HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-1946 I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING Ob' THE CITY COunCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, 1!'LORIDA, HELD MONDAY, NOnMBER 181, 1946 I Present: Co~noi1men B~own, Bryan,Fields, Minor and Slone, aod >>ayor Calho~n. I Absent: Non~ I A q ~orum present. The meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:30 P.M. aod the min~tes of last reg~lar meeting of November 4, aod.~peoial meeting of November 7, 1946 were read and approved. Co~noilman Minor made a motion to approve I the payment of the following bills, or as far as the money will go: I (a) From General F~nd: I . H. M. Daniel, marshal salary to 11-11r46 H. M. Daniel, oash for garbage ha~ling W. H. W~rst, Clerk salary to 11-15-461 H. M. Daniel, Marshal salary to 11-18t46 H. M. Daniel, oash for garbage haQling Carl J. Jaokson, Tax Colleotor Mrs. Belle Kerr, ~leotion Olerk Mrs. S. R. Soott, Eleotion inspeotor Mrs. Nora p~ Salisb~ry, Election inspeotor Mrs. O. L. Sanders, Eleotion inspeotor C. G. Sanders, Eleotion Deputy Oakland-~inter Garden Fire F~nd J!'lorida Power Corp. power 8c lights to 11-5-46 Larry Daniel, 3 hrs outting weeds at Trailer oamp. H. M. Daniel, 9 hrs outting weeds at Tsailer camp. Rodgers 8c Kirkland, Sept. 10 and 19thlbillS Rodgers 8c Kirkland, Tax Levy Ordinanoe . I The motion to pay aforesaid bills from furtd above mentioned was' seoonded by Co~noilman Fields, voted and oarried. I I . Mr. Bigelow present regarding assessment of Mrs. J. .B. Alfords, asked to be lowered, Councilman Brown made a motion that all assessments stand as tney are, This motion was seoonded by Counoilman Slone, Voted 8c Carried I . Councilman Brown made a motion to set a rate of $1.00 per month to ha~l garbage from exol~ded property, this motion was seoonded by Co~ncilman Minor, Voted ~p~n and carried. I Co~ncilman Fields made a motion to have ~ke Street olayed from Bl~ford I Aven~e to Trailer Camp. This motion was seconded by Counoilman Brown. Voted ~pon and carried. I I Co~noilman Brown made a motion to accept Mr. Kennedy's proposition on sale of Trailer Camp for $5,000.00 on or about Jan~ary 1, 1947. This motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Minor, Voted ~pon and oarried. I Chairman Bryan appointed Brown for water oommittee with Minor, and.Mr. , I . Brown on ~treet Committee with Mr. Field~, and Minor on Eq~ipment Comm- ittee with Slone. 247 25.00. 9.60 50.00 28.50 9.60 .99 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.84 56.55 1.80 22.50 45.00 25.00 Co~ncilman Minor made a motion to have letter heads and envelopes printed, This motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Brown, Voted and carried. I Oo~ncilman Brown made a motion to hire W. ~. Merritte as Marshal at $135.0 per month, payable on 1st an,d 15th of the month, This motion was seoonded by Co~ncilman Slone, Voted upon and oarrted. I Co~ncilman Minor made a motion that all water colleotions to be made at I Clerk's office, and at second meter reading those ~ppaid to be out off by Marshal, This motion was seoonded bYCo~ncillman Brown, Voted and carried. I Oo~nci lInan Minor made a motion that W. H. W~rst be retained as Glerk on sa me basis. This motion was seoonded by Co~nlci1man Brown, Voted and carried. Councilman Slone made a motion to retain ). B., Rodgers as City Attorney on same basie, This motion was seconded by Col~ncilman Brown,Voted Be oarried. I (Over) I I I 248 There being no rurther business. Counoilman Minor made a motion tnat the meetl.ng be adjourned. This motion wasseoonded oy Counoilman brown. voted upon and oarried. thereupon. the Council adjourned at 10:30 until Tuesday night at 7:30 P. M.~eoember 3rd. I ATTEST: ~ ~~~ C 1 t Y 0 1 er It . . ~ CW1~.C:r;!ff!n~ -Jh ayor .. I 1_ I -