HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1950 I I , l-UNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1950 255 Present: Councilmen Bryan, Minor, Murray, Richbourg, Slone and Mayor Owens. Absent: None A quorum present, The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richbourg- at 7: 30 P., M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held September 19, 1950 were read and approved, A motion was made to approve those minute s by Councilman 1-1inor anc se~onded by Councilman Murray, Voted and caTried. .Councilman MurraY. made a motion to approve the paym~nt of the Lollowing bills: (a') From General Fund: Bud Owens, l-1ayors fee on 33 cases G. M. Stanley, marshal fee on 30 cases w. H. Wurst, Clerk's fee on 33 cases Richard Bodiford; street labor through 9-23-50 Richard Bodiford, street labor through 9-30-50 G. }1. Stanley, marshal salary to 10-1-50 W. H. Wurst, 81erk salary to 10-1-50 Ca'sh pai d out, street dept. State Bank of Apopka, truck payment Florida Power Corp. power & lights to 9-12-50 Florida Telephone Corp. bnll to 9-10-50 Orlando Farm Equipmnt Store, street dept. Winter Garden Hdwe Co. street dept. . Richard Bodiford, street labor through 10~7-50 J.. W. Hrown, 40:hrs street labor @ .60i 33.00 60.00 33.00 33;. ~O 33\.00 75.00 50..00 16.00 49.00 72.92 4.67 5.45 4.85 33.00 24.00 Mottiorn to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned was seconded by Councilman Slobe, boted and carried. J. B. Rogers was present to figure to what extent the millage must be cut to complyswith this 'Cigarette- Tax Law im order to contiruue to receive the Cigarett~ Tax money, it was figure out that as mu~h as one and three- quarter must be cut, but could cut the millage much lower if the Council wanted to. Councilman Murray made a motion to permit the County to use the first floor of thr Fire Station for a permanent voting place for this precinct, also-to get voting machine from County for City Election on November 7th 1950, this motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman'}linor made a motion to sell old City dump truck~o Bud Owens for $15.00, this motion was seconded by Councilman Murray, voted & carried. Councilman !'v1inor made a motion to see if },Ir. Fox would make a bid to tear down the truck garage at the water tank ano re-build it large ehough for thl truck and tractor, this motion was seconded by Councilman !'vlurray, Voted & C, Councilman Murray made'a motion to accept the 1950 Tax nolls since there are no adjustments to be made, as presented by the: Clerk. This mot ion \'1as' seconded by COuncilman Minor, voted and carried. After much figureing and discussion as to what millage to be set for the 1950 tax rolls, Councilman !'vlurray made a motion to set Homestead property millage at 10 mills and non homestead property at 20 mills. Motion died for lack of a second. After further dis~ssion~, Councilman Slone made a motion to set the ,homestead millage for the 1950 tax ro11s,at 15 mills and 'the non homestead millage at 23 mills. Councilmen Bryan, !'vlinor, S, one and Richbourg voted AYE . Councilman Murray voted NO. carried. Councilman Murray made a motion to dispose of the Utility-Tax as fire house is pa1.d for, this motion was s e~onded by Councilman }1inor, after some di scussions and since the: fire house is not completed, Councilman !'vlinor withdrew his motion. But all Councilmen was in accord to remove the Utility Tax as' soon as the fire station was completed. , r; 256 - At this time the Council reviewed the City Ragistration Book, and . ordered 30 names to be removed from the book of those persons that have died or otherwise have disqualified themselve for the nrivilmdge to vote in the City Election to be held November 7th 1950, also authorixed the Cierk to open the Registration booR at once for registering persons who are qualified to vote in aforesaid City Election. There being no further busimess, Councilman Slone mane a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This 'motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ATT~ST: ~ ,~~~ City Clerk ~,1~ , Chairman / . . I I