HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1947 I I I 297 MIJIDTES OF THE REGUI.AB MEETING OF THE CI!Y COUNCIL OF THE CIft OP ccon, PLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1947 present: Oounoilmen Brown, Bryan, Fields, Minor and Slone, and Mayor Calhoun. Absent: Bone A qaorwm present. The meeting was called to order by Ohairman Bryan at 7:40 P.M. aod the min~tes of last regular meeting of September 15, 1947 was read and approved. Oounoilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: ea) Prom General Fund: W. H. Wurst, Clerk's sal&ry to 10-1-47 A. I. Barker, Marshal salary to 10-1-47 . A. I. Barker cash for garbage and clean ap streets Bodgers-Kirkland, for July, Aug. & Sept. & Plat Oakland-Winter Garden Fire Fund to 11-11-47 Ilorida Tel~hone aorp. to 9-10-47 Florida Power ~orp. ;ower & ~ightns to 9-8-47 The Burgess Press, printing M. C. Bryan, water dept. M. & M. Welding Shop. acoounts in full to 10-1-47 50.00 67.50 27.25 17. 70 20.84 7.38 37.50 21.10 11.60 41.66 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seoonded by Counoilman Minor, voted and carried. Mr. A. I. Barker's notioe to Counoil dated Ootober 6, 1987 was read, wherein he asked for a $15.00 per month raise, or he would have to resign by November 1st or sooner. After a disoussion, Oounoilman Fields made a motion to leave the marshal's salary as it is, -this motion was seconded by Oounoilman Brown, Voted & Oarried. At this t~e the oounoil revised the registration book, 29 names was ordered strioken from the book of those who have died or otherwise are disqulaified to vote in City eleotion to be held November 4, 1947. There being no further business, Councilman Brown made 8 motion that the meeting be adhourned. This motion was seconded by CounCilman Minor, voted and carried, thereupon, the Counoil adjourned at 9:25 P. M. ATTEST: ~~~ vity Clerk. ~r;~J!I\ .Mayor \. c