HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-1951 .1 I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1951 309 Present: Councilmen Fields, Minor, Murray, Pounds and Slone Also Mayor Owens Absent: None A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by' Chair,man Minor at 8:00 P.M. and the minutes: of the last regular meeting held September 18, 1951 were read and approved: Councilman Fields made a motioru to approve the payment of the following hills. (a) Frame General Fund: Richard Bodiford street labor through 9-29-51 Cash paid out, $A.03 police dept. $34.25 Street dept. Ferrell Wilsonr marshal salary to 10-1-51 w. H. Wurst, C erk salary to 10-1-51 Florida Telephone Co. bmll to 9-10-51 Richard Bodiford, street labor through 10-6-51 (b) From Utility Tax Fund: 41.25 42.28 100.00 50.00 8.30 41.25 . Florida Power C rp. Fire Dept.& Street lights to 9-11- 51.66 Seaboard Air LiRe Rwy. Fire Dept. equipment 167.69 A. E. Flick, repairs to fire trucks 5.00 A motion ~o pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman Slone, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to table the Ordinance pertaining to pig pens, chichen coops, stables and corals as a result to much discussion pro and con as to its passage'. This motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Council instructed Clerk to call the State' Road department at Oviedo about getting the east side of B'luford avenue paved in front of the Baptist Church. . Councilman Fields made a motion to have a copy of Ordinance #52 mimeo- graphed by Mr. Terry at the School, and mail one to the head of each family, this motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Pounds made a motion that the Council be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman' Slone, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:45 P.M. ATTEST: ~~~ City Clerk OL (/ j~ Chairman I ,.. I ~I \ l ADDITION TO 'IHE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~lliETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY'OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 2, 1951 At this time the Council revived the City Registration book and ordered 43 names to be removed from the book of those persons that have' died or otherwise have disqualified themsel ve s of the pri viledge' to vote in the City Election to be held ,November 6, 1951. Also authorized the Clerk to open the Registration book at once for registering persore: who are qualified to vote' in aforesaid City Election. The names of those removed from the Registration book are as follows: Bracewell, Mrs. W. T. Bruce, Jesse-C. ~'lurray, Erman E. Mathews, R. W. McHargue, Mary D. N e 1m s, R . E. Odum Mrs, R: J. Odum , R.J. Pittman, B. L. Pit tman, I'vlr s B. L . Reeves, B. !\1. Richbourg, C. L. Richbourg, Dora L. Remires, Mildred Shook, Horr,ace W. Shook, Mrs. H. W. Smith, J. M. Colburn, T. f<.1. 'Chastain, Vera Denham, J. H. Duboise, ,J. E. Duboise,: Sybel Flewelling, H. E. Flewelling, Madaline Finley, J. M. Finley, Mrs. J. M. Gra ve s, Ge orge Grauser, 6. S. Grauser, Hazel C. Henry, R. V. Ingram, Van B. Jr. Ingram, Gloria P. Irby, \'1. W. Irby, !\'1rs. W. W. Voss, Hassel V.oss, C. T'. Voss, Sallie Weeks, l\1011ie Weeks, T. J. Ward, J. C. Kerr E. J. Kennington, Mabel Long, J. VI. ATTEST: ~~e..} CIty Clerk Q~ j/ y >>J~ Chairman ' I ~ ZlE