HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-1950 I I 217 MINUTEZ OF THE REGULAR ~1EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 1950 Present: Councilmen Bryan, Minor, Murray, Richbourg and Slone ^bsent: Mayor Owens A quo run present. . The meeting was ~alled to order by Chairman Richbourg at'7:00 P.M. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held December 15, 1949 were' read and approved. Councilman Slone made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From General Fund: Lloyd E. Smith, marshal salary to 1-1-50 67.50 W. H. Wurst, Clerk salary t 0 1-1- 50 50.00 Cash paid out, garbage hauling 22.00 Motor Vehicle Cnmm. 3 1950 X tags 6.75 C. Clark, gas & oil street dept. 4.85 W. H. Wurst Agency, City Hall insurance 49.20 Dees and Lee,' Street(ldept $24.34, Fire Dep.$12.95 37.29 w. M. Marlett,-Gas for street dept. 3.10 Conrads Garage, truck repair, street dept. 1.00 F]orida Telephone Corp. bill to 12-10-49 5.02 Florida Power Cnrp. power & lights to 12-8-49 72.85 Winter Garden Hdwe Co. 2 locks for jail 1.55 M. & M. Welding ShoP, St. dept $22.~5, Water Dep16.10-38.55 ~ MOrris Paint & Varnish Co. 1 gal tra:ffic paint 3.50 Finley's Municipal Supply Co. 6 curb stops 11.46 Florida League of Municipalities, 1950 dues 10.00 (b) From Utility Tax Fund: First Nationrol BankL Winter Garden, payment in full for l"ire Hose due 2-1-50 251.16 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Murray, voted and carried. Councilman Murray made a motion th~all purchases for the City be brought before the Council to be approved before any purchases are made. This motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted and carried. Mr. Livengood from the Fla Phone Co. present to show Council of the over payment of Utility Tax from telephone rents,'since Oakland has to Utili~y the Telephone Company paid their share to us, his figures showed an over- payment to Ocoe~ being $148.40. Councilman Murray made a motion that the Clerk be instructed to make this refund, This motion was seconded by Councilman Bryan, voted and carried. , Clerk was instructed to call Layne-Atlantic Co. to have water pump checked to see what repairs are needed. due to the trouble its now giving. Councilman Murray made a motion to send a $10.00 check to the Florida League of Municipalities at St.'Petersburg for the 1950 dues. this motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Counailman Murray made a motion for Mr. Bryan to get pipe and fittings to run water line to Johnson's house. this motion was seconded by Councilma Minor, voted and carried. ,Councilman Murray made a motion to amend Ordinance' to raise the Marshal pay to $150.00 per month to begin January 15th 1950. this motion was seconded by C~uncilman Slone, voted and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Murray made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 9:40 P.M. _ ATTE~~~ City Clerk ,1 (~~~