HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1947 I I I 2~3 MINUTES 01!' THE REGULAR MEETING OB' THE CITY OOUnOIL OF THE CITY CF OCOEE, :B'LOHlnA., HELD ::TUESDAY, .SEPTEMBER 2, 1947. Present: Councilmen Bryan, Brown, Fields, Minor and ~lone. Absent: Mayor Calhoun. A quorum Present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:30 .B. M. and the minutes of last regular meeting of August 18, 1947 and recessed meeting August 21, 1947 were read and approved. Councilman j!'ields made a motion to approve the payment of the folloVJing bills: (a) FromJ.eneral Pund: A. 1. 3arker, cash for garbage hauling Oakla nd-i-linter Jarden .Elire l!'und to 9-11-47 W. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 8-15-47 A. I. Barker, n~rshal salary to 8-15-47 Freeman's Service Station, ~lorida Telephone Corp. bill to 8-10-47 Florida Power Corp. power and lights to 8-6-47 Brook's Shell Station, gas for truck A. 1. Barker, cash for garbage 8-22-47 ~. H. Wurst, clerk fee on two cases ~. H. Calhoun, mayor fee on two cases A. I. Barker, marshal fee on two cases Moore's Foundry and Machine Davis Meter .l:~epair vOlflpany Orange uounty Read & Bridge ~ept~ repair street n' 1. Barker, salary to 9-1-47 \i. .ti. 'A.urst, Clerk salary to 9-1-47 M. M. ~elding ~hop, applyon account 8.75 20.84 .50.00 67.50 1. 75 5.06 38.90 2.89 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 21.00 15.00 7.10 67.50 50.00 38.35 ... ~, ., .. ,k . (b) J!~rom ut ili ty Tax: Layne-Atlantic Company payment on pump $100.00 and one months interest C .06% ' 106.52 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by uouncilman Brown, voted and carried. I\1r. Meredi th fr om t he ~rumIIler ~ompany wa s presen t to ass is t the Uouncil in determining the amount of millage for debt service will be required for the 1947 tax roll. It was later decided by Mr. Ueredith that the same debt service millage as last.year of 23 mills will be entirely in order, this 23 mills was set previously by the Counoil at the recessed meeting of August 21, 1947. Councilman Brown made a motion to recind the motion made and carried at the recessed meeting of August 21, 1947 vlherein the non-hom'estead property millage for the 1947 tax roll of 35 mills. Now be set at 30 mills, and being the sa.me as for the year 1946. ALSO, 0ouYlciln;an Bl10wn made the motion to increase the wa.ter rent .500' per month on every water customer, this making the included property owners pay a minimum of $2.00 per month plus the l,Cf;~ Utility Tax, and that the excluded property water users pay $3.15 per month minimum, this increase will include all Oity Officials. A second to this motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. 00uncilman Bryan voted NO. this increase to become effective for the mpnth of ~eptember. There being no further business, Councilm~an Minor made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Counciln~n Brown voted and carried, thereupon, the Uouncil adjourned at 9;40 E. M. ATTEST: ~~._--'~ - vi Y Clerk. fl1t.~. vlay or- p