HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-1952 ',1 t ., MINUTES OF THE REGULAR "'MEETING OF, THE, CITY, - COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, ~lAY 20, 1952 349 Pre~se{lt; 9'ouncilmen, Fiel~s, Freeman, Murray and Pounds, Also, Mayor S~11sbury. ' Absent: Councilman Minor. ( ( A. quorum present. The meeting was called to. order by, Cha.irman Murray at 8: 00 P .~1. andJ. the minutes of the last regular meeting held May 7, 1952 w~re read and' Approved. , Councilman Field's, made a: motion to c:ro,~ prove' the payment of the following bills: ~ ' (a) frr~m Generai Fund: ,Cash paid out: $7.50 garbage.t$51.45 Streets;$8.office Exp. Florida; PO'\'ler" Corp. power and lights tb 5-8-52 C.' w. Stev~ns, 4 nights police duty Richard B-odiford, street labor through, 5-29,-52 66.95 56.02 8.00 40.81 (b) From Utility Tax Fund: 60.68 , ( Florida Power Corp. Power & Lights to 5-8-52 ',( c) From Cigarette' Tax Fund: Benjamin T. Shuman, May retainer ~d abstract for Judgme,nts 27.50 Finley M~nucipal Supply Co. pipe and materials for' wat~r dp 90.70 , , J. J. Boggan, April water dept for, laliror' 69.62' A motion to pay aforesai{1 bills from funds above mentioned was' seconded by Councilman Freem?-n, Voted and carried. Councilma,n Fields' ..made a motion to buy a pipe finder' for the ~ater department, this motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted & Carried. Councilman Fields made a>mot10n to hire: Bill Peoples' to clear street r:\ght-aways in Lake,vi'ew: subdivision, uith b"olldozier' if. $lJ.OO per hour from the railroad down to Lake Shore Drive, motion sedonded by counciiman Freeman,voted and carrie~, ( Councilman Freeman made ~ motion to advertize the lot City o\~s,' being 30 x 60 feet in the S\v cor of Lot 18, block 3, Town of' Ocoee, for' s'~le by seal bids, City reserves the' right to reject all bids'. This motion was seconded by Co?ncilman Pounds, vote de and carried:. An Ordinance: was read by the, Clerki An Ordinance entitled, "'An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, dec ~aring its intention to cmne'X a certain trac,t of' Land lying in Orange County, Florida 'to-wit: Lot 6 of' A .M. Clarke: subdiVJision, a ccord'ing to the Plat the'reof recorded in Play Book "H", page 20, of the public Fecord~ of Orange County, Florida. On motion made by Councilman Freeman and secoqded by Councilman Fields, said ordinance was unanimouslt adopted'. The Mayor being present approved said; ordInance, by signing the s~me. An .Ordinanc e was rea'd by the Clerk An Ordinanc:e eriti tled', "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florid~, de~iaring its intention to arnex a certain tract of' lan,d lying ~n Orange County, Florida to-wit',: 'West half of' lot, 3'9 of ~10ck'4, Town of Ocoee, according to th~ plat thereof recorded' in Play. B-ook TfA", page 100, of the public: records of Orange County, Florid'a. On motion by Councilman Freeman and' seconded by Councilmanl Fields, said' ordinanc~ was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present spproved said orcfinance by e;igning the same'. An Ordin~nce' was' rE)ad by the Clerk An ordinanc~ entitle, "An.; Ordinance of' the City of Ocoe~, Florida" deciaring its intention to annex a certain tract ,qf (land :l;ying Iblh Orange County, Florida" tel-wit: Lots: 9 and 10 of Bloqk 4, ,Town of Ocoee~, aCl:~c:ording to the Plat thereof'recorded in Play Book "Au; page, 100, of the Public records' of Orange County, Florida, said Ordinanc~ watS unanimously a '.dopted'. Tne' lv1ay0 l!'" being pr4sent approvedl said ordinance\ by sigining the same'. , \ \ continued to page~ 350. \ '\ \ --- 350 Brought forward from page 349 An ordinance was read by the Clerk, 'll.n ordinance ent i tled, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to. annex a certain tract of land lying in Orange County, Florlda,to-\'lit: Lots 42, 43n~44, 45 and East Half of lot 41 of Block 4, TOTIm of Ocoee, accordiing to the Plat thereof: recorded in Plat Bdok"'A;"pagel,.;lOO;~:p'ublicl'records Orange County, Florida. On motion ~ad~ by Councilman Freemanoand seconded by Councilman Fields, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present approved said ordinance by signing the same. \ An Ordinance was read by the Clerkr An Ordinance entitled, "An-Ordinance I of the City of Dcoee~ Florida, dec aring its intention to annex a ceFtain tract of Land lying in Orange County, Florida to-wit: Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and 39 of Sims Subdivision according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book F, page 126, of the Public records of Orange County, Florida. On motion mady by Councilman Freeman and seconded by. Councilman Fields, said ~ ordinance was unanimously: adopted., The Mayor being present approved said ordin~nce by signing the. s9me. . ~ ,; An Orainance was read by the Clerkr An Ordinance entit~ed, "An Ord~nance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, dec aring its intentaon to annex a certain , tract of Land lying in Orange County, Florida to-'\ri t: Lots~,l thru 12, inclusive, Clarks Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof .recorded in Plat B?ok A, page 118, ?f ~h~ public records of Orange Cou~ty, rlo~ida. On motlon made by Councl1man Freeman and seconded' by Councl1man Fields, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The 1\~ayor being present approved said ordinance' by signing the same. : - -. .,. An Orainance was read by the C'lerk, An Ordinance -entitled-, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract" of land lying Orange County, Florida to-wit: LotI 2 of Block. 2, Town of,Ocoee, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book A, page 100, of the public records of Orange County, Florida. On motion mad~ by Cmuncilman Freeman and seconded: by' Councilman FieldS, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present approved said ordinance by signing the same. - An Ordinance was read by the Clerk An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance I', of ~he City of Ocoe~, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract of land lying in Orange County, Florida to-wit: Lots 1 thru 18, i.nclusive, of Block B, Hicke)r Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof' recorded in Plat Book G, page 169, of the publdc records of Orange County, Florida. On motion mad~ ~y Councilman Freeman and seconded by Councilman Fields, 'said ordinarice was unanimously p,dopted. The Mayor being present r" ,.( '.., approved sa'id ordinance by: signing the same . ' , An ordinanc~ was read by the Clerk, An Ord~inarice entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract of land ~ying in Orange County,' Florida to-wit: Lots 1 thru 10, incl~s~ve~ of Bloc~:A, ~ickey's Subdivision, a?cording to the Plat thereof recorded ln Plat Book G page 169, (of the publlC records of Orange County, Florida. On motion mad~ by Gouncl1man Freeman and seconded ~y Councilman Fields, said ordinance was unanimously ad.opted. The Mayor being pres:ent approved said ordinance by 'signing the same. An Ordinance was read by the Clerk ~n Ordinance entitl~d, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract of land 'lying ln IDrange County,' Florida. to-wit: Lot 1 o~ A. 1\1. Clark Subdivision, ,according to the Plat bher~o:f recorded in l'lat Book H, page 20, of the 'pubric records of Orange County, Florida. On motion made ,by C'ouncilman Freeman and seconded ,by Councilman Fields,. said ordinance was 'unanimously adopted. The Mayor ~eing present approved said ordinance by signing ~he same. An Ordinance was read by the Clerk, An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex. a certain tract of land lying in Orange County,' Florida to-wit: Lots 50 and 51, Block 3, Town of acoe~, according to the'Plat thereof recorded in'Plat Book A, page 100, 'of the public records of IDrange County, Flor_~d..., On motion made by Councilman Freeman and seconded by Councilman Fields, said ordinanc~ was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present approved said or- dinance by signing the same. ' ' ' continued on page 351. J ( \ 351 Brought forward from pa~e 1~Q An Ordinance was read by the Clerk, An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract I of land'lying J.n Orange County, Florida to-'tlit: Lots 35, 36, 28 and 29 or Block 4, Town of Ocoee, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book A, page 100, of the public records of Orange County Florida. Dn motion made by Cbuncilman Freeman and seconded by Councilman fields, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present approved said ordinance by signing the same. An Ordinance was read by the Olerk, An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Gcoee, Florida, declaring its intention to annex a certain tract of land lying in Orange County, Florida to~wit: Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of Block 4, Town of Ocoee, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book A, page 100, of the public reqords of' ,Orange County, Florida. On motion made by Councilman Freeman and seconded by Councilman Fields, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Mayor being present approved said ordinance by signing the same. An Ordinance was read by the Clerki An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, dec aring its intention to annex a certain tract of land lying in Orange County, Florida to-wit: Lots 37 and 38 of Block 4, Town of'Ocoee, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book A, page 100, of the public records of Orange County, Florida. On motion made by Councilman Freeman and seconded by Councilman Fields, said ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Mayor'being present approved said ordinance by signing the same. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:40 P. M. ATTE~~~ City Clerk ~~(~ Mayor J , . C'ouncilman minor made a motiorn that the minutes: be correc,ted to include the approv~l of the three Ordinances Nos. 91, 9~ and 93, a~cep~ing . the p~op~r~y baek in~o the City as foll01'ls: to-'t'dt:, Lo'tt 4 io!- MaguJ.ref S AddJ. tJ,on acc:ordJ.ng to the Platt theFeof recor.ded. in' Pl~t Book G, page 10, of the Public records; of' Orange County, Fla., >, beJ.ng the property of J. A. Underwood, and Lot 11 B'lock B: of' Pounds Addlition, accor.~ing to the Plat thereof recorded in'Plalt ~ook N, page 14, of the Pub~J.~ r~cords of Orange County, Florida, being the property of :r.1rs. J. D. TtllJ.s, And Lots: Jl2, 33', and 3)4, Slock '4, of the~ TOlm or Ocoee', according to the Plat thereof rec:orde.d1 in Plat Book A page 100 of the Pub~ic Records~ of Orange County, Florida, being the p~operty of! Mrs. M. C,. Watson, these: Ord:inancel had ~een ~~itted from the minutes, and corrected: by meetJ.ng June Jrd, 1952. ThJ.s motJ.on was' duly secondem by / Councilman Freeman!, voted and carried:. ;J ATTEST: . ~ fr~~ City Clerk '~~~~~~ Mayor