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FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1953
Present: Councilmen Fie'lds, Freeman, Maguire and. Pounds.
Also Mayor Salisbury.
Absent: Councilman Minor.
A quorum presBn~' ~
c :.I'"j9r\
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Maguire at 4: 15 P .M."for
the purpose of hearing-a report from City Attorney on excluded property
: ' l'
Court question. .
.r rr
The Clerk presented to the COuncil and Mayor and Ordinance being number
108 and entitled, An'ordinance to amend section 9 of. ordinance number 1
of the City of Ocoeej Florida, relating to and promulgation of Ordinances
in the City of Ocoee, Florida: After reading of said ordinance, Councilman
Fields made a motion to a dopt this ordinance for posting ordinances.
Thi9 motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried.
At this time the Council commenced revising the 1953 Tax rolls..
There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a-motion that the
meeting be recessed until further notice or. until next regular meeting.
This motion i'Vas sec:onded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. There-
upon, the Council recessed at 5:40 P.M.
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City Clerk
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T~ESDAY, JULy 28 L1-.25.} ,
J ( ~
. .
Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Maguir~ and Pounds.
Also, Mayor' Sal~sbury
Absente: Councilman Minor
A quorum present.
The meeting i-rcDS called to order by Chairman JI.~aguire-' at 7: 50 P .Jl.1. for" the
purpose of reviewing the 1953 Tax rolls and' to. adopt the. following
The Clerk presented to the J.~ayor .and Council the' following Ordinances
for:....8:dopti()n. Being.. numb"e~s 109 to 1?5 inclup}ve.._.,_..._,... ,.,_,,_ .___
'....' ~~.~u i....:L ~ :i." .l.t: .: ..Y' :.).: . ... i-i' r
Ordinance No. 109, entitled1 an Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida,
regulating and prescribing-the method whereby a person desireing to run
for pmb~ic office in the City of Ocoee, Florida, may have his name- placed
upon the ballot and fixing a fee: to be aharge~ therefor.
. .
Ord'inanc6' No. 110, An Ordinance' to pepea~l an Ordinance of the> City of Ocoee,
Florida numbered1 94, Said Ord'inance being an ordinance- declaring the' intentj
om of the City of Oc;oee, Florida't,o annex a tract of land lying contiguous
to the D~undaries of said City, Partieolarly descTibed as follows: Lot 6
of A.J\l.Clark's Subdivision Plat book "HIt, page 20, Public records of Orange
County, Florida.
Continued on page.4l4
Forwarded from page 413
Ordinance' No~lll, An ordinanc: to r~peal an ?rdinance of the City of
~C'oee, . Florida Num~ered 95, sa1.d~ oed1.nance be1.ng an ordlinance declaring the'
l.ntent1.?ni of th~ C1.ty of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract or
land ~Y1.ng cont1.guous'to the Doundarie-'s of' said! City, particularly
descr1.bed as follows:, The West ~ of lot 39, of block 4 of the Twown or
Oeoee, Pla't book "A", page 100, Oublic Rec.ords of Orange C unty Florida
No' . 0 ., ·
Ordi~a?cejl12, An ordin~nce' to pepeal an ordinance of th~ City of Ocuee~
Flor7da numbered. 96, sa1.d,ordinance being an ordinance' declaring the in:-
ter;t1.on of. the C1.ty of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain trac.t of' lancP
lY1.ng cont.1.guous to the boundaries of said City Pa>rticularly d~scribed
as follows: Lots 9 and 10 of bloC'k 4- of Town of'Ocoee Plat Book "A" page i:
100, Public recor ds of Orange County, Florida.' ,
Ordinance ~o.. 113, An ordinanc~ to r~peal an ordinanc~' of the City off.'
Ocoee, Florida numbereu 97, sa1.d ord1.nance being an Ordinance declaring
the ,irrt~ntion o~ the City of Ocoe'e', Flor~da to annex' a certain trac't of'
land ~Y1.ng cont1.guous' to the boundaries of said CitYt particularily
~eseT1.bed as follows: LotS' 42:,43~,44 45 and the east ~ of lot 41 of'
rr-loC'k 4m Town of Ocoee', plat book "A" pa'ge 100, Public rec'ords of Orange
Ordinance' No. 114, An ordinance to repeal an ordinance of the City of'
.Ocoee"Florida numbere~ 98, said ordinanc~ being an ordinan~e' declar~
ing the intentiom of the C1.ty of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract
of land lying contiguous to the'. boundaries of s'aid1 City, particularly
described a's follow's: Lots 25, 26, 28 and 39 of Sims' Subdivision, 'Plat
Book "X", page 126, PubliC' records' of orange County, Florida'.
Ord~nance' No.115, ~n ordinance to repeal an ordinance of the City of'
Ocoee, Florida number~d 99, said ordinance being an, ordinance' declaring
the intention of the Gity of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tr~ct of
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City, particularly
described as follows: Lots 1 to 12 inC'lusive of Clark's Suhdivision, Plat
Book "A", page 118, Public Ree:ords' of Orange County;, Florida.
, '
Ordinanc~ No. 116, An Ordinance, to repeal an ordinance' of th~ City of'
Ocoee, Florida numbere~ 100, said ordinance' being an ordinance declaring
the intention of the C1.ty of Ocoee', Florida to annex a certain tracX of
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City particularly
desc:ribed as follows: Lot2 Bloc 2 of,' Town of Ocoee~, ,Plat :Sook "A", page
'100, Public records of Orarige County, Florida.
Ord'inance No. 117, An Orddnance to repeal a1. ordinance of the' City off'
Ocoee, Florida numbered 101, said Ordinance being an Ordinance declaring
the intentions of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract off.'
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City, ParticulaF.'ly
described as' follows: Lot 1 to 18 inihTusive of, Block "B" of Hickey's Sub-
division, Plat Book "G", page 169, Public Rec::ords of Orange County, Fla'.
.,. ~.... .
Ordinance No. 118, An Ordinance to repeal anOrdinanc~ of. the City of
Ocoee Florida numberecT 1021, said ordinance being an ordinance dec:laring
the i~tentions of the City of Ocoee, Florida to' annex a certain-tract of land.
lying contiguous to the'" boundaries of' said City, particularly desc:ribed
a's follows': Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block "A" of Hickey's subdivision
Plat Book "G", pag~ 169, Public Records' of Orange County, Florida.
Ord'inanc~ No. 119, An ~rdinance to repea~ an Ordinance of the- City of
Ocoee Florida, numbere-d 103, said ordinance' being an Ordinance declaring
thBei~tentions of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex a c~rtain tract of
land lying c:ontiguous to the boundaries of said City, particularly des-
cribed as- follows: Lot 1 of A. M. Caark's subdivision, Plat Book "H", page'
20, P~blic Records of Orange County, Florida. ., I
Ordinance' No. 120 An o~dinance to repeal an ordinance of the City of'
Ocoee Florid'a n~mberecf'104, s51id' ordinance' be ing an ordinance declaring
the i~te'ntion ~f the City Gf Ocoee" Florida to annex' 9. certain tract of
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City, partieularly..des-
cribed as follows: Lot 50 and 51 of B'lock 3l of Town of Ocoee, Pla,t b'Ook !lA"
Page 100, Public records of Orange County, Florid~
Forwarded to page 415
Continued from page 414. ./ ,-
Ordinance" No. ' 120 ~An ordinSl~ to pepeal an Gfdinanc'lohhe> '
City 0 Ocoee,,~'lorida, n~bered 104, sa~.d rdinancPyoeing an ordinanc~
dec la ing the ~ntent iO~' the C/ty of' Oc ee', Florida to atlnex a certain
tr~ of la~ lying con iguous to the bo ndaries of said City,particu-
lar y descrtbed as fol ows:
Ordinance No. 121., An Ordinance' to repeal an Ordinance- of the' City of
Ocoee, Florida, numbered 105, said ordinance~ being an ordinance de~laring
the intention of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract of'
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City, partibularly
de'scribed aJS follo'\l'ls: Lots 35,36 28 and 29 of Block 4, of the Town of
of Ocoee', Plat Book "A" J page 100, Public records' of Orange Coumty, Fla.
Ordinance No. 122, An ordinance. to repeal an Ordinance of the City of'
Ocoee, Florida, numbere~ 106, said'ordinance' being an Ordinan~e declaring
the intention of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract of'
land lying contiguous to' the boundaries of said City~ parti~llarly desc-
rdbed a's follows: Lots 19,20 2)1,22:,23,2'4 and 25, of .tjlock 4 of TO\m of
Ocoee', Plat Book" A", page 100, Public rec:ords of Orange County" Florida.
Ordinance No., 123, An Ordinance~ to repeal an ordinance of the City of
Ocoee, Florida', numbered' 107, said ordinance' heing an ordinance declaring
the intention of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annexa certai11l tract of
land lying contiguous to the boundaries of said City, particularly des~-
ribed as follows': Lots 37 and 38, :g,lock "H" of the Town of Ocoee, Plat
Book "AA, page 100, Public records of Orange CeuIJt,y, Florida.
Ordinance No. 124., An Ordinance prescrihing the qualifications necessary
for 'a person to hold' an elected' publi office of the City of Ocoee, Florida
Ordinance' No. 125. An ordinance to prohibit persons from soli~iting votes
for themselves or others, and to prohibit; persons from holding themselves
or others out as cand'idate s for a City office in the City of Ocoe-e,
Florida, Unless said person form whom said votes aTe solicited:, or' who
holds himself out, or is held' out as a candidate for an office of the
C'i ty of Ocoee', has registered' and paid a fee'~ in the' manner provided in
ordinance, No. 109 of the City of Ocoee, Florida.
Councilman Freeman made' a motion to adopt all ordinances numbered: 109
to 125 in~lusive>, and have copies: of same du~y posted', this motion was
sec'ond'ed by Councilman Fields, voted upon and carried1.
There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion that'
the meeting be rec'essed subject to call or' until next regular'meeting,
This motion wa's se<ronded by Counc'ilman Pounds, V70ted and carried'. There-
upon, the COuncil recessed; aTt IJJ:20 P.M.
~ i......,t<
City Clerk.