HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1947 I I I 111 "1, . Bud Ow"eOn"s' . do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, proteot and defend the Oonstitution end Government of the United State and of the State of j!110rida against all enemies, domestice or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allecgiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution, that I will faithfully perform al the duties of the offioe of of the City of Ocoee, on which I am about to {Signed).tf~ i.~~ ,,';~-~>::'>" " ~-. . ."" 0....:- "'-.. ~ ...........~ ~ 2 __ f r ~' ~:' \ -:.:' ~. - - -... -- -.;,,.....,:/ ':' ..::: :--".... , -/ ,,~. ~~: ,:.r.. - ~ =:;;~ -..,-... ,,""'" - ,-.. -- ...-....-. g :;.....-,; :.... .-..... ..,;. -..... ,,'" S' ~ ../ ;":.~-~-I ", ~ '1"";/ I.T - ~j ,. -:' .......":.' r"rr".,...,.,~_............_........'\ " Mayor enter, 30 help me GodV. Sworn to and subscribed to before me on this the 5th day of November A.D. ~ ~~? Notary Public ,,"'ry ""IIe, Sftte., ".". at (A,,- MY CCmmi.... ~I". ~ '.ltlIII 1. L. Asher do solemnly swear(o~ affirm) ~hat I "I, will support, proteot and defend the Constitution and Government of the United states and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreggn, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and alle~iance to the same, and that I am'entitled to hold office tlnder the Constitution, that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the offioe of COUNC~UB of the Gity of Oooee, 00 which I am about to enter, So help me God". (Signed)~ ~ Approved by me this 5th day of November A.D. 1947. 1:l~#~:::- "I, James J. Wigsins ~do solemnly swear. (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution aod Government of the United State end of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestio or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and . allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Oonstitution, that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the offioe of COUNCILMAN of the Ci~y of Ocoee, on which I am about too enter, So help me God". (Signed) _ Approved by me this 5th day of Nrber A.D: 194? d~ ~u4 ayor. I I I 113 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1947 Present: Counoilmen Asher, Brown, Bryan, Minor and Wiggins, and Mayor Owens. Absent: None A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:00 P.M., and the minntes of the last regular meeting of November 3, 1947, Special meeting of November 5, 1947 and the Recessed meeting of November 10, 1947 were read and approved. Counoilman ~rown made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From the General Fund: A. I. Barker, Marshal salary to 11-13-47 A. I. Barker, Marshal fee on one case ~. H. Wurst, Clerk's salary to 11-15-47 dash paid out for postage, garbage & street work Florida Power Corp. power & rights to 11-6-47 Motor Vehiole Commissioner, 1948 truok tag Mrs. O. L. Sanders, Election inspector Mrs. HOWard Armstrong, Election inspector Mrs. H. M. Daniel, eleotion inspeotor H. M. Daniel, election ~lerk P. J. New, election deputy 54.00 2.00 50.00 19.00 41.35 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from the fund above mentioned was seoonded by Councilman Minor, and carried by a vote of the U ouncil. Counoilmap ~rown made a motion to acoept the appointme~t of the Mayor of Mr. C. G. Sanders as Marshal under conditions. That when the Council instruots him to out off water customers who are not paying, if he fails to out them off, the amount of water bills will be taken from his salary. This motion was seconded by Counoilman ~iggins, and oarried by a vote of the Council. Councilma.n ~rown made a motion to appoint W. H. Wurst as ulerk' this motion was seconded by Counoilman Minor, and carried by a vote of the Counoil. ' OhairIi1a.n'lDr'ya[.brilade~' ,the appointment o;f, Councilman .dsher as Sanitary Committee, and Councilman Wiggins as street Committee. Counoilman Wiggins made a motion to amend and change the regular Counoil meeting nights from the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of eaoh months to the 1st and 3rd Thursday nights. This motion was seoonded by Counoilman Brown, and ,carried by a vote of the uounc:il. oounoilman tlrown made a motion that the Ojdinance ~e1ating to Extending ~oundaries of the Oity of Oooee, 410rida be acoepted and passed at its second reading. This motion waS seconded by Councilman Minor. and carried by a vote of the CounCil. There being no further business, uouncilman Wiggins made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was'seconded by Councilman Brown, voted upon and carried. Thereupon, the ~ouncil adjourned at 9;50 P.M. ATTEST: ~~~ City Clerk. ~AL~u~ . ayor