HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-1953 I I 395 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1953 Presentt; Councilmen FIelds, Freeman, Minor', Pounds' and !-1urraJy Also Nayor Salisbury Ab sent: None- A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Chaiirman Ivlurray art 8:00 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held'l\larch 3, 1953 were read and approved]. Councilman Fields madG a' motion t:o approve the payment of the following hills: (a) From General Fund: Richard Bodiford', street labor through 3-14-53 Beorge H. Horton, Police salary to 3-15-53 w. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 3-15-5J Ca;sh padd1 out" $15. Streets, $2.25 Postage; $1.81 Office' S. z. Fleld~, gas and oil street dept. D. A. Walker~ Gas and oil street dept. Berryman's Service' Startion, gas and oil, street dept. COnrad's Garage~, truck repair s', street dept. Sam T. Salishury, Mayor fee 6 ~ases George H. Horton, Police fee 6 cases W. H. Wurst, Clerk fee 6 cases Richard Bodifor~, street labor through 3-21-55 Richard I3odiford1, street labor through 3 -28-5J, Orange County Firemans' Assn. 1953 dues (b) From Cir.;arette Tax F'lnd: G. R. Taylor, street dept. "Halker Cree'l, labor on fire truck H. D. Maguire, labor on fire' truck \'1. H. Wurst Agency, Insurance on new fire truc:k, Benjamin T. Shuman, Feby & Mar retainer, & drafting bill for new charter, and typing Finley's Municipal Supply Co., water dept. 40.6J 98.50 61.56, 19.06 1l,..J9 17 . 99' 41.07 31.44 18.00 12:.00 6.00 L~O .63' 40.63 10.00 104.00 100.00 100.00 180.19 2)15.00 10.97 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from funds above mentioned \Vas second'ed' by Councilman l\Jinor', voted upon and ca,rried. Much discussion was, carried on in connections with the drafting of the' bill for new charter and taking the excluded property ONners cuit into the Supreme Courts, ~s well as meeting with the Legislative Committee at the Court House March 20th. . (' There heing no further business, Councilman Min.'or made a motion that the' mee'ting be adjournecf. This'motion V'9)S seconded; by Councilman FieldS', voted, and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourne~ at 10:05 P.M. ATTEST: ~~ Gity Clenk ~~~k,v r.layoF'