HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-1953 r- , '. IvIINU'rES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF"OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 21. 1953 399 ~ Present: Councilmen Fie'lds, r-1urray and Poun~s', a'lso fvTayor Sa'lisbuL'Y. Ab sent": C.ouncilmen Freeman and Minor A quorum present. The meeting was called to order by Cha"irman Hurray at 8: 00 P .H. and the' minute s of the last regular meeting held April 8, 1953' were read and1 approved: Councilman Pounds made' a motion to ?-pprove the payment of the follm.,ing' bills: (a) From General Fund: C~sh paid out, $49.30 streot dept. $20.70 Fire dept. ~3.30 postage Sam T. Salisbury, mayor',s fee on 16 cases Gcorge H. Horton, Police "fee on 16 case s' W. H. \'lurst,' Clerk's fee' on 16 ca'ses S. Z. Fields, gas and oil, street dept. Florida Power Corp. power & Lights to 4-R-53' Hood Tractor Co. mower parts, street dep.t Benjamin T. Shuman, April retainer and balance in full for appeal to Supreme C'ourt case s Floridro Telephone Co. Bills to 4-10-53 Richard Bodiford, street labor through 4-25-53 Board of County Commissioners, 200' of 12" pipe and v four clamps Board of County Commissioners', 25 loads of c1ay @$l. 75 Georee H. Horton, '"'Police salary to 5-1-53' Vi. H. Wurst, Clerk salary to 5 -1-53 Ricbard' Bodifor~, street labor through 5-2-53 (b) From Utility Tax Fund': Hughes Supply, Inc~., y..Taterials for toilet,fire dept. (c) From' Cigarette Tax Fund: Florid~ Valve & Fitting Go. water dept. Finley Huni~ipa'l Supply Co. water dept. 73.30 48.00 32.00 16.00 44.24 128.74 22.66 288.00 17.12' 40 . 63\ 420.24 43.75 98.50 61.56 40.6)' 3'9.44 11-5'.00 154.05 A motion to pay aforesaid hills from ao'ove mentioned fund was' sec'Onded1 by Councilman Fields, voted and ~arried. Being no further business, -Counci Iman Founds made a mot~on tha~ the meeting be adjourned. This motion was seconded by Councllman Flelds, voted and c'arried. Thereupon, the Counc il adj ourned1 at 9: 3 5 P. r,1. ATTEST: ~~ City Clerk \~~ S~~ Ivlayor