HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1948 I I I 141 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE! FLORIDA, HELD ____ THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 194~. Present: CO':ll~ilmen~Asher, Brown, Bryan, Minor and Wiggins. Absent: Mayor Owens. A quorum present. 'The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:40 P. M. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held June 3, 1948 were read and approved. Councilman Brown made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From General Funds: W. H. Wurst, Clerk's salary to 6-15-48 50.00 M~ C. Bryan, setting water meters, 28 hrs. @ $1.35 37.80 G. W. Steohens, Marshal salary to 6-15-48 67.50 Cash paid out, postage, fan belt, and garbage hauling 12.50 A. E. Flick, repairs to fire trucks 5.00 R~ J. Mobley, paints, brushs for Street Dept. 8.69 J. J. Wiggins, fan belt for #2 fire truck lrlO Shell Service Station, gas for street dept. 2.75 George Stuart, Inc., typwwri ter rental for tax book 10:.'00..,. M. C. Bryan, 5 hrs labor @ $1.35 6.75 Finley's Municipal Supply Co. 6 water meters & washersl02.73 Burnett Chemical & Supply Co~ 9/5 Ib cahs H.T.H 21.50 Lester Harris, Prinipal & Interest due 7-1-48 on Judgment 440J64 (b) From Interest & Sinking Fund: The First National Bank, Chicago. Interest due 7-1-48 on refunding bonds $679.75, & $10. chgs. 689.75 The motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Minor, Voted and Carried. Councilman Brown made a motion for Clerk to absorb as much bonds ~ .50 to .55i up to the amount of cash in the Interest and Sinking Fund account as of July 1, 1948. This motion was seconded by Counci~man rlsher, voted and carried. Councilman Brown made a motion to order storm sewer grates to replace those stolen and to have Mr. Bryan to get plastic cement to cement all other storm sewer grates as soon as possible. This motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. There being no further business, Coun~ilman Brown made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, goted and carried, Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 9:45 P. M. ATTEST: ~~A~~~ City Clerk. om..e.-,~ :r-.~ayor-p 0 tern