HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-1946 I I I 249 MINUTES OF THE BEGULAR MEETING OF THE CI TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, memBER 3, 1946 Present; Connoilman Brown, BryaD, Fields, Minor and Slone. Absent: Mayor Calhonn. A qnorwn present. The meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:30 P. M. and the minutes of last regnlar meeting held November 18, 1946 were read and approved. Bounoilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the follwoing bills. (a) W. P. Merri~te, oash for garbage hanling Cap Howell, 8 hrs reading water meters W. H. Wurst, Clerks salary to 12-1-46 W. P. Merritte, mat-shal salart to 12-1-46 w. P. Merritte, oash for garbage hauling W. P. Merritte, Marshal salary to 12-3-46, marshal f~e on King oase, J.e'ss oost of driving tr nok Florida Power Corp. Bill to 11-10-46 J. B. Rodgers, retainer fee for November Bnrgess Press, letter heads and envelopes Motor Vehiole Commissioner, 1947 truok tag C. R. Freeman, gas and otl W. H. Wurst Agenoy 7.40 10.00 50.00 54.00 9.60 9.50 5.77 5.00 18..55 2.'25 4.05 50.00 The motion to pay aforesaid beills from fund above mentioned was seoonded Uonnoilman Slone, voted aoa oarried. Clerk read letter from Mr. J. B. Bodgers, Jr., dated November 26, 1946 asking for an inorease from $5.00 per month to $25.00 per month, sinoe Mr. Rodgers was not present for a disoussion, the Conncil had his letter tabled to next meeting. Mr. Heath present to see about painting water tank, after mnoh disoussion Counoilman ~inor made a motion to let Mr. Heath paint the tank for $150.00 plns the price of the paint nsed. This motion was seconded by Counoilman Fields, voted and oarried. A. I. Young asked permission to nse lots south of the store building to be used to park oars after oleaned up, Permission was given as far as the Connoil is oonoerned. Mr. Marlett asked that some olay be put on road up to Mrs. Aldrioh home. COllncil stated that will try to get the County to do the work. COllnoilman Brown made a motion that if Mr. Merritte dont drive the trllok and read water meters, the Glerk to ask him to turn in his badge, and take out from his pay the amount the Oity paid the driver while he was on the job .for two Sa t urdays, This mot i on was seoonded by Counoilman Fields, voted npon and oarried. There being no further bnsiness, Oounoilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjonrned, ~his motion was seoonded byCounoilman Slone voted upon and oarried, thereup on, the Coun~il adjourned at 9::; 55 P.M. ATTEST: . ~ ~ ~- City Clerk CUf/-/.~~_A Mayor