:l ; J:'r;f' ent Dec8e:tsl' 18, 1~44 ~~ere ~as no meetln~. :'Le .:'ler:-::. rec:d a letter fro;':; .,.1'. Hoyle ~~ound8 cor;.cer!.1h~G the "U"'~ 03 the fire truck. The Clerk is to a~RWer that the Couilci1 d6~s Lot W&ut to get rid of the p~mp. !y~r. . '[hi tc:..lcer made a Lotion to 8)..1rOVe the. )i::iymeut of IJ1118 : 1'''' C .....1..._, fol10win;, .... (a) From the ,;&teT,porke Fund: ...:~terV']orlcG li.811'S salary to DeCei1ibe:::' L), 13,14------- Central Truck Lines, Inc., H. T. H. and charbee---- R. A. Kerr, Instsl1ii1c; ';;LteI' !1:eterA &nd :r.aterials-- Oentral Truck Lines, Inc., H. T. H. and chnrges---- "'!c"Gerworl:;:p. .uD.n IS sc.;lo..ry to December 31, 1344-------- Cler~'s salary to December 31, 1944---------------- Flu. Power Corp., Puo; bill to December C, 1944---- ~p3J. OJ 1~.97 '-::').30 12.99 21 ) . 00 31.50 G8.55 I (n) . " From the. Gener81 Fund: Xa terworks !'.:ian IS sc.le.:ry to Dec ember J5, 1344------- '?a t,erworks Man I F: salary to Dee ember 31, 1944-------- Meyors Court fees---------------------------------- Fla. Power Corp.-Street and City Hall Li~hts to Dece~ber 6, 1344-------------- FJ.a. Tele.t'llone Cor:). -------------------------------- 3D.OO 20.00 J.t:.OO 1::5. E,O i 71 r.0_ ... H. ','f'J.l'8t !\Gency-Insur~Ll(;e on-=- C1 ty H[;lll a1.d rost vffice ~ylE.,.40 (This is~c be ,;r.id fl'om ~"ost Cffice Rp{lt) The motion to ~ay the aforesaid bills froQ the funds ~bovc ~ent1oned \"[;8 secollc~ed by ..11'. Slone, L.nd carried by a 'lote of t.le \..~ouncil. 1..1'. Slone reported what he had done about the 8ELlit8:"Y condition ::,t the ~,.inor A.~(.1't.llent house. .....1'. ".'hitG.~cer made a rr.ctJtion that tIlis ~;!8t-- ter be "tul'.led. OVAr to the 1_8.yor. The l~G.yor 8U"ub8sted the t ~r.e 1.I;.[1'8h&l cleCii1 it U9~ ..,_1'. iihit;,:kerJnlude a rl~otio;l to order 1 d07.en !!':ete1' boxes ex'cr~- lids. The ";lotion W8.G seconded by ..J.'. :"'inor I vot.ed CC.l'l'tecl. ...1'. Calhoun is to see about gettin(, them. , ',rl l ... .,1...... ~ ,jO~8J..l. U. 'O!l b Clcl I .,..1'. Bud \.:'rens WHS JreSe!lt to discuss '\"i th the Cot.;,ncil tt~e .,ic.ttST of !Y:ovh::.o tis lUl:cll c'':'c..nd 011 0ity pro)erty. .d'. Slone m8cle c :""otio,: th~, t h.r. Owens be [!eru1i tted to :110 'le hi s ::n.d Idine. Ou .;i t:; )TO)erty and )8Y ~~5.0r) ~..er j..onth for the tin:e he is open 'for t'.lr.1ne8S. If t::c Ci ty decides thtlY we.nt thr-: builclhlt.., LlO ved ~i.r. O'''er1s \':i11 ue ~i~8n ~O d&ys notice. Thq motion ~as seco~ded ty LT. FiAlds, voted u)on and carried. There being no fur the1' busi ness, Counoi hiO 11 l<LiLiOr made :3 l1iOt iOfl that the rneeting be adjour11cd. This motion wus seco;l..::_ed by ::0;'~l.1Gil- Inarl Fielcls, 'voted upon c.i.rlcl carri-ecl. Tl1erell~on, the ~Ot:.11Cil ad- journed at 9:00 P. M. ATTEST: ~A'>1~?l;..c;,~ _ lJ) \., ..... ~. /l1JjI.t~4 La YOI'