HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1948 ./ 123\ MINUTES 01P THE REGULAR MEETING 6b' THE CITY COUNUrL Oli' THE CITY Ol!' OCOEE, 1!'LORIDA, HELD THURSDAY, ll1EBRUARX 5, 194:8. Present; Uouncilman Drown, Bryan, Minor and Wi~~ins and Mayor Owens. I Absent: Counoilman Asher. A quorum present. The ueetini Was called to order by Chariraan Bryan at J:30 P. M and the ainutes of the last re~ular Eeetin~ of January 15, 194:8 were read and approved. A:represectative of the 'Orumer Company of Orlando was p2esent aAd submitted a letter for tender of Bonds, bein~ $1,4:78.15 worth of bonds at .50 oents, and $10,000.00 of BondB at 55 oents, bein~ there were no other tenders of Bonds suboitted. 'Counoilman .Brown made a ~otion to buy the bonds to _he extend of money in the Bank, aed as per the CroJillmer Company letter dated }\ebruary 4:, 194:8. This motion wac seconded by Counoilmar3 Minor, and carried by a vote of the Counoil. Oounoilnan Brown ~de a motion to approve the payment of the followin~ bills: (a) From Jeneral ,b'und: ' -; w. L. Powell, iUS and oil .1.30 J!'la. ltower &. Liljht Corp. power & Li~ht& to 1-8-48 45.30 Fla. Telephone Uorp. bill to 1-10-48 4.60 COiiins Shell Station, ~as & oil 4:.28 \lash paid out, .iiurba"e and street labor, .80~ expreos.21.80 W. H. Wurst Aienoy, Liability inwuranoe on truok 47.36 D. B. Hall, 111 hra labor @ .50~ 55.50 L. 1. Asher, Plunbini and materials 116.03 I G ~ : . J-. . , .",. r ~ (b) From~nterest and Sinkini Fund: The Cru.aer Company, $1,478.15 Bonds @ .50~ 7,000.00 Bonds ~ .55~ Interest from 1-148 to 2-1&-48$4:,598.97 (c) FrOQ Utility Tax Layne-Atlantio Company, pump payment 281.02 The MQtion to pal aforesaid bills from the ~unds above aetnioned was 8econd~d by Coul:3Qil~n Minor, and carried by a vote of the Council. There bein~ no further business, Oounoilnan Brown made a motion that the meetini be adjourned. This motion was seoonded by Counoilman Minor voted and ,oarried. Thereupon, the Council ad journed at 8:4:0 P. tI. ATTEST: ~~-- tJ~ ~~ M.ayor. I