HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-1945 I I I 16'1 ~UNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY cnUNCmL OF THE CITY OF ('COEE, 1!'LnRIDA. HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1945. I \ Present: Counoilman Farmer, Fields, Minor and Sl~ne. and Mayor Calhoun. Absent: Co llnoilman Whi ta ker. A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:00 P. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held'N~vember 19, 1945 were read and approved. Counoilman Minor made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills, as well as those already paid. (a) From General Fund: Buddie Styles, 3t hrs labor Ernest Lindsey, 3t hrs labor Jaok Norwood, 3~ hrs labor Clerk's~sa1ary to 12-1-45 J. J. ~ Rob ert s n n Texao~ Servioe Station ~inter Garden-oakland Fire Fund to 1-12-46 Carl J. Jackson, ~ax Colleoton 1.75 1.75 1.75 50.00 23.54 4.00 20.84 .83 The motion to pay the aforesaid bills frnm the fund menti~ned above was seoonded by Councilman Slone, carried by a vote ~f the Counoil. Mrs. F. L. Seeley present to ask about the assessment on her drug store building being rather high, and after an explanation this was then dismissed. Mr. Milton steel and Mr. Whitfield present to sumit an offer ~f $4,000.00 for the trailer oamp. Counoilman Fields made a motion to accept this offer subjeot to his oheok on the title of the property, Councilman Slone seoonded the motion, voted upon and oarried. Co~ncil instructed the Clerk to write the W. S. Darley & Co of Chioago to oancel the order ror the six STOP signs. Counoil instruoted the Clerk to write the Florida Telephone Corp. at Leesburg, that their offer of $150.00 to settle their tax statement of $242.00 was not acoeptable. Letter read from the Department of Commeroe, Washington D. C. asking for a copy of the map of the City of Oooee, that they would make another oopy for our use and return. There being no further business, Counoilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be reoessed until 7:30 Thursday night, Deoember 6th. ~his motion was seoonded by Counoilman Slone, voted and oarried. Thereupon, the Counoil reoessed at 10:15 P. M. ATTEST: #7~~/" City Clerk. ~~~~