HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-1946 I I I 223 MINUTES nF Tlffi REGULAR MEETING nF TEE CITY C(\UNCIL nF THE CITY (IF nCnEE, FL"RlDA, HELD }.nlNDAY, AUGUST l~ 1946 Present; Cnuncilmen Farmer, Fields, Minnr, Slnne and Whitaker and ~~yor Calhoun. Absent: Hone A quorum present. The meeting was called to ~rder by Chairman Farmer at 8:10 P. M., and the minutes of the last regular meeting of August 5th-1946 and Recessed meetings of August 9th, August 12th and August 13th 1946 were read and approved. Councilman Whitaker made a motion to approve the payment ~f the following bills; (a) From the General Fund: A. I. Barker, cash paid f~r 7 hrs lab~r~n truck A. I. Barker, Marshal salary to 8-12-46 W. H. Wurst, Clerk's salary to 8-15-46 State Bank of Apopka, apply on Participating Oert. A. I. Barker, cash paid for 8 hrs labor on truck A. I. Barker, cash paid for 7 hrs hauling brush A. I. Barker, Marshal salary to 8-19-46 Cash paid oU~, for state stamp ~n ~lO,OOO. n~te at State Bank of Apopka State. Bank of Apopka, charge fnr transfer of funds to First Natinnal Bank, Ohicag~ Fl!'1rida Prrwer'. Corp~-Pf'wer & light s to 8-5-46 Oakland-Winter Garden Fire Fund to 9-11-46 S. z. Fields, 56i ft lumber @ $75. per thousand (b) From Interest & Sinking Fund~ State Bank of Apopka, Funds sent to First National Bank, Chicago to retire $122,875.00 in Partioipating Certificated due August 15, 1946 $25,312.39 3.50 25.00 50.00 525.00 4.00 4.00 25.00 10.00 6.58 42. 40 20.84 5.60 The Motion to pay aforesaid bills from the funds above mentioned was seconded by Oouncilman Minor, and carried by a vote of the Council. REP(\RTS; A loan of $10,000.00 was made t~ the City by the Spate Bank of Apopka for the retirement of $50,000.00 in Certificates due on August 15th 1946. Oouncilman Minor made a motion to charge $2.50 minimum for water rent to all users of water ~n excluded property, this increase to inolude the hauling nf garbage, this motion was seconded by Councilman Whitaker, voted upon and carried. CounCilman Whitaker made a motinn to em~loy s~meone to mow streets, this motion was secnnded by C~uncilman Sl~ne, v~ted and carried. C~uncilman Whitaker made a motion for Mr. W. M. ndum to clean sidewalk on curve at Mr. Mitchel's, this motion was seoonded by C~uncilrnan Fields, voted upon and carried. Councilman Whitaker made a motinn for Olerk to get prices ~n a f~ur way tra~fic light-f~r the ~rug St~re c~rner, this m~ti~n was sec~nded by Oouncilman Minor, voted upon and carried. Councilman V~hitaker made a m~tion t~ have six more street lights installed as Boon as pOSSible. Motion was sec~nded by C~uncilman Min(1r vot ed and carried. The Oouncil stated that any~ne wishes water piped to excluded peopert~ may dn So at their own expense after making it kn..,wn t "'I C~uncil. There being nn further business, C~uncilman Whitaker made a mnti~n that the meeting be adjourned. This motinn was secnnded by C,.,uncilman lnelds, voted upon and carried. Thereup~n, the Council adjourned at 10:55 P. M. ATTEST: ~~~ 01 ty G.Lerlt. ~~~frl