HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1947 Proclamation - I I - -l 107; !2.!!.9.! NOT ICE - - -' - - - MAYOR'S PROCLA!UTION THIS IS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THE REGULAR ELECTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, WILL BE HELD AT !l'HE CIfi HALL ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER, NAMELY TUESDAY, NOVB1BER 4, 1947. AT WHICH TIME THERE WILL BE ELECTED THE l!'OLLOWING: "A MAYOR AND TWO COUNCILMEN FOR THE TERM OF TWO YEARS." REGISTRATION BOOK IS NOW OPEN AND ALL WHO DESIRES TO QUALI~~ FOR THE ABOVE ELEC~ION SHOULD REGISTER AT ONCE. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE CITY WILL BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN ABOVE ELECTION. THE FOLLOWING ARE HEREBY APPOINTED TO ACT AS CLERK AND INSPECTORS. W. H. CALHOUN, SR., Mayor October 1, 1947 -' NOTICE --.....--- NOTICE ------ YOUR ATTENTION IS HEREBY CALLED TO THE FAC~ THAT THE CITY REGIS'!RATION BOOK IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTlJBING ANY PERSONS RHO MAY WISH TO QUALIFY FOR THE REGULAR CITY EL"ECTION TO BE HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1947. THE BOOK WILL BE OPEN AT W. H. WURST nlSURANC,E OFFICE FOR THIS SEE VI CE. DO NOT FAIL TO REGISTER. W. H. WURST Olerk. Ootober 1, 1947. I I .1" . ~ 109 I hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek offioe of ~l MAYOR of the City, of Ocoee, ~lorida, subjeot to the will of the qualified voters of the City of Ocoee at the regular City. election to be held November 4, 1947. (Signed) W. H. calhouni Sr. Oct 0 ber 5, 1947 I hereby fire notice of my intentions to seek offioe of MAYOR of the Oity of Oooee, Florida, subjeot to the will of the qualified voters of the Uity of Ocoee at the regular City eleotion to be held November 4, 1947. (Signed' Bud Owens Ootober 14, 1947. I hereby file notioe of mJ intentiones to seek office of MAYOR of the oity of Ocoee, Flqrida, Subject to the will of the qualified voters of the Oity of Ocoee at the regular City election to be held November 4, 1947~ (Signed) Bass Flewellinf . Ootober 17, 94"-;- I hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek office of COUNCILMAN of the City of Oooee, l!'lorida, subject to the will of the q ualified vat ers of the C it Y of 00 oee ,a t the regular Uity eleotion to be held November 4, 1947. (Signed) S. z. Fields. Ootober 14, 1947. I hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNCIIMAN of the City of Oooee, Florida, subjeot to the will of the qualified voters of the City of Oooee at the regular Oity eleotion to be held November 4, 1947. (Signed) M. B. Slone. , -- Ootober 18, 1947. I hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek office of COUNCIU,tAN of the City of Oooee, Jj'lorida, subjeot to the will of the qualified voters of the Uity of Oooee at the regular City eleotion to be held November 4, 1947. . (Signed) L. L. Asher. October 18, 1947. I hereby file notice of my intentions to see office of OOUNCILMAN of the City of Oooee, Florida, Subject to the will of the qualified voters of the Uity of Ocoee at the regular City election to ~e held November 4, 1947. (Signed) James J. Wiggins. October 21, 194'1 I hereby file notice of my intentione to seek offioe of COUNC~UN of the City o~ Oooee, Florida, subjeot to the will of the qualified voters of the Uity of Oooee at the regular City elction to ge held November 4, 1947. , (Signed)~Barney L. Pittman October 23, 1~47.