HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1945 37 MINUTES np TIill REGULAR MEETING (l1!' THE CITY cnUNCIL nF TIm CITY nF ncnEE, FL(lRlDA, HELD MnN~Y, 1!~RUARY 5, 1945 Pretient: Cnuncilmen 1!'armer, }i'ieldn, Uin("lr, Sl",ne and Hhitaker, and 1mynr Calh~un. Abl:3ent: N~ne A qu",rum present. I The meeting wal:3 called tn "rder by Chairman lParmer at 8:15 P. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held January 15, 1945 were read and apprnved. Councilman Minor made a m':'lti!'\n to appr"ve the payment !'If the following bills: (a) From the Waterwnrks Fund: Waterw",rksman salary tn 2-1-45 CIty Clerk's salary to 2-1-45 H. T. H. & chqrges ue t of band::.> f(')r npAl nil water stamp lHorida p"wer C('1rp, ptml'l) bill t,.., l-15-4i Iserman & C ",m.pany, :r",r water pipe 1$30.00 31. 50 12.99 1.25 27.85 15.12 ( b) li'r ",m Ge n eral :b'UD ds : N",ne The mntinn t("l pay the af"resaid bills fr,..,m funds ment i",ned ab" ve was sec ("Inded by Pieldl:3, and carr ied by y"t e "f C nunc i1. I Letter read frnm Winter Garden Fire Chief dated Febrwlry 5, 1945 stating0that they were n"t cnming t,.., ~c"ee ,..,r ,..,ffering and further prC'ltecti!'\n, and that nc"ee tr"'l l",,..,k ,..,ut fnr themselves. Letter frr"'lffi Ur. F. H. Maguire dated February 3, 1945 pertaining t('1 tearing d("lwn the (lc,..,ee Inn building, C,..,uncil discussed the cnntentl:3 ("If the letter, and agreed to permit the building t" be tnrn dnwn. and the Clerk t" n,..,tify Att,..,rney Gray by ph"ne t,.., cnntact Mr. naguire's att",rney tn c"mplete the agreement menti""ned, and f,..,r Mr. Gray t,.., make the necessary steps t,.., pr,..,tect the ~ity's tnt eres t. C'111ncilman Whit aker made this as a m,..,t i,..,n, and was secnnded ny C",uncilman Min,..,r, and was carried by a y,..,te ",f the C,..,uncil. Mr. M. C. Bryan ('1ur waterwnrks Man and Marl:3hal, turned in his resignatinn ,..,rally, but w("luld c("lntinue t,.., pump the water :f,..,r the rest ,..,:r the weeks. Mayor Oalh,..,lln SWnre in O. H. Pnunds as Special ~fficer until cnnfirmed by the Council. There being n" further business, Cnllncilman Fields made a m,..,ti""n that the meeting be adj,..,rned. This m,..,ti,..,n was sed,..,nded by C,..,uncilrnan Hin"'r, v"ten. n1''''n and carried, Thereup""n, the C"'llncil adj,..,rn1:;d at lO:CO P. li. \ I AT'~~~ City Clerk. 4u7JIo~ lie May'" r. . .