HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1945 I I I -1:4 ~-J _L_ ., . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE: CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ncnEE, FLORIDA. HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1945. Present: Co~noilman Farmer, Fields, Minor and Slone, and Mayor Oalho~n. Absent: Oo~noilman Whitaker. A q~orum present. The meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Farmer at ~:OO P. M. and the min~te6 of last regular meeting held ooto~er 15, 1945 and Speoial meeting held october 22, 1945 were read and approved. Oo~noilman Slone made a motion to approve the payment ~~ the following bills. as welT as th~se having already been paid. (a) From General F~nd: OecilcHayes, 3 hrs labor Ernest Lindsey, 3 hrs labor Clerk's salary to 11-1-45 Marshal's salary to 11-1-45 Cash paid out, memograph stenoil & ink. Winter ~arden-naklaaa Fire F~nd to 12-11-45 S. Z. Fields, gas for truok Donald Cashwell, 8 hrs labor Herman Shiver, 4 hrs labor Bowness Servioe Station, braker fluid Iserman & Oompany, tapping water main Davis Meter Repaid Company, 6 meters C. J. Farmer, J~dge's fee, Helms oase W. H. Wurst, Clerk's fee, Helms oase H. M. Moore, 1mrshal's fee, Helms oase $ 1.50 1.50 50.00 60.00 1.45 20.84 9.20 4.00 2.00 1.25 38.78 60.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 The motion to pay the aforesaid bills ~rom fund above mentioned was seoonded by Co~noilman Minor, and oarried by a vote of the Co ~noil. Co~ncilman Fields made a motion to sell the fire ho~se to Willie B. Kitohens for $50.00, This motion was seoonded by Cnunoilman Minor, voted upon and oarried. CnuDoilman Sl~ne made a motion to restore Gladys Argo, whose name is now Gladys Argo Prinoeton, to the registration book. This motion was seoonded by Co~noilman Fields, Voted and oarried. Clerk read letters from Mr. J. P. Lea, attorney for the Crammer Company of orlando, whioh was attaohed to sevexal oopies oi the Modified Plan of Composition, Resolution, dated A~g~st 27, 1945 and Interlooutory Deoree, Uertified A~g~st 15, 1945. One eaoh of the papers, instru.oted by Mr. Lea, to be sent to the .ll'irst National Bank, Chioago, Ill., and to Messers Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble & Mitchell, Attorneys, 115 Broadway, New lork. Co~ncilman Fields made a motion that these pagers be sent. Motion was seconded by Co~noilman Minor, Voted and oarried. Co~ncilman Fields made a motion to relieve H. M. Moore oX the marshal job as of today. motion was seoonded by Co~ncilman Slone, Voted and oarried. Co~ncilman Minor made a motion that the polls for City eleotion to be held November 0, 1945 to open at 7:60 A. M. and close at 7:30 P. M. Thsi motion was seoonded by On~ncilman Slone, V~ted and oarried. There being no f~rther D~siness, Co~noiLrnan Sl~ne made a motion that the meeting' be adjourned. This motion was seoonded by C~~ncilman ll'ields, voted ~pon and carried. There~pon, the Cou.noil adjourned at 10:30 P. M. ATTEST: ~~ (;1 t y ulerk. ~o1f~fdc