HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1953 J ........ -- MINUTES OF 'filE REGULAR NEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UCUEE, FLORIDA,HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1953 433 Pre sent: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Maguire, 1,1inor and Pound's, Also, Mayor Salisbury. Ab sent,: A q1l0rum present. None The meeting ViaS called to order by Chairman Maguire- at 7: 45 P.M. and tre' ~inutes of the last regular' meeting held October 5, 195) \~re read and approved. ' Couhc'ilman Fields made ,a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: ...;..~ fal) 'Fromc'Genera~JE1:lnd: J. R. Cox, 45 hrs street labor @ .75~ Cash paid out, $49.50 street labor, $1.3'4 office Exp. Sam T. Salisbury, mayors' fee' 14 c:ases George H. Horton, Police fee, 14 cases W. H. 1.1urst, Clerk fee, 14 case so S. Z. 'Fields, Street Dept, gas and' oil The Burgess Press, office expen~~ Utili ty Service' 8,0. City Hall Repa.irs Ric'hard Bod'iford\ Street Labor through 10-2h-53' Raymon~ Spears, 10 hrs street labor @ .75t Davi~ Murwin, 10'hrs street labor @ .75f Richard Eodifordi, Street labor through 10-31-53 w. H. Wurst, Clerk to 11-1-53 George H.'Horton, Police to 11-1-53 J. R. cox, 13 hrs street labor @ .75~ (b:) From Utility Tax F"nd: 33.75 50.84 42.00 28.00 14.00 27 .93' ~5.35 38.50 40.63' 7.50 7.50 40.63 61.56 # 9~.50 9.75 Iserman & Co., Fire Dept. Eureka Fire Hos~, fire dept. (c) From C i~aret te Tmc Fund': C. R. Freeman, street dept. 68 hrs. @ .85@ J. R. Cox, 45 hrs street labor @ .75~ David J-Turwin, Street labor'. )7~ qrs @ .75 Raymond Spears, street labor, 37'2 hrs : .75~ 8.07 122.98 57.80 33.75 28.1~ 28.1~ A motion t'o pay aforesaid bills from abDve mentioned funds was seconded by COuncilman Pounds, voted and carried!., Mr. Cloud of the Florida Power Corp. present about getting a contract for the water pump. Councilman Minor made a motion to adopt ,the contP"'l.Q..t subject to the approval of the City Attoryney, thig motion died' for lack./'" of a second. Councilman Fie'ld's made a- motion to have the Sanitary enginee-rs to enforce the lavl on out d'oor toile'tts through the State Boad of' Health inspectors, a'nd to conform to the sani ta'tion code, this motion wag sec'onded by Counc'ilm am l\linor, vdlted and carrie~. There being no further business, Councilman F.ields rrade a motion that the meeting be adjourned until Vled'ne'sd'ay November 4th 1953), this motion\'ras secomred' by Counc ilman' Freeman voted andl carried. Thereupon, the COnnc'il ad'j ourned at 10: 20 r .1\1. ATTEST: #1kil~ City Clerk. ~~~~ l'hayor