HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-1946 203 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR liiEE'rnW OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, F'LORIDJl., HELD MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1946. Present: Councilman Farmer, Fields, Minor, Slone and 1/,'hi taker Ma.yor Calhoun e.nd Ci t7t Attorney. Absent: None A quorum present. I The meeting was called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:10 P. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting of May 20, 1946 were read and approved. Councilman Whitaker made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From General Fund: I L. J. Lee, salary to 5-27-46 James Porter, 9 hrs labor on truck Johnnie Adkison, 9 hrs labor on tru.ck J. J. Robertson, 9 hrs driving truck W. H. Wurst, Clerk to 6-1-46 . Cap Howell, 62 hrs reading meters James Porter, 6 hrs on truck Johnnie Adkison, 6 hrs on truck Henr~T Hays, 6 hrs driving truck J. L. Lee, salary to 6-3~4& Cash paid out, express and kerosene C~ R. Freeman, charging battery L. L. Asher, Plumbing & Materials M. B. Slone, 8 hrs. fixing street Florida Telephone Corp. J. B. Rodgers, Jr, for April & May 1946 Carson's Garage, labor on truck Davis Meter Repair Company, 6 goosenecks complete 17.50 4.50 4.50 5.40 50.00 8.12 3.00 3.00 3.60 17.50 2.26 1.00 22.67 4.00 8.19 10.00 5.50 35.40 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from .the fund above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Minor, Voted and carried. I Col. Sam T. Salisbury present with a mumber of the Veteran's of Foreign Wars asked of the possibility of a long term lease on the Trailer Park and the possibility of buying in later years. The Council did not take any action at this point, being they had been negotiating with b~. 1~rshall W. Davis for the sale of this property for one month prior to this meeting. Councilman Whitaker made a motion to table the sale of the Trailer Park to Mr. Davis until we hear from the Bonding Company as to what kind of a release, and also, the amount they- would expect if and when the property is sold. This motion was seconded by Counc:1.lman Fields, voted upon and carried. Clerk read letter from Florida Telephone Corp. dated May 29, 1946 pertaining to the assessment on their personal property. Also, a{ letter from Laura Pillans, dated May 22, 1946. Councilman Minor rrede a motion to rent to Trailer Park to Mr. M. W. Davis at $15.00 per month. This motion was seconded by Councilman Whitaker, voted upon and carried. Councilman Slone voted NO. Councilman Whitaker r~de a motion to let Yx. Farmer get necessary n~teria1s to fix foof over Post Office. Motion was seconded Councilman Minor, Voted and carried. Councilmen Fields made a motion to allow the City Attorney a fee of $10.00 on each piece of property that has been turned over to him that is to be foreclosed on, since the time has expired for property owners to pay up their taxes and assessement on the adjusted basis. Councilman Slone made the seconded to the motion, Voted upon and carried. 205 I City Attorney Rodgers presented a plan to the Council and others present, to get their idea on a new Thirty (30) year plan on which to payoff the bonds instead of the 35 year plan made up by the Bonding Company. Mr. Rodgers' Plan showed the t we would not have to raise more than $5,000.00 per year outside the interest. Also, instead of paying 20% of the Participating Certif'ice.tes, his plan would be on a 10% bas is. And that our millage would not need to be over 20 mills on Homestead Property. which would be plenty to make his plan would but successfully. Councilman Fields Made a motion to let Mr. Rodgers see-if this new 30 year plan. will be accepted by the Bond Company, Councilman Minor made a second to this motion, voted upon and carried. There being no further businessf Councilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. his-motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried, Therepon, the Council adjourned at 11:25 P. M. A 'ITESIf : ~~ City Clerk. 4~"~-4 ayor. I I