HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-1946 ..- ---- I I I I I . MI~UTES OF THE REGULAB MEETINJ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY IOF OCOEl,FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, NOVEUBER 4, 12!6 ... I -Present; Co~n01lman ~ields, Minor, ~.. and Wh1taker, and Mayor Oalho~n. i i 1 I 93() (...It .. Absent: Co~noilman Farmer. and Slone. A q ~orwn prese nt. I The meeting was called to order by Vioe-Chairman Minor at 7:30 P. M. and the min~tes of last reg~lar meeting of Ootooer 21, 1946 were read and approved. I I Co~noilman Wh1taker made a motion to approve tne payment o~ the follow1ng b1l1s, with the exoeptions of the $31.60 bill from the First ~ational Bank, Chioago, and the three bil]s of $25.00; $45.00 and $376.50 respeot fully, from Bodgers and Kirkland. I I i (a) From General F~nds: I H. M. Dan'iel, ma::-:al salary to 10-28-!46 H. M. Daniel, oash for garbage ha~ling W. H. ill1'st, Clerk salary to 11-1-46 I Oap Howell, 8 hrs reading water meters. @ $1.25 H. M. Daniel, marshal salary to 11-4-416 H. M. Daniel, cash for garbage ha~ling Cash paid o~t, postage and water sample express Rodgers and. Kirkland, Sept. and Oot. r1etainer C. R. Freeman, Oil and brake fluid The Bargess press, printing oards, water department L. L. Asher, .?lumbing and materials to! 10-31-46 The moti.on to pay aforesaid bills from f~nld above mentioned was seoonded by Co~noilman Fields, voted.and oarried. I 25.00 9.60 50.00 10.00 25.00 9.60 4.84 10.00 2.60 4.60 34.45 , Co~noilman Fields made a motion to table the two req~ests for red~ction in assessments, that of Mrs. J. B. Alford Bnd G. S. .Moore,~ntil next meeting, this motion was seconded by Co~no:ilman Whitaker, voted and carried I . I Mr. &: Mrs. Jim Helms was present to ask Counoil to see what cou.ld be done towards get t ing the street line in front olf their ho~se stra'u.ght ened o~t. , I . .1 Co~nollman Fields made a motion the the Polls of the City Eleotion to I be opened November 5th 1946 at 7:00 A. M. and remain open ~ntil 7:00 P.M. This motion was seoonded by Co~noilman Whitaker, voted and carried. I I Co~noilman ihi taker 'lDade a mot ion to aooep~ and have Ordinanoe signed levying 1946 taxes d~e November 1st. This motion was seoon~ed by Councilma~ Fields, voted ~pon and oarried. I There being no fll1'ther b~einess, Councilman Fields made a motion that I the meeting be adjourned, This motion was seoonded by Co~noilman Whitaker, voted ~pon adn oarried, there~poOt the Co~noil adho~rned at 9:15 P. M. I I I I I i I I ATTEST: iwJ.(b~-& . Jr. Kay or. fi77vZV~ City Clerk. "