HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-1953 1 "I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD \VEIi1NESDAY, APRIL 8, 1953 397 'Present; COuncilman Fields, Freeman, Iv1urray and Pound's, also r-1ayor ' Sal i sbury . Absent: Counci Iman :r.1inor " A quorum Presen~ The meeting was' called to ordwr by Chairman Murray at 8:30 P.M. andl the minutes of the last regular meeting held r.1arch 17, 1953 ,,,,ere read and7 approved'. Councilman'Pounds made a motion to approve the payment of the' following bills: (~) From General Fund': George H. Horton, Police salary to 4-1-53 w. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 4-1-53 Richard Bodiford", stree't labor Gash paid out, $37.50 Streets, $40. for 2:DOO post c:ards for '....a ter dept. & .89rf. po stage' Florida Telephone Co. bills tu 3-10-53 D. A. Walker, gas & oil street dept. Bray Hdwe Co. water dept. Reeves Servic Station, Oil and Tile', s~reet dept. \IT. H. Wurst, Agency, Insuranc'e OIl dump truck Winter Garden Hdvlfe' Co., street dept. Florida Power COrp. po'~r and lights to 3-10-53 Hood Tractor Co. street deut. Bishop Offic'e Equipment Co'.. sheets for minute hook O.A.S.I. Contr1i1bution Fund, Soc:ial Security to 3-31-53 Richard Bodiford', street labor through 4-11-5T W. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 4-15-53 Geor~e H. Horton, Police Salary to 4-15-53 Richard Bodifor~, street labor through 4;~-5J (h) From Utility Tax Fund: Henry Solomon, 4 Ibs' lead; for fire dept. R. A. Kerr, fire dept. Pittman Builders Supply Co., fire dept. M. & M Welding, fire deptr. Holler Motors, fire dept. 1st Nat. bank, fire truck payment~ (c') From CigeretteTax Fund: ~inter Garden Lbp' Co. St.Dept.$ZOO~19 Fire Dept$111.96 Bad'ge- r Ivleter Mfg Co. 3 new meters, ''later dept. Finley rv1unicipal Sur;ply Co., water dept. J. J. -Boggan, water dept. Florid'a Val V8' & Fitting Go. water d ept. J. L. Barron, 189',1" Galv pipe @ .21~ 98.50 61.56 40.63 78.3'9 17.22 27.02 1.12 40.16 6~.00 8.69 123.66 23'.40 7.48 45.6:? 40.63' 61.56 98.50 4.0.,63 , 2.40 7.25 3'.96 1.25 4.00 63.00 312.15 67.71 114.11 86.99 77.61 39.15 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from above mention funds was seconded by COuncilman Fields, voted and carried. The COuncil instruc:ted' Clerk to a1sk Forida Power COrp. to install two ne,'l lights, one at intesection of Lee and Otiis streets and one betwee'n Rev. C'Urry house and Church of God!. Lett.er r,ead from V. T. Hur1;lin about the unsanitary grounds adjoining his peoperty, asking Council to corre~t this. Counc'ilman Fields made a motion to let the Hayor order the nec;essary stop and slow,' signs and to order"twomore signs for Police car, this motion was see'ond'ed by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried'. over 398 Councilman Pounds nade a motion to give the Lions Club authority to close streets necessar.y for the day of boat races in Starke Lake, this motion was s8conded by Councilman Freeman, voted _and carried'. There being no further business, COuncilman Pounds made a motion that meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Cou~cilman Fields, voted. and carried. Thereupon, the COuncil adjourned at 10:20 p.r,1. ATTEST: ~~ City Clerk ~~~~ y Mayor the~ 1 .-