HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1946 I I I -' fI- MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR MEETING OF THE CI1~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1946 Present: Councilman Farmer, Fields, Slone and ~bitaker, a~ City Attorney. 207 Absent: Councilman Minor and Mayor Calhoun. A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Farmer at 8:15 P. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting of June 3, 1946 were read and approved. Counci~an vVhitaker made a motion to approve the paJrment of the following bills: (a) From General Fund: Henry Hays,17 hrs labor on truck L. J. Lee, marshal salary to 6-10-46 J. J. Robertson, 18~ hrs driving truck James Porter, 3hrs labor on truck Johnnie Adkison, l2t hrs labor on truck J. E. Vfuitaker, 7 hI'S hauling trash W. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 6-15-46 J~ J. Robertson, 4~ hrs driving truck Henry Hays, 4i hrs on truck James Porter, 4~ hrs labor on truck L. J. Lee, Mars hal salary to 6-17-46 C. J. Farmer, painting & repairs to City Hall Bldg. C. R. Freeman, Gas & Oil L.. L. Asher, Labor & Pmumbing materials S. Z. Fields, gas & oil Cash paid out, express on water meters Oakland-Winter Garden Fire Fund to 7.11-46 Florida Power Corp. power & lights to 6-5-46 Davis MeteI' Repair Company, meters & couplings Lester Harris, Installment on. Judgment $375.00 & . Interest $84.37, due July 1, 1946 8.50 17.50 11.10 1.50 6.2'5 4.20 50.00 2.70 2.25 2.25 17.50 164.32 4.15 29.06 10.99 2.21 20.84 44.15 51.00 459.37 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from the fund mentioned above was seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. \ Mr. Herman Heidrich, Jr., present to ask Council about the possibility in closing the South end or Cumberland Avenue from COtijIDbus Street to Qeneva Street to build a packing house, as they want/have the side track laid on the East side of the building, this street. has never been used and of no benefit to the property OWners joining it. Councilman Whitaker ~de a motion to have City Attorney look into this and have the street closed if it can be done properby and advise I~. Heidrich, ~his motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted and carried. Mrs. J. E. pulliam asked the Council about setting the taxes and paving on lot 81. Block liE" Marion Park being advertised for foreclosure, and offered $26.89 plus the Attorney fee and Court Costs, rull amount being $37.89. Councilman Sone made a motion to accept this money providing the Federal Judge approved it. This motion was seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried, Counciln~n ~~itaker voted NO. . Mr. P. P. Kerce present to see about taking up the taxes on his lot 9, Block "A" Seegar Sub. Also, Edwin A. Baker for lot 13, Block.IIAII Seeger Sub. Council agreed to accept the full amount of taxes plus Attorney fee and Court Costs, being $27.21 and $25.61 respectfully. Councilman ~bitaker made a motion that all ChurChes and Womansf Club taxes and paving assessments be stricken from the foreclosure advertising list. This motion was seconded by Councilman Fields, Voted and carried. " Councilman Fields n~de a motion to accept the $1,847.06 t "II E. R. Remey on paving assessments she owes on 10 sF, Marion Park Sub. This motion was seconded by Councilman and carried. checks from Mrs. "G" and "R" in Slone, voted ). I I I 2nB City Attorney Rodgers stated that he has been in conference with the Crummer Company to try to get a reduction on the bonds end the Parti- cipating Certificates, and stated they are not interested in giving any kind of a discount. It was agreed upon by the Council for Mr. Rodgers to try for an appointment with Judge Barker as soon as possible, as for all members to. be present on the apointment date. Mr. Rodges stated that if the Trailer Park 'is sold that the Crumnler Company expects all the money to be applied on the retireing of the Certificates. There. being no further business Councilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. this'motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted and carried, Thereupon, the Council A4journed at 11:45 P.M. ATTEST: ~~ City Clerk. rf 'y1(~ '-1