HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-1950 I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ,OF OCOEE,-FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1950 ,253 Present: Councilmen Bryan, Minor, Murray, Slone and Mayor Owens Absent: Councilman Richbourg. A quorum present The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Minor at 7:30-P.M. Councilmal"1 Bryan potested to the appr0ving the minutes as read', stating that the last meeting nor this meeting was.leagal, stating thatCouncilnan Minor did not vote AYE for the amending the Ordinance-to-change the mwwting from 1st and 3rd Fridays to the 1st and 3rd Tuesday's, Councilman Minor states that he did vote AYE alomg with Councilman ~iurray and Slone. Council- man Murray made a motion to approve the minutes of last regular meeting of September 5th and to go ahead with the Council meeting, this motion was seconded. by Councilman Slone, Conncilmen Murray, Minor, and Slone voted AYE, Councilman Bryan not votin~. Councilman Murray made a motion to keep fire insurance on fire hose, Courr~il, man SlonE'! s.e~ond the motion, Councilmen Murrav, rviinor and Slone voted AYE. LiOUnCl..lman Jjryan not VOl.ll.ng.. . Councilman Murray made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills, and to include the purchase of $3,000. of Bonds at .70~ plus interest to date: (a* From General Funds: Richard Bodiford, street labor to 9-9-50 G. M. Stanley, marshal salary to 9-15-50 w. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 9-15-50 Richard Bodiford, street labor to 9-16-50 Cash paid out, $12. street labor, '$10. garbage hauling Dees and Lee, gas, oil & graasing, street dept. 16.80 75.00 50.00 3 J. 00 22.00 24.43 .u-l.!.....,J,. (b) ~nterest & Sinking Fund": The Crummer Company, $3,000. Bonds at .70~ $2100. Plus 2% interest to 9-19-50 $13.17 (c) From Utility Tax Fund:: A. E. Flick, repairs to fire trucks. W. H. Wurst Agency, Insurance on Fire Hose E. H. Pounds,'fire call 9-2-50- H. D. Jl1aguire; fire call 9-2-50 John T. Minor, fire call 9-2-50 Henry Ha~s, fire call 9-2-50 , Bud Owens, fire call 9-2-50 F. B. Holmes, fire call 9-2-50 M. C. Bryan, fire call 9-2-50 2,113.17 5.00 11.68 2.00r 2.00 2.00 2'.00 2.00 2.00 2 . OO~ Motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman SlonE'!, Councilmen Murray, Slone and Minor voted AYE, Cnuncilman Bryan not voting Mr. S. Z. Field~ as a cnmmitte of the Lions Club, asked for a lease of the up stairs of the fire station for a meeting place for the' Club and other Civic Organizations, after much discussion, pro and corn, Councilman Murray made a motion to lease this space to the Lions Club for a period of five ' years at ~~1.00 per year provided other Organizations will have a~cess' to it, This motion was'seconded by C'ouncilmanSlone, Councilmen Murray, Slone and Minor,voted AYE, Councilman Bryan ~ voting.)YD_ . ,[vIr. Torn. S. West pre sent to ask for a lease on a 5 foot strip by 53 feet om North side of Oakland Ave. joining Lot 11, Blk 1, Town of Ocoee for his truck scales at a rate of $1.00 per year, Councilman Murray made a motion to this effect, and was seconded by Councilman Slone, Councilman Murray, Slone and Ninor voted AYE, Councilman Bryan not voting. Councilman Murray made a; motion that no charge be made for cutting the two lots for Mr. 1-1assey, Motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted & Carried. Councilman Sloneymade a motion to try to get J. B. Rogers here for the next meeting October 3rd;' motion was seconded by Councilman Murray, Councilmen Slone, ~Unor and Nurray, voted AYE, Councilman Bryan not voting. 254 I" - There being no further business, Councilman Murray made a motion th~.the. meeting be adjourned'. This motion was seconded by Councilman Slone, Councilmen Murray, Mmnor and Slone voted AYE, Councilman Bryan Bot voting, carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned rot 8:55 P.M. ' ATTEST: . / ~~~. City Clerk " Vice Chairman I I ~.