HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1947 I I I 2~5 I.UHUTES OF THE BEJU1AR MEETINJ O:EI THE UITY COUNC 11 OF THE CI TY OJ!' ccore, :b~ORIDA, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1~~947 Present: Oouncilmen Bryan, Brown and l1elds. and Mayor Calhoun. Absel]t~ Councilmen Minor and ;:31one. A q uor um prese nt. The meeting was called to order by Chairrr~n Bryan at 7~55 P. M and the minutes of last regular meeting of September 2nd was read and approved. Councilman j!'ields made a motion to a1?prove the paYIJent of the B'ollowing bi 11s: (a) From }eneral Fund: W. H. Wurst, Ulerk's salary to 9-15-47 A. I. Barker, Marshal salary to 9-15-47 A. I. Barker, cash for garbage hauling 3 weeks Cash 1?aid out, 1000 post cards and legal paper Ereen~n's ~e~vice Station, Gas and Kerosene Jilliams Jrocery, gas and oil for truck M. U. Bryan, installing meters and running water lines Cakland-Winter J.arden lllire ..blund, to ~ct. 11,1947 Britt Farming 00. 11 hrs mowing streets, @ $2.75 50.00 67.50 15.75 10.95 2.06 9.32 20.50 2 O. 84 30.25 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from fund above mentioned was seconded "bY Councllman Brown,. voted and carried. Letter read by Olerk, dated ;:3eptember 15, 1947 from Mr. R. C. Bigelow as a corrmittee of one, to prated against the boat races or similar entertainments on Sundays. Councilman }'ields made a motion due to other conflicting dates for races, that ~he Committee to go ahead with the boat races as they see fit, and not to allow any motor be started until 12:30 o'clock, This motion was seconded by Councilman Brown, Voted and carried. . Councilman Brown made a motion that the Uity Registration book be opened on October 1st 1947, for the purpose of registering persons who wish to vote in City Election to be held November 3rd 1947. This motion was seconded by Counc ilmao lnelds, Voted and curried. There being no further business, Councilman Brown made a illotion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Gouncilman lnelds voted and carried, thereupon, the Gouncil adjourned at 8:30 P. M. ATTES'T: ~~ ciTY-Uleri:"- a1J1J. t~SA' l1ay or.