HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-30-1946 SS 22B MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF; CITY OF"'OCOEE, J!'LORIDA, HELD MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 30 , 1946. I Present: Counoilmen Fields, Minor and Sl~ne. and Mayor Calhoun. Absent: Councilman ~armer and Whitaker. A quorum present. The meeting was oalled to order by Vioe-Chairman Min~r at 8:40 P. M. Clerk presented to the C~ un cil, the Tax Assessment Ro Us for the year 1946,and at this time the Oouncil with the assistanoe of the City Attorney, examined the assessment roll, and eaoh pieoe of property separately, which resulted in the inorease or deorease in assessed valuations on muoh of the property. Counoilman Fields 'made a motion to open the Uity registrati~n b~nk ~n not~ber 1st, for ,he purpose of registering all persons qualified t~ register for the Uity"eleotion to De held Hovember 5th 1946. This motion was seoonded by Oounoilman Slone, voted upon and carried. Counoilman Fields made a motion to hire Mr. Stephens as Marshal to oommence Ootober 1st 1946, at a salary of $70.00 per month, payable of the 1st and 15th.of each m~nth. ~his m~ti~n v~s seoonded by Uouncilman Sl~ne, voted upon and carried. I There being no further business, U~unci1man Fields made" a motion that. the meeting be adjourned. Xhis motion was seoonded by Counoilman Sl~ne voted upon and carried, Thereupon, the C~uncil adjourned at 12~00 P.M. ATTE~~ City Clerk. I