HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1945 35 MDmTES n:p THE REGULAR MEETING ""]:' THE CITY cnUNCIL nF THE OITY nF ncnEE~ ~~""RIDA, HELD MmU)AY, JANUAHY 15, 1945. Present: Cauncilmen Farmer, Fields and Sl~ne. and 1my~r Calh~un. Ab~ent: C~uncilmen Min~ and Whitaker. A q u~rum preoent. I The meet ing was called t ~ ~rder by Chntirman ]'mrmer at 8: 20 J?M. and the minutes ~f last regular meeting held' January 1st and minuteu nf Special meeting held January 9th 1945 were read and appr"lved. Mr. ]'ields made a m"lti~n t ~ appr"lve the payement"lf the fl"lll"wing bills: (n) Frnm the Waterwarks Fund: Iserman & c~mpany - - - - - - $10.68 H. N. Maynard - - - - - - - - 3.58 v. T. Murwin- - - - - - - - - - - - - U.45 llaterw"rks M~n's salary to 1-15-45- - 30.00 Oash f~r p~stage and light bulbs- - - 1.30 R. A. Kerr, electric w~rk "n water pump - 7.50 T"Ital - ~i.)6r:-5I- (b) Fr~m the General Fund: YJaterworks l\lan's salary to 1-15-45 - - - 020.00 The moti~n t" pay the af"resaid bills fr"m the funds ab"ve menti"ned was sec"nded by 8l~ne, and carried by a v~te "f the O"uncil. I C"'ach Griffin was present t" discuss the p"ssibilities "If 6etting the trailer camp t" be used f"r a X"uth 0enter under the supervisi"n and resp"lns ibili ty "f U~nch Griffin, Mrs. E. J. Kerr and JlIdge Parmer. U",uncil disClIssed t11e matter and agreed t", let them have the camp when Bennie Smith has vacated. The C",uncil referred t~ minute~ ",f January 9th, and instructed the Marshal to st",p the negr" fr",m tearing d"wn the "ld h",tel buildi ng ~r l!'l c k him up, . then t" n",t ify Water E. H,.., vart er that he can proceed when the taxes has been paid. The May",r stated that the City Att"rney set the am"unt ",f "p600.00 t", De !laid. There being n" further busine~s, C",uncilman Field madea ffi",ti",n that the meeting be adj"urned. This m~ti~n ~l~ sec",nded by C",unciIman Sl~ne, v",ted ll'p"n and carried. J.1hereulJ('1n, the C'"1llOC11 ad j" urne d at 9: 35 1). 111. ATrl'EST: ~~ 01 t y GIerk. 4<fJJ.&~~ I