HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-1953 III r~ .. ~ ~ ~ I<lINUTES OF THE REGULAR r.'lEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OB' THE CITY GF OCOEE, FLORillA, HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 I 1953'~ 431 Present: Councilmen.Fields, Freeman, Maguire, Minor and Pounds, Als'o, 1\1ayor Salisbury Ab sent: None A quopum' pres~nt. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Maguire at 8: 00 P .~~. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held September 15, 1953 were read' and approved'. Councilman Freeman made a mot1on to approve the payment of the following bills: (~) From General Fund: Cash paid out, Street Dept. $41.25 office ~xp.$7.50 Roger Henry, gas & Oil street dept. ' Motor Vehicle Commissioner, street dept.' O.a.S.I. Contribution Fund, quarter ending 9-30-53 Corinne D. Fryling, City Hall Repairs, painting P.O. Florida Telephone co. bills to 9-10-53 Richard Bodifo:r:-d, Street labor through 10-9-53) VI. H. Wurst, Clerit.o 10-15-53' George H. Horton, police to'lO-15-5J Richard Bodiford, street labor through 10-17-53' (b) From Utility Tax FUnd: ,First National Bank, W.G. Fire Truck Payment Holler Motors, Fire dept. cleaning truck (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund: 48.75 6.05 .50 45.55 )'0.75 15.82' 40.6)- 61.56 98.50 40.6)' 63.00 12.50 Joiner Auto Parts, Street dept. Pounds Motor Co. Street dept. Florida Power COrp. Power & Lights to 9-9-53' Benjamin T. Shuman, Retainer fees through Oct.1953 and Two Ordinance 1953 Taxes H. A. Creel, Gas and Oil Street DBpt. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Street Dept. Tire & Tube 20.67 3.90 121.88 65.00 47.84 56.45 fa motion to pay aforesai'd bills' from above mentioned funds was seconded by C ounc'ilman JlUnor', voted and carried'. Holler ~10tors Salesman Heidt was present to see about getting a refund of $110.84 he claimed was made to the City through error, after much discussion, Councilman 1Hnor made a motion to make thd.s refund, the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Fields made' a motion to table the question of the refund until I we could get better figures, this motion was seconded by Councilman Pound's' voted and carried. I Councilman Fields made a motion to rldopt Ordinanc~ No~ 12&, ~eing an Ordinance' levying a tax upon all taxable' property within the City of Ocoee', Florida, for the tax year beginning November 1, 1953, and ending O~tober 31, 1954. this moti~n was seconded by Councilman Pounds. voted' and carried. Councilman Fields made a 'motion to adopt Ordinance No. 127, being an Ordinance appropriating and allocating all revenue and funds of the' City of Ocoee', Florida, for the tax year' beginning on November 1, 1953, and ending on October 31, 1954. this motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion that the Clerk contact some auditor to ma.ke bids on auditing the City books for the year 1953, this motion was seconded by Counilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made a motion that the City Election Polls be opened on November J 1953 at 7: 00 Oclock AN and close at 7: 00 P .1,1., this motion i'la'S seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. ( OVER) ---- .......... _432 ~, CONTINUED FROI.l PAGE 431 ' " Councilman Fields made a motion .to contact l\lr. Cloude of the Florida POi1er Corp. about running street lights around tffE\' lake, also put one at Wilbur Johnson's corner. this motion was seconded by COuncilman Pounds, voted and carried. ' There bming -no further business COuncilman Fields made a motion that the meeting be adhourned. This motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 10:30 P . ~~ . ATTEST: ~~~ , City C'leri 9~13c&L . l\'~aJ:or ~ i ";{ , , II ....1\ i II