HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-1946 I I I 251 MINUTES OF THE REJULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, DEOEMBER 16, 1946 Present~ Councilmen Brown, Byran, Fields and Minor. and Mayor Calhoun. Absent~ Counoilman Slone. A quorum present. The meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:15 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held December 3, 1946 were read and appr oved. Counoilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From General Funds: A. I. Barker, oash for garbage hauling Joseph Bwnby Hardware 00. 10 gallons water tank paint. S. Z. Fields, 8 hrs traotor work on street W. H. Wurst, Clerks salary to 12-15-46 A. I. Barker, Cash paid for street and garbage work D. B. Hall, 2~ lirs street work Bowness ~ervioe Station, battery and battery oharge Oakland-Winter Jarden .l!'ire .i!lunds to 1-11-47 M. E. Heath, painting water tank L. 1. Asher, setting water meters M. & M. Welding ~hoP1 Conrad's Garage, repairs to truok Joseph Bwnby Hardware 00. 3 gallons water tank paint. Lester Harris, Prinoipal and Interest due Jan. 1, 1947 A. I. Barker, Marshal fee on Cox and Pierse Oases W. H. .Calhoun, Mayor's fee on Cox and Pieroe oases W. H. Wurst, Clerk's fee, on Oox and Pieroe oases 4.50 44.10 20.00 50.00 9.60 1.50 16.10 20.84 162.75 5.25 4.00 98.60 13.50 454.68 4.00 2.00 2.00 (b) From Interest and Sinking Fund: J. B. Rodgers, Jr., Payment in full on Bankruptoy 375.00 First National Bank, Chioago, fee for payment of ooupons due 7-1-46; 1-1-46 and 1-1-47 31.50 Eirst National Bank, Chioago, Interest due 1-1-47 1739.39, and paying ooupons $10,50 749.89 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted upon and oarried. The J. B. Rodgers, Jr. letter dated November 26, 1946 was tabled again until he oan be present. Counoilman Brown made a motion for Marshal to out off all water customers that don't pay, This motion was seoonded by Oounoilman Minor, voted & oarrie d Counoilman Minor made a motion to have meter installed at Mrs. Annie . Weathersby's and oolleot $5.00 meter deposit, This motion was seconded by Counoilman Brown, voted upon and oarried. Oounoilman Brown made a motion to pay Mr. Barker at rate of $135.00 per month, payable on 1st and 15th, This motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted upon and carried.' There being no further business, Councilman Jj1ields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, This motion was seconded by Counoilman Brown, voted upon and oarried, thereupon, the Oouncil adjourned at 9:10 P. M. ATTEST: ~~~ City Clerk. 1Jf.(I.~~ - yor