HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-1949 I I t j,o 181 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IvlEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OC0EE, FLORIDA, HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1949 Present: Councilmen Asher, Bryan, Murray, Richbourg and Wiggins, Also Nayor Owens. Absent: None A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryan at 7:45 P. M. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held March 17, 1949 Nere read and approved: " Councilman Asher made a motion to approve the payment of th~ following bills: (a,) From Gen eral Fund: Victor r~I. Hill, Tax Collector, two X 1949 tags . 4.50 M. C. Bryan, reimburse for Dock llavis 6~ hrs labor 4.50 Henry Hays,'50 hrs labor on streets @ .bO~ 30.00 1. H. Davis~ 16 hrs labor @ .60rj;, 9.60 G. W. Stephen, marshal salary to 4-1-49 67.50 w. H. Wurst; Clerk salary to 4-1-59 50.00 r'1. C. Bryan, Setting' and reading \'later meters 21.00 Rodgers and Kirkland, Feb. and March retainer 10.00 Cash paid out, garbage hauling & Street cleaning 21.15 Florida Telephone Corp. bill to 3-10-49 5.34' Florida-Power Corp. power & lights to 3-9-49 75.95 w. J. Coggin; gas and truck tire change 4.91. Dees and Lee, gas for dum p truck 1.39'" J. C. Ward, gas for fire trucks 4.20 Bowness Service Station. gas & grease for dump truck S.20 George M. Mock, repairs to dump truck 58.75 Layne-Atlantic Co. service call 3-31-49 7.50 Finley's Municipal Supply Co. repairs to 8 water meters 36.71 h motion to pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned fund was see-onded by Councilman 'diggins, votea upon and carried. w. J. Noel from Crummers office in Orlando, was present to turn in a bid of .50i on $1,000. denomination bonds and .h8rf; for $100.00 denomination bonds, as a result of the advertisement for bond bids in the Bond Buyer. in New York, and the Orlando Horning Sentinel. Upon a discussion, Councilman Murray made a motion to pospone'any action on the purchase on bonds under discussion at th~s.time, the denomination ''las Nine ,:;1,000. bonds and Five ~~100. Bonds, this motion was seconded ny Councilman Richbourg, voted and carried. . Councilman Wiggins made a motion to amend the previous motions on water' bills, and to have all City Officials names.be striken from water lists, This motion was seconded by C~uncilman I\1urray, .voted and carried. 'Clerk waq instructed/~6 ~g~nf.~lcheck ~f $18.90 cSf A. T\I. Clarke: be!lipg a flat minimum rate for water from April 1st to September 1st. Councilman r"lurray made a motion to hire N. 1. Campbell to clean off,. curve on Lake Shore Drive. this motion ';'las seconded by Councilman::.Asher voted and carried. There being no further business, COuncilman I\Iurray made a motion that. the meeting be adijourned. This motion was seconded by Council~~n Asher, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:10 P.M. " ATTEST: $?~ ~ . J-IayK P~~--C-SJ~ City Clerk ....