HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03-1947 .~ ~ :1 .. t tl " ., I tt " il lL ~ "< " -' .{ .~ :i. ,. i ~ ~.t " "" .. ..:".1. 99 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE~ FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 19-17. Present: Oouncilman Brown, Bryan, Fields, Minor sDd alone, and Mayor Oalhoun. 4-lso City Attorney. Absent: None A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:25 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting of Octeber 20, 1947 was read and approved. Councilman Slone made a motion to approve ~he payment of the .following bills: (a) From General Funds: R. A. Gr~y, ~ecretary of State O. L. Sanders, 11 days marshal servioe A. I. Barker, 5 days marshal service W. H. Wurst, Clerk1s salary to 11-11-47 J. H. Fox, Plumbing at Jail . W. H. Calho~n, Fee on George Graves oase A. I. Barker, fee on George Graves oase W. H. Wurst, fee on George Graves case S. Z. Fields, moving tree, ~omans Clnb lot E. Willi-s, Gas and oil Oash paid 'out, postage, garbage and street work . Carl J. Jackson, 1947 taxes Oakland-~inter Garden Fire Fund to 12-11-47 Burgess Press, Printing Ballots (b) From Utility Tax: ~ayne-Atlantio Co. payment on pump 3.00 49.50 22.50 50.00 4.75 1.00 2.00 1.00 26.00 3.25 18.20 1.11 20.84 . ~.OO 109.63 The motion to'pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Counoilman Brown, voted and carried. Attorney Rodgers present, read the proposed ordinance pertaining to bringing oertain exoluded properties, this caused oonsiderable disoussions. 'Counoilman Fields made a motion to, adopt this ordinanoe on its first reading. This motion was seconded by Counoilman Brown, voted and carried. The Uouncil stated that the polls 'for the City Election 01'1 November 4th 1947, be opened at 7:00 A. M. and close at 0:00 P. M. ~ There being no further business, Counoilman Hields made a motioD that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and oarried, thereupon, the Gounoil adUourned at 9:00.P.M. ATTEST: ~7'~~~-e.Pc::;' Ci ty Clerk .~/4-- yore