HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1952 .. I, ~I I' I RECESSED & MINUTES OF THE/REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELU TUESDAY. ~~Y 7, 1952 Present: Councilmen Fie1ds, Freeman, Iv1~r, Murray and Pounds Also Mayor Salisbury. ,3~7 f Absent: None A qaorum present . . The meeting was <ra~11ed to order by Chairman Murray at 8: 00 P.M. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held, April 15, 1952 were read and approved. , , Councilman Minor,made a motion to approve the'payment of the following bills: (~) From General Funds: w. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 5-1-52 George H. Horton, Police salary to 5-1-52 Richard Bodiford, street labor through 5-3-52 Florida Telephone Co. bill to 4-10-52 Cash paid outl garbage $7.50; postage $3.; $9.40 of rice help & $1.80 office expense Fla Power Corp. Power & Lights to 4-9-52 R. J. Mobley, Street dep.t Bb~mess Station, Gas, oil & Greasing, Street Dept. Bray Ha~dware Co. Water Dept. Winter Uarden Lbr Co. Street Dept. Raymon Dickson, City Hall repairs to toilet Atlantic Chemical Co. 100# Perchloren~n~ ~~g~ksoda Iserman & Co. Water dept. L. T. Berryman, Gas and Oil, Street Dept. R. A. Kerr, Water Dept. Richard Bodiford, street labor through 5-10-52 s. Z. Fields, reimburse for J.H.Shelton,G~s & Oil, W. H. Wurst, Clerk to 5-15-52 ' George H. Horton Police salary to 5-15-52 Richard Bodiford, Street labor through 5-17-52 (b) From Utilitv Tax Fund: Florida Power Corp. Power & Lights to 4-9-52 (c) From Cigarette Tax. FUnd: Winter Garden Hdwe Co. Fittings for water dept. Finley Municipal Supply Co. Water Dept. Hood Tractor' Co. Street dept. 49.25 98.50 40.81 5.90 21.70 1}3 .55 17.56 19.53 1.59 4.76 9.95 ash- 57.75 3.10 ,29.45 82.06 40.81 St.Bept.32.l2 49.25 98.50 40.81 61.2) 38.32 115.53 44.40 A motion to pay aforesaid l'J)ills from funds 'abo'We mentioned was- seconded by Councilman Freeman, Voted and carried. Councilman Fields made amotion to furnish Mr. Horton 10 gallons gas' for his car per week. This motion was se~onded by COuncilman Pounds, Vote & Car Councilman Freeman made a motion to have all City records moved back to the Ci ty Hal]. This motion died for lack of a second. ' Councilman Fields m~de a motion to charge $40.00 per month for Post Office and furnish water. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, Voted and ' carried. Councilman Freeman Voted NO. Councilman Minor made a motion to let Mr. McCabe maMe ~ new City Map to ~ scale of one mn~ to 100 feet instead of 300 feet to the inch. for the pric~ of $100.00, motion seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. C'ouncilman Fields made a motio~ tg give each City Official $2.00 for those exC'luded prop~rty owners each' f:f1~ they induce to sign up tocome ba'ck into the City without bringing them into Court. this motion was seconded by Councilman Po~nds, voted and carried. Councilman Minor Not Voting. Councilman Pounds made a motion to sell the old police scirene for $10.00 motion seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman Pounds made a motion that if the voltage will stand another street light, to have one installed at the uailroad Crossing on North ~luford. Avenue. AlsGI include in this motion to put a light a~ Mrs. Watson Corner at Orlando Street and one at Clark's Station on South Bluford Ave. Motion wa's seconded by COuncilman Freeman~ Voted and carried. 348 / Councilman Fields made a motion to get five, resume speed' signs and 10 stop signs, this motion was seconded by COuncilman Freeman, voted and carried. Mayor Salisbury agreed to check with the State Road' Dept. with the possibility of getting the signs from them. , . There being no further- busine's5', Coun:cilman Minor made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was secomded by COuncilman' Fields, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council,adjourned at 11:05 P.M.. ATTEST: ~..Iu?~ City Clerk ~~..l~~~/ ~1ayor ~ / ,",: ~,.. '~': ...t '(, . ' ~~\.l 'i' " .'I!~i~ " 1..' 1- ,1-