HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1945 I I I 155 ItI, \, ~ /'I, ~~, ,\2 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, proteot and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the ~tate of Florida against all enemies, domestioe or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, l~yalty and allegianoe to the same. and that I am entitled to hold offioe under the oonstitution; that 1 will faithfully perform all the duties ~f the offioe of MAYOR of the City of Oooee, on whioh I am about to enter, So help me God." 4f.[H ,& ~ R' 1945. 1Ioftry 'Pu.~ :: Stale sf l"Ior1d, at LaIlS" Ny Comml 100 Expire Oelobei' 6. 1941. "Il ~, B..-er~~~ . do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, proteot and defend the Uonstitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestio or foreign. and that I w.fill bear true ~aith, l~yalty and allegianoe to the same. and that 1 am entitled to hold offioe under the constitution; that It will faithfully perform all the duties of the offioe of cnUNOILMAN of the Oity of nooee, on whioh I am about to enter, m l(J~, So help me God." Approved by me this 1~0--day of ~r~~~, ayor. "I, xf:~~~ I'will su~rt, proteot and defend , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the Constitution and government of the United States and o~ the state of Florida against all enemies, domestio ~r foreign, and that I will bear true faith. loyalty and allegiamoe to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offioe under the Oonstitution; that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the ~ffioe of cnUNCI~1AN of the City o enter, , So help me God." Approv~4 by me this 19'~ay of Nove~~:r ~9Y;. " () if~~----~ I Mayor. I I I lUNUTES nF TEE REGULAR MEETING nF THE CITY cnUHCIL ~l!'. THE CITY nl!' nOnEE, FLORIDA. HELD MnNDAY, Nn~mER 19, 1945 Present: Counoilman Farmer, Fields, Minor and Sl~ne and May 0 r CEilho un. 157 Absent: Counoimman Whitaker. A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:15 P. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held November 5, 1945 were read and approved. C~unoilman Minor made a motion to accept the count of the voters in regular Uity election held November 6th 1945, as taken from the Clerk and Inspectors tally sheet: The number nf votes for each candidate are as follows: For Mayor, M. C. Bryan 75 votes, W. H. Calhnun Sr. 96 votes; For Oouncilmen, H. M. Daniels 55 votes, s. Z. Fields 88 votes, Bud nwens 48 votes, J. H. Porter 4 votes, M. B. "Bud" Slone 67 votes, John J. "Foots" Vandergrift 32 votes, J. Bnyd Wilson 25 votes. Thereupon, W. H. Calhoun, ::$r. was elected Mayor and s. Z. Fields and M. B. "Bud" Sl"ne were elected Councilmen to serve for the term of next two years. Councilman Slone seoonded the motion, and upon a voted of the Council was carried. Mr. M. C. Bryan asked the Council to recend their motion as just voted upon, related several reason why he thought this eleotion should be thrown out, and aske~rthe Mayor to call another election. no aotion was taken. 01'1 uncilman Minor made. a mot ion t 0 ~pprOve the payme nt of the following bills, as well as those already paid. (a) From General Funds: H. M. Moore, 5 days marshal service Clerk's salary to 11-15-45 Cash paid out, postage stamps R. J. Mobley, bill of 11-13-45 L. J. Lee, 11 days pumping @ $3.00 W. H. Calhoun, 3 days pumping @ $3.00 M. C. Bryan, setting meters D. o. Norwood, 4 hrs labor Martie Moore, 7 hrs labor Jack Norwood, 7 hrs labor C. J. Farmer, Counoilman uompensation to 11-1-45 Mrs. L. J. Lee, eleotion ~Dep8otor P. J. New, election inspector o. L. Sanders, Election' deputy Mrs. Mary Belle Kerr, Election Clerk Florida Power Oorp. powwr and lights to 11-5-45 Texaoo ::$ervioe Station, lf~ex hose 20.00 50.00 2.00 1.95 33.00 9.00 9.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 44.85 . '15 The motion to pay the aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Sl,.,ne, carried by a vote of the O,.,uncil. Mr. J. J. Robertson and Mr. L. J. Lee applications were read for the job as marshal, afetr a disoussion and according to the terms of the letter ~rom Mr. Robertson. Counoilman Minor made a motion to give Mr. Hobettosn the joD for $15.00 per week. This motion was seoonded by ,- Counoilman Slone, voted and oarried. Applioatil'ln was read from W. H. Wurst for the job as vlerk at the S8.me rate "If pay. Ol'lunoilman Slone made a motion to appoint Wurst as Clerk, this motion was seoonded Dy Oounoilman Fields, voted and carried. Uounoilman Minor made a motion to appoint Councilman ~armer as Chairman of the Council, Counoilman made a seoond t~ this mnti~n, Voted & Carried. Oounoilman Slone made a motion to appoint Counoilman Minor as Vioe- Chairman, Motion was seoonded by councilman Fields, Voted and carried. Counoilman Fields made a motion to keep all other Councilmen on committees as they are. motion was seo~nded by Councilman Sl"ne, voted and carried. Co~noilman Minor made a motion that the Clerk make a memo graph letter to each water oustomer, to pay at clerk's office and if not paid at end of seoond m~nth be out off. Motion died for laok of u second. ':' t i I I I '1~'9 ..D C~uncilman Fields made a motion to furnish L. J. Lee his water rent up to the minimum oweing to his physical condition. This motion was seoonded by ~ounoilman Minor. Voted upon and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a m~ti~n that the meeting be adj~urned. This motion was seconded by C~uncilman Slone, voted and carried. Thereupon, the ~ouncil adjourned at 10:30 P. M. ATTEST: g .~ ~ City Clerk.