HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-1948 I " 125 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING Ol!' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1948. Present: Councilman Brown, Bryan, Isher, Minor and Wiggins Absent: Mayor Owens A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:30 P.M. and the ,minutes of the last regular meeting of February 6, 1948 were read and approved. Counoilman ~sher maa: a mot io.n to approve t he payment of the following bills: (a) From General Funds: C. G. Sanders, marshal salary to 2-15-48 W. H. Wurst, Clerk's salary to 2-15-48 Gilliam's Grooery, ~as for truok Cash paid out, ~20. post oards for water dept. 9. garbage labor; .17 express Flarida Power Corp. poer & lights to 2-5-48 M. C. Bryan, Pass office repairs & plumbing Oakland-~inter Garden Fire Fund, 2 mo. to 3-11-48 Gainey Motor Sales, truok repairs 67.50 50.00 2.76 29.17 , 38. 73 31.20 41.68 42.99 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from the funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Brown, voted and oarried. Brown CounCilman/made a motion to table the petition to raise the beer and liquor license, until we could find out from the City Attorney as to how muoh can be oharged, this motion was seconded by Oouncilman Asher, voted and carried. Uounoilman Asher made a motion that the Clerk write Mrs. Pike that she must comply with the County and State plnrobing code, or will condemn the building and have all tenants to vacate, this motion was seoncded by Counoilman Brown, voted and carried. Counoilman Brown made a motion that the Marshal oollect the Pasoo Fruit Company Uity Lioense due siace January 1, 1948 or close them up, two days time was given.to oolleot, this motion was seconded by Counoilman Minor, voted and carried. Counoilman Wiggins made a motion to re,fund the $5.00 lioense paid on one marble ,machine to the Pounds Pharmaoy, this refund was due to the disoontinuing the maching just after the license was paid. This motion Was seoonded by Oounoilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman Wiggins made a motion that the Marshal to collect the licenses form all dry oleaners' and all solioi tors or make arrest s. This mot ion was seoonded by CounCilman ~sker, voted and carried. There being no further' business, Councilman Brown made a mot ion tha't the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Uoubcilman Wiggins, voted and oarried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 9~25 P. M. ATTEST: ~~ City Clerk. om, L-~ Cha.ir n